The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abraham, Stephen
Abrams, Floyd
Absalom, Absalom (Faulkner)
Abu Ghraib
“active liberty” principle
Adams, John
Adegbile, Debo
Adelson, Sheldon
administrative law
Administrative Review Boards
affirmative action
Affordable Care Act (ACA, “Obamacare”, 2010). See also National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (Health Care Case)
argument to invalidate outright
contraception and
economic liberty and
enactment and provisions of
future of Court and
individual mandate and
Medicaid expansion and
Obama’s delay of parts of
Roberts’s vote on
taxing power and
African Americans. See also affirmative action; and specific issues and cases
civil rights of
gun rights and
school segregation and
Supreme Court appearances and
Three-Fifths Clause and
voting rights and
Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International (AID)
Agnew, Spiro
Al-Aulaqi, Anwar
Al-Aulaqi, Nasser
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
Alito, Samuel A., Jr.
affirmative action and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Breyer and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association and
Citizens United and
Clapper and
Comstock and
criminal justice and
Doe v. Reed and
Fisher and
free speech and
Health Care Case and
Heller and
HLP and
Jardines and
Jones and
Katz and
Kebodeaux and
King and
McDonald and
Morse and
NASA and
privacy law and
public sector unions and
Scalia and
Snyder and
Sorrell and
State of the Union Address and
Stevens and
Stolen Valor Act and
Windsor and
women’s pay discrimination and
Al Qaeda
Alvarez, Xavier
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Express v. Italian Colors Restaurant
Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Inc.
Anderson, Mark
And for the Sake of the Kids
animal cruelty
anti-distortion theory
antitrust law
anti-war protesters
Arizona Free Enterprise Club v. Bennett
Arizona v. United States
asbestos battle
Aspen Ideas Festival
Association of American Law Schools
AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion
Aurora, Colorado, massacre
Authorization for the Use of Military Force Act (AUMF)
Balkin, Jack
Banks, Ronald
Barnett, Randy
Barnette, Marie and Gathie
Bazile, Leon
Beard v. Banks
Bellamy, Francis
Benjamin, Brent
Bentham, Jeremy
Berghuis v. Thompkins
Bill of Rights. See also individual amendments and rights
federalism and
incorporation and
original twelve
Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group
Black, Hugo L.
Blackmun, Harry
Blankenship, Don
Blocher, Joseph
Bond, Carol Anne
Bond v. United States
Bork, Robert
Boumediene v. Bush
Bowers v. Hardwick
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1994)
Brandeis, Louis D.
free speech and
on government as teacher
Olmstead dissent of
transparency and
Brennan, William, J., Jr.
Breyer, Stephen
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
Alito and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Beard and
Boumediene and
Brown v. Board of Education and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association and
Citizens United and
Clapper and
Comstock and
death penalty appeal
dissents by
Doe v. Reed and
federal bureaucracies and
Fisher and
free speech and
Hamdan and
Hamdi and
Heller and
Herring and
HLP and
Jones and
Kebodeaux and
King and
McDonald and
Morse and
Parents Involved and
Rasul and
Shelby County and
Sorrell and
Sotomayor and
states’ rights and
Supreme Court entrance and
Windsor and
Brown, Janice Rogers
Brown, Scott
Brownback, Sam
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
Brudney, Victor
Buckley v. Valeo
Burger, Warren
Burke, Edmund
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Alito and
HIV/AIDS funding and
Roberts and
State of the Union Address
war on terror and
business (corporations). See also campaign finance; Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission; and other specific cases
accountability of, and courts
arbitration and
class action and
consumers vs.
data collection by
free speech and
procedural rules and
Roberts Court as friendly to
“Business Reigns Supreme” (Washington Post)
Cain, Herman
Calhoun, Bongani
Calhoun v. United States
California Institute of Technology
California Proposition
California Supreme Court
campaign finance
anti-corruption and
anti-distortion and
Buckley and
Caperton and
Citizens United and
foreign contributions and
public funding and
transparency and disclosure and
Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Co.
