Marilyn Graman, author of There is no Prince and Other Truths Your Mother Never Told You, suggests asking these questions if you want to find out whether your relationship has a future:
• Is your honey willing to plan something two months down the road? If not, he may not be thinking beyond your next date.
• Does he ever talk about getting married or being in a long-term relationship? If he doesn’t discuss it, he’s probably not ready to think about the future.
• Also, don’t ignore the signs just because you want to stay in a relationship. Be willing to ask if he thinks your relationship might end up going anywhere. But be prepared to consider moving on if he doesn’t.
• And the final way to tell if you relationship has a future is to face the facts. Pay attention if he suddenly decides it’s not a good time to meet your family, or he cancels your planned vacation to Bermuda. He may be rethinking your relationship, and you need to deal with it.