Chapter One:
Know Thyself

Which Personality Type Is Your Perfect Match?

Sure, he makes your knees weak and your heart pound, but that doesn’t mean he’s a keeper. We’re often attracted to certain men because they trigger unresolved issues, which can make the relationship seem nonstop exciting or cozily familiar. Either way, think about how it feels when you scratch poison ivy: short-term pleasure—long-term aggravation. To reach a healthy place in a relationship, you need to recognize the personality type that enhances the best parts of you, plays down your weaknesses, and ultimately makes you feel good about yourself. Take this test and identify the kind of man who not only rocks your world, but who also offers the kind of support it takes to build a lasting foundation.


Part One Mark the statement that you most agree with:


a. I believe in fate.

b. I believe we control our own destinies.

c. I believe it’s all a lot of hooey.


a. You can change someone through the power of love.

b. We’re the only ones who can make changes in ourselves.

c. Change is an illusion.


a. Love makes the world go ’round.

b. Money makes the world go ’round.

c. Action makes the world go ’round.



a. We’re attracted to our soul mates.

b. Opposites attract.

c. Attraction is bio-chemical.


a. I can read someone’s true nature in an instant.

b. It takes time to get to know someone.

c. We never really know anybody.

Part Two Complete the following:

6 To win the support for a project that’s close to your heart, would you:

a. Appeal to an audience’s humanitarian impulses with an impassioned speech.

b. Organize and circulate a petition to support your cause.

c. Prove it can work with facts and figures.

7 The supermarket’s gourmet section is promoting some mouth-watering (but rather expensive) goodies. You’re more likely to:

a. Treat yourself to the tastiest item.

b. Make do with a few samples.

c. Pass it up—you don’t want to be tempted.

8 In your dream biopic, which of these hunks would you never cast as your leading man?

a. George Clooney

b. Hugh Jackman

c. Brad Pitt

9 Your man could make your heart sing the loudest by:

a. Offering you a perfect red rose with a graceful flourish.

b. Fixing all the leaky faucets in the house—without making you ask

even once.

c. Balancing a budget.

10 You prefer your days to be:

a. Open—so you can meet situations spontaneously as they arise.

b. Busy—but with free time for friends and family.

c. Totally booked—you like to carefully plan your time well in advance.


11 What guides you most when it comes to making important decisions?

a. Following your own beliefs

b. Being as fair as possible to others

c. Proven facts


Note: If your score falls equally between two categories, read both descriptions since you may share characteristics of each type.



A real romantic, you’re in love with love, and because you’re ultra-sensitive you laugh and cry at the slightest provocation. Even though to the outside world you may sometimes appear to be a bit over-the-top, your reactions are 100 percent genuine. Your charm lies in the fact that your heart is an open book—but the downside is that it leaves you susceptible to all kinds of drama in your relationships.


Look for a guy with two feet firmly planted on the ground to counteract your tendency to fall prey to emotional highs and lows. A rooted guy will help you stay balanced—but don’t go for a hard heart. You’ll want someone who appreciates your sensitivity but knows how to remain calm in a storm.



We’re not talking about Evel Knievel, but your perfect match is a man willing to go out on a limb for you—and let you know that some risks are worth taking. Why? A bit of a wimp, you’re most passionate about being sensible. Of course it’s a good idea to be cautious, but too much caution can close you down to some of life’s real pleasures.


A man who is spontaneous, effusive, full of energy, and knows how to have a good time is the guy for you. Don’t be afraid to let yourself be swept off your feet. Your ultimate romantic happiness requires that you take a chance on love.



Ms. Brainiac, most of the decisions you make are based on facts and there’s no arguing this kind of thinking has done you well. Friends and colleagues come to you for advice and you give them the lowdown based on solid research and sure-footed statistics. It’s natural with this kind of solid mind-set to look for a match who sees the world the same way you do. But when it comes to love, that’s not always the right answer.


You’ll do well with a man who looks to the heavens and has some faith in what can’t be proven. Your perfect match may be a philosopher, a poet, or a plumber who ponders the universe—anyone who reaches your depths and expands your horizons.