Cardozo, Benjamin
Caroline County, Virginia, Circuit Court
Ceballow, Richard
cell phones and smartphones
censorship. See also First Amendment; free speech
Center for Competitive Politics
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chandler, Adam
Charles, Guy-Uriel
checks and balances. See also separation of powers
detainees and
federal agencies and
Truman and
Chekhov, Anton
Chemical Weapons Convention
Chicago gun laws
church and state cases
Churchill, Winston
detention of
drone targeting of
surveillance of
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Alito and
anti-corruption and
anti-distortion and
Buckley and
Caperton and
Colbert on
corporate personhood and
criticisms of
disclosure and
Doe v. Reed and
First and Second Amendment dynamic and
foreign spending and
free speech and
historical context of
impact of v. FEC and
Kagan and
Kennedy and
Lessig on
Obama and
re-argument of First Amendment issues and
Roberts and
Scalia and
Stevens and
Thomas and
civil rights litigation. See also Fourth Amendment; police misconduct; and specific cases
access and
nondisclosure of exculpatory evidence
remedy for police misconduct
civil rights movement
Civil War
Civil War amendments. See also Fifteenth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment
Clapper v. Amnesty International USA
Clark, Tom
class actions
Clausewitz, Carl von
Clean Citizens Elections Act (Arizona, 1998)
Clement, Paul
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Coburn, Tom
Colbert, Stephen
Cold Case (TV show)
Cold War
Collins, Jason
Colorado constitution
color blindness
Combatant Status Review Tribunals (CSRTs)
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
Commerce Clause
common law process
confessions, coerced
Congressional Record
Connick v. Thompson
ACA and
Alito and
Breyer and Kagan and
campaign finance laws and
detainees and
differences among
economic regulation and
federal bureaucracy and
federalism and
gun rights and
Kennedy and
Necessary and Proper Clause and
presidential power and
privacy and
Roberts and
Scalia and
Souter and
Thomas and
trends in Court and
data collection and
limits on lawsuits by
contract employees
Cooper, Anthony
Cooper v. Aaron
copyright laws
Cornhusker Kickback
Cornyn, John
corporations. See business
Bennett and
Caperton and
Citizens United and and
privacy and
Roberts Court as anti-court
Crawford, Jan
criminal justice. See also Fourth Amendment
Alito and
anti-sodomy laws and
children and
concealed evidence and
DNA collection and
federal power and
GPS tracking and
gun rights and
illegal search and
material support for terrorists and
Miranda rights and
plea bargains and
prisoners’ free speech rights and
privacy and
race-based discrimination and
sex offenders and
Sotomayor and
wiretapping and
Crossroads GPS
cruel and unusual punishment
crush videos
Daily Show (TV show)
Dark Knight Rises, The (film)
Darrow, Clarence
data collection
Dawn (spacecraft)
death penalty
Defense Department
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA, 1996)
Bennett and
campaign finance and
economic regulation and
federal bureaucracy and
free speech and
government bribes and
gun rights and
privacy and
role of Court and
Scalia and
Voting Rights Act and
Democratic Party
National Convention of 2012
primary of 2008
Detainee Treatment Act (DTA, 2005)
detention regime
Dickerson, Allen
dignity principle
DISCLOSE Act (proposed)
discrimination. See also racial equality; sex equality
class actions and
sexual orientation and
undoing of past
Disraeli, Benjamin
District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals
District of Columbia v. Heller
DNA databases
Doe v. Reed
domestic violence
“don’t ask, don’t tell” policy
Douglas, William O.
DREAM Act (proposed)
Dreeben, Michael
drone strikes
drug-sniffing dogs
Due Process Clause
drone strikes and
Fifth Amendment and
Fourteenth Amendment and
gun rights and
Hamdi and
informational privacy and
Ebert, Roger
economic liberty. See also Commerce Clause; regulation and deregulation
Lochner doctrine
procedural rules and
Eighth Amendment (1791)
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
elections. See also campaign finance
of 1994
of 2012
El Salvador
“Embarrassing Second Amendment, The” (Levinson)
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (1986)
enemy combatants. See detention regime; Guantánamo Bay; renditions, secret
environmental laws
equality. See also gay and lesbian rights; racial equality
affirmative action and
gay rights and
history of slavery and legal segregation and
interracial marriage and
prosecutorial stereotyping and
same-sex marriage and
school desegregation and
voting rights and
Equal Protection Clause. See also equality
access to judicial justice and
Brown v. Board of Education and
Civil War amendments and
defining meaning of
Fisher and
gay rights and
Ginsburg on
Grutter and
gun rights and
Indianapolis sewer case and
marriage and
originalism and
Parents Involved and
timing and
Voting Rights Act and
“Fall of France” opinion
family-planning clinics
Faulkner, William
Federal Arbitration Act (FAA, 1925)
federal bureaucracy
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
federalism. See also Commerce Clause; regulation and deregulation; separation of powers; states
ACA and
Bond and
Commerce Clause and
Comstock and
federal regulation of gun laws and
limits on federal power and
Medicaid expansion and
Rehnquist Court and
Shelby County and
Windsor and
Federalist Papers
federal police power
Feingold, Russ
Fifteenth Amendment (1870)
Fifth Amendment (1791)
Due Process Clause and executive power
informational privacy and
Miranda rights and
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
Firearms Owners Protection Act (1986)
First Amendment (1791). See also free speech; religion
campaign finance and
complexity of, and competing values
crush videos and
“don’t ask, don’t tell” and
false speech and
“fire” in crowded theater and
Fourth Amendment and
future trend of Court and
government bribes and
gun rights and
historical context of
HIV/AIDS funding and
human rights activists and
legal aid groups and
“Live Free or Die” and
military funeral protests and
military recruiters in law schools and
national security and
obscenity and
Pledge of Allegiance, and
prescription drugs and
prisoners’ rights and
privacy and
public employees and
public sector unions and
Second Amendment and
states and Fourteenth Amendment and
students and
“the people” defined in
tradition-based analysis and
violent video games and
FISA Amendments Act (2008)
Fisher, Abigail
Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin
501(c) groups
Florida v. Jardines
Foner, Eric
Ford, Gerald
foreign affairs
campaign spending and
detention of
surveillance of
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA, 1978)
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR)
Fourteenth Amendment (1868). See also Equal Protection Clause
First Amendment and
gun rights and
Voting Rights Act and
Fourth Amendment (1791)
DNA databases and
drug-sniffing dogs and
GPS tracking and
gun rights and
historical context and
informational privacy and
limits on protections of
Miranda and
mosaic theory and
privacy and
questionnaires and
reasonableness and
suppression remedy and
technology and
“the people” defined in
wiretapping and
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
France, Anatole
Frankfurter, Felix
Franklin, Benjamin
Frederick, Joseph
Free Enterprise Fund v. PCAOB
free market
free speech. See also First Amendment; and specific cases
abortion clinics and
campaign finance and
dangerous speech and
defining “abridgement” and
economic transactions and
false statements and
“fire” in crowded theater and
historical context of
prior restraints on
privacy and
protected vs. unprotected categories
Friendly, Henry
Frost, Robert
Garcetti v. Ceballos
Gawande, Atul
gay and lesbian rights
consensual sex as crime and
discrimination and
“don’t ask, don’t tell” and
FAIR and
marriage and
Scalia and
generative constitutional theory
Geneva Conventions
Gerken, Heather
Gideon v. Wainwright
Gingrich, Newt
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Beard and
Boumediene and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association and
Citizens United and
civil procedure and
Connick and
federal bureaucracy and
Fisher and
free speech and
Hamdi and
Heller and
Herring and
HLP and
Jardines and
King and
Lilly Ledbetter Act and
McDonald and
Morse and
Scalia and
Shelby County and
Sorrell and
Supreme Court entrance and
Windsor and
women’s rights and
Girardi, Joe
Glendon, Mary Ann
Golding, William
Goldsmith, Jack
Goldstein, Tom
government bribes
ACA Medicaid expansion and
coercive threats vs. acceptable
drinking age and
family planning funding
HIV/AIDS funding and
legal aid groups and
license plates and
military recruiting in law schools and
plea bargains and
Pledge of Allegiance and
respect for rights and
tax relief for churches and
GPS tracking
Great Depression
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)
Great Society
Greenhouse, Linda
Grutter v. Bollinger
Guantánamo Bay
“Guantánamo Mess, The” (Randolph)
Guidelines on Constitutional Litigation (Justice Department)
gun rights. See also Second Amendment
assault weapons and
concealed carrying and
democracy and
executive orders and
gun violence statistics and
Heller and
historical context and debate on
home vs. public sphere and
mandates requiring purchase of
McDonald and
minors and
post-Heller consensus view and
post-Heller originalism and
reform proposals on
semiautomatic weapons
“sensitive places” and
technology and
Tushnet on three variants of
habeas corpus
Hamdan, Salim Ahmed
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
Hamdi, Yaser Esam
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
Hamilton, Alexander
Harlan, John Marshall, II
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Robert Pogue
Harvard Law School
Hasen, Rick
Hatch, Orrin
Hawaii Supreme Court
Haynes, Myrlinda
Health and Human Services Department
health care. See Affordable Care Act; Medicaid; National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (Health Care Case)
Helgert, Christopher
Heller. See District of Columbia v. Heller
Henry, Patrick
Heritage Foundation
Herring v. United States
Heston, Charlton
Hillary: The Movie (video)
Holder, Eric
Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project (HLP)
Holmes, James
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Howe, Amy
human rights activists
Huxley, Aldous
incorporation doctrine
Indianapolis sewer case
individual mandate
informational privacy
NASA and
Inglourious Basterds (film)
intellectual property
intelligence programs
privacy and
standing and
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
interrogation, enhanced. See also torture
Jackson, Robert H.
free speech and
on history
on repudiated positions
search and seizure and
Youngstown and
Jackson, Samuel
Japanese-American internment
Jardines, Joelis
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson County, Kentucky
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jim Crow
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jones, Antoine
Joyce, Jim
judicial activism
judicial elections
judicial restraint
judicial review
detainees and
standing and
civil rights suits and remedies and
federal bureaucracies and
limits on, and political branches
presidential power and
role of, reshaped by Roberts Court
Justice Department
Kafka, Franz
Kagan, Elena
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Bennett and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
business cases and
children’s life-without-parole sentences and
Citizens United and
confirmation of
FAIR and
federal bureaucracy and
free speech and
HLP and
Italian Colors and
Jardines and
Jones and
Katz and
King and
privacy and
recusal and
Shelby County and
Sorrell and
Stevens and
Windsor and
Kahan, Dan
Karlan, Pam
Katz, Charles
Katz v. United States
Kavanaugh, Brett
Kennedy, Anthony
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Berghuis and
Bond and
Boumediene and
Bowers and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association and
business and
cameras in courtroom and
Citizens United and
Comstock and
Fisher and
free speech and
Garcetti and
gay rights and
Grutter and
HLP and
Jones and
King and
Lafler and
Lawrence and
liberty and
Morse and
Parents Involved and
privacy and
Romer and
Scalia and
Shelby County and
Sorrell and
Velazquez and
Windsor and
Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted”
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Key, Francis Scott
Khayyám, Omar
King, Alonzo
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Koestler, Arthur
Korean War
Korematsu v. United States
Kozinski, Alex
Kucinich, Dennis
Kurdistan Workers’ Party
Laden, Osama bin
Lafler v. Cooper
Lanza, Adam
law and order
Lawrence v. Texas
law schools
access to
surveillance of
legal aid organizations
Legal Services Corporation v. Velazquez
Lennon, John
Leon, Richard J.
Lepore, Jill
Lessig, Lawrence
Levinson, Sanford V.
Levitas, Elliott
libel laws
ACA (Health Care Case) and
Citizens United and
Equal Protection Clause and
Ginsburg and
Katz and
Roberts and
Shelby County and
Sotomayor and
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
ACA and
concept of liberty and
economic regulation and
federalism and
Kennedy and
progressive challenge to
Roberts and
liberty. See also economic liberty; free speech
ACA and
Boumediene and
Kennedy and
libertarian vs. progressive accounts of
privacy and
Roberts and
same-sex marriage and
security and
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)
Lincoln, Abraham
Liptak, Adam
Lithwick, Dahlia
“Live Free or Die” license plates
Lochner era
Long Term Segregation Unit (LTSU)
Lord of the Flies (Golding)
Los Angeles Times
Loving, Richard and Mildred
Loving v. Virginia
loyalty oaths
Madison, James
Marbury v. Madison
Marshall, John
Marshall, Margaret
Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, Trayvon
Maryland v. King
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Massey Coal Company
Maynard, George
Mayors Against Illegal Guns
McCain, John
McCain-Feingold Act (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, 2002). See also Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
McCarthy, Eugene
McCulloch v. Maryland
McDonald v. Chicago
Mencken, H. L.
mentally ill
Metzger, Gillian
Miami-Dade Police Department
“don’t ask, don’t tell” and
funeral protests and
gay rights and
Military Commissions Act (MCA, 2006)
military operations. See also drone strikes; terror; war
Miller, Arthur
minimum-wage laws
Minow, Martha
Miranda v. Arizona
Montana Supreme Court
Morse, Deborah
Morse v. Frederick
mosaic theory
My Beloved World (Sotomayor)
My Grandfather’s Son (Thomas)
Naim v. Naim
NASA v. Nelson
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (Health Care Case). See also Affordable Care Act
National Institutes of Health
National Rifle Association (NRA)
National Security Agency (NSA)
national security. See also detention regime; drone strikes; privacy; renditions, secret; terror; war; and specific cases
free speech and
human rights activists and
liberty and
presidential power and
privacy and
renditions and
role of courts in
Nation magazine
Necessary and Proper Clause
Comstock and
Health Care Case and
Kebodeaux and
Roberts vs. Ginsburg on
Nelson, Ben
Nelson, Deborah
New Deal
New Hampshire license plates
New York City
Campaign Finance Board
New Year’s Eve Countdown
New York County District Attorney’s Office
New Yorker
New York State
New York State Court of Appeals
New York Times
New York University Law School
New York Yankees
1984 (Orwell)
Nineteenth Amendment (1920)
Ninth Amendment (1791)
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Nixon, Richard
North American Aviation plant
North Carolina
Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1 v. Holder (“NAMUDNO”)
Obama, Barack
ACA and
appointees to Court
Arizona and
Citizens United and
detention regime and
DOMA and
drones and
election of 2012 and
Kagan and
Libya bombing and
military funerals and
non-enforcement and
presidential power and
racial equality and
Sandy Hook and
Scalia and
Sotomayor and
State of the Union Address
Trayvon Martin and
Occupy Wall Street
O’Connor, Sandra Day
Bowers and
Citizens United and
Grutter and affirmative action and
Hamdi and
influence of
Lawrence and
retirement of
Olmstead v. United States
Olson, Ted
oral argument
Alito and
black lawyers and
Breyer and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
chief justice and
Fisher and
Heller and
McDonald and Scalia
Morse and
Scalia and
Shelby County and
televising of
Thomas and
Alito and
Citizens United and
free speech and
Roberts and
same-sex marriage and
Scalia and
Second Amendment and
Thomas and
Orwell, George
Palmer raids
Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1
Partial-Birth Abortion Act (2003)
PATRIOT Act (2001)
Pelosi, Nancy
Pennsylvania, Long Term Segregation Unit (LTSU)
Pentagon Papers
Perry, Rick
Phelps, Fred
Philadelphia Phillies
Phillips, Carter
plea bargains
“Pledge of Allegience” (Bellamy)
police misconduct
political action committees (PACs). See also Super PACs
Pope, Alexander
popular sovereignty
pornography. See also obscenity
Posner, Richard
Potter, Trevor
Powell, Louis
Powell, Thomas Reed
preclearance rule. See also Voting Rights Act
prescription drug prices
presidential power
Bush vs. Obama and
concealment and
detention and
drone strikes and
federal bureaucracy and
immigration laws and
Jackson on
Jerusalem’s status and
non-enforcement and
Recess Appointments Clause and
separation of powers cases
war powers and
Price, Zachary
Priorities USA Action
prisoners’ rights
Brandeis on
definitions of
DNA collection and
drug-sniffing dog and
due process and
“expectation of”
GPS tracking
Harlan’s two-part test and
historical context and
Lawrence and
mosaic theory
property rights and
right to identity and
right to informational
secrecy of rules on
Sotomayor and
struggle for
technology and
third-party doctrine
Windsor and
wiretapping and
Privacy Act (1974)
Privileges or Immunities Clause
procedural rules
Progressive Party
property rights
privacy and
prosecutorial misconduct
Protect Marriage Washington
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
public employees
public sector unions
Puerto Ricans
racial equality
affirmative action and
criminal justice and
historical context and
immigration and
marriage and
originalism and
school desegregation and
voting rights and
Randolph, A. Raymond
Rasul v. Bush
Reagan, Ronald
Recess Appointments Clause
Red Scare
regulation and deregulation. See also economic liberty; federal bureaucracy
Rehnquist, William H.
Reid, Harry
Reinhardt, Stephen
renditions, secret
representative litigation
Republican Party
Rhode, Deborah
Richie, Nicole
rights. See also specific amendments and rights
corporations and
“of the people,” and Heller
responsibility vs.
ways of protecting
Right to Keep and Bear Arms, The (Hatch report)
Roberts, John G., Jr.
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
AID and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
Armour and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Barnette and
Bennett and
Boumediene and
Brown v. Board of Education and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
business and
Caperton and
Citizens United and
confirmation and “Umpire Moment” of
corporations and government records and
Doe v. Reed and
FAIR and
federal bureaucracy and
Fisher and
free speech and
government bribery and
Heller and
Herring and
HLP and
Indianapolis sewer and equal protection and
Jones and
Kebodeaux and
King and
on law professors and academics
Maynard and
Morse and
narrow rulings and
nomination and confirmation of
Parents Involved and
PCAOB and separation of powers
presidential power and war on terror
racial equality and
Scalia and
Shelby County and
Snyder and
Sorrell and
Stevens and
Voting Rights Act and
Windsor and
Zivotofsky and
Roe v. Wade
Romer v. Evans
Romney, Mitt
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rove, Karl
Ruemmler, Kathy
Rumsfeld v. FAIR
Sachs, Ben
safety net
Samaha, Adam
same-sex marriage. See marriage
Sandy Hook massacre
Santayana, George
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002)
Saving Private Ryan (film)
SB 1070 (Arizona, 2010)
Scalia, Antonin
abortion and
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
AID and
Alito and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Beard and
Bill of Rights and
Boumediene and
Brady Act and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association and
cameras in courtroom and
Caperton and
Citizens United and
class actions and
Comstock and
Concepcion and
Connick and
Constitution and rights listed
death penalty and
dissents of
Doe v. Reed and
economic liberty and
federal bureaucracy and
federalism and
Fisher and
Florida beach cases and
free speech and
gay rights and
Ginsburg and
Grutter and
gun rights and
Hamdi and
Heller and
HLP and
influence of
Italian Colors and
Jardines and
Jones and
Katz and
Kebodeaux and
Kennedy and
King and
Lafler and
Lawrence and
mandatory prison terms and
McDonald and
Miranda and
Morse and
NASA and
Olmstead and
plea bargains and
privacy and
Proposition 8 case and
Roberts and
Roe v. Wade and
same-sex marriage and
Shelby County and
Sorrell and
Stevens and
Stolen Valor Act
Wal-Mart pay discrimination and
Windsor and
“Worst Week in Washington” and
Schlesinger, Robert
desegregation and
free speech and
gun rights and
prayers and
SCOTUSblog (website)
searches. See also Fourth Amendment; privacy
DNA and
Olmstead and definition of
wiretapping and
Second Amendment (1791). See also gun rights
collective rights and
consensus view and
First Amendment and
Fourth Amendment and
future trends and
gun laws outside reach of
Hatch report and
Heller and
historical context and
historical view of
individual rights view on
McDonald and
Miller and
originalism and
representative democracy and
societal benefits and
technology and
text of
“the people” and
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
segregation. See also affirmative action; racial equality; schools, desegregation and
Sentelle, David
sentencing guidelines
separation of powers. See also checks and balances; presidential power
ACA and
federal bureaucracy and
government bribery and
Jackson on
presidential non-enforcement and
war powers and
September 11, 2001, attacks (9/11)
Sesame Street (TV show)
Seventh Amendment (1791)
sex equality
Shakespeare, William
Shelby County v. Holder
Siegel, Reva
Silberman, Laurence
Sixth Amendment (1791)
Smith v. Maryland
Snowden, Edward
Snyder, Albert
Snyder v. Phelps
Social Security
sodomy laws
Solomon Amendment (1996)
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Sorrell v. IMS
Sotomayor, Sonia
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
Alvarez and
Arizona and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Berghuis and
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
Calhoun and
cameras in courtroom and
Citizens United and
criminal justice and
death penalty and
Doe v. Reed and
Fisher and
free speech and
HLP and
Jardines and
Jones and
Katz and
King and
Lafler and
McDonald and
Miranda and
nomination and confirmation of
privacy and
Shelby County and
Sorrell and
Windsor and
Souter, David
Boumediene and
Citizens United and
Garcetti and
Heller and
Herring and
Morse and
property and
Second Amendment and
South Africa
South Carolina
South Carolina Bar Association
South Dakota v. Dole v. FEC
Speilberg, Steven
Sports Illustrated
Spyer, Thea
standing doctrine
State Department
states (state sovereignty; states’ rights)
ACA and
government bribes and
gun laws and
immigration laws and
incorporation doctrine and
marijuana and
marriage and
Medicaid and
presidential power and
privacy and
Rehnquist Court and
unenumerated rights and
Voting Rights Act and
Steel Seizure Case. See Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer
Stevens, John Paul
Beard and
Boumediene and
Citizens United and
Doe v. Reed and
Garcetti and
Hamdi and
Heller and
Herring and
HLP and
McDonald and
Morse and
Parents Involved and
Stewart, Jon
Stewart, Potter
Stolen Valor Act
structural protections
Sullivan, Kathleen
Sunstein, Cass
Super PACs
suppression remedy
Supremacy Clause
“Supreme Court, Inc.” (Rosen)
surveillance, warrantless. See also privacy; and specific types
Suspension Clause
tacit postulates
Taft, William H.
Tarantino, Quentin
ACA and
Tea Party
gun rights and
privacy and
Tempest, The (Shakespeare)
Tenth Amendment (1791)
Third Amendment (1791)
third-party doctrine
Thomas, Clarence
ACA (Health Care Case) and
affirmative action and
AID and
Alvarez and
background, beliefs, and personality of
Beard and
Brady Act and Second Amendment
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
cameras in courtroom and
campaign finance and
Citizens United and
Comstock and
confirmation of
Connick and
Constitution and rights listed in
Doe v. Reed and
economic liberty and
federal bureaucracy and
federalism and
Fisher and
free speech and
Hamdi and
HLP and
Jardines and
Jones and
Kebodeaux and
King and
McDonald and incorporation
Miranda and
Morse and
NASA and
originalism and
Parents Involved and
same-sex marriage and
Sorrell and
Windsor and
Thompkins, Van Chester
Thompson, John
Three-Fifths Clause
Toobin, Jeffrey
Truman, Harry S.
Tushnet, Mark
Twain, Mark
Twelfth Amendment (1804)
Twenty-first Amendment (1933)
Twenty-sixth Amendment (1971)
unenumerated rights
United Nations
United States Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Constitution. See also specific amendments, clauses, rights, and Supreme Court cases
Article I
Article II
Article III
conflicting values in
history, structure, and enumeration of rights and
informational privacy and
as living document
ongoing debate about meaning of
original meaning and (see also originalism)
read aloud in House
rights in, as rarely absolute
tools of justices for interpreting
U.S. Congress
ACA and
Bush post-9/11 and
checks on power of
Citizens United and
commerce power and
Court overrides of
crush video laws
detention regime and
DOMA and
federal bureaucracies and
free speech limits and
Ginsburg and sex discrimination rulings and
government bribes and
gun laws and
immigration reform
Jefferson on
Jerusalem and
military tribunals and
Necessary and Proper Clause and
post-9/11 strikes and
post–Civil War amendments and
presidential non-enforcement and
presidential power and
religious organizations and
role and powers of
surveillance and
Truman and
Voting Rights Act and
U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
U.S. House of Representatives
Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group
United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act (2003)
U.S. News & World Report
U.S. Senate
filibuster and
Judiciary Committee
Roberts confirmation and
Subcommittee on the Constitution
Thomas confirmation and
United States Sentencing Commission
U.S. Supreme Court. See also specific cases, issues, and justices
agendas of justices and
alliances, betrayals, and rivalries within
as anti-court Court
baseball and
calls for resignation and
chief justices and
confirmation hearings and
deep explanations and
doctrines on when to decide
duty to protect unpopular minorities
expectations and concerns about
factors shaping decisions of
FDR’s attempt to pack
front entrance blocked
impact of decisions of
justices’ decisions to persist in dissent
law and procedural rules shaped by
legitimacy of
“living stream of national life” and
need for constitutional argument
neutral positions and
new rights and
number of cases heard by
oral arguments and
oral re-argument and
presidential power and
public-private balance and
role of, and role of courts in general
role of, as umpires vs. teachers
secrecy of
separation of powers and
televising of
uncertainty and
unpopular decisions and
war and deference of
United States v. Alvarez
United States v. Comstock
United States v. Jones
United States v. Kebodeaux
United States v. Miller
United States v. Stevens
United States v. Windsor
Vance, Cyrus
Velazquez, Carmen
Verrilli, Don
Vietnam War
Vinson, Fred
Violence Against Women Act (1994)
violent video games
Virginia Racial Integrity Act (1924)
Vladeck, Steve
Vogel, Angela
voting rights
Voting Rights Act (VRA, 1965)
Wall Street Journal
Wal-Mart v. Dukes
Wardlaw, Kimberly
War Powers Resolution (1973)
Warren, Earl
Warren, Elizabeth
Washington, Booker T.
Washington Post
Washington State
Watergate scandal
welfare rights
Westboro Baptist Church
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals
White, Adam
“Why Are Prisoners Committing Suicide in Pennsylvania?”
Wilkinson, J. Harvie, III
Wilson, Woodrow
Windsor, Edith
Wisdom, John Minor
women’s rights. See also sex equality
pay discrimination and
Women’s Rights Project (ACLU)
WorldCom scandal
World Series
World War I
World War II
Yale Law School
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer
Youth’s Companion magazine
Zivotofsky ex. rel. Zivotofsky v. Clinton