Chapter Six:
The Power Of Tens
Ten Ways to Tell How Much He Cares
1. He wants to spend time around you. Lots of time.
2. He teases you.
3. He contacts you at least once during the day.
4. He asks your opinion.
5. He gives you plenty of compliments.
6. He buys you gifts you really want.
7. He gives you plenty of physical affection.
8. He doesn’t get defensive if you disagree with him.
9. He introduces you to everyone in his world, from family to friends.
10. He takes you to places that mean something special to him.
Ten Ways to Ruin a Relationship
How many can you claim? How many can your partner claim? By naming and acknowledging your actions—you can change them.
1. Do you neglect your partner?
2. Do you withhold sex or other physical expressions of love?
3. Do you cheat on your lover—or are you deceitful in other ways?
4. Do you attack your partner by being emotionally, or even physically, abusive?
5. Do you use your partner as a scapegoat or to take out your frustrations? Do you blame your lover for your faults or problems?
6. Do you nag or nitpick?
7. Do you try to control your lover with a “my way or the highway” attitude?
8. Do you inhabit negativity and cloud your partner’s view?
9. Do you always put yourself first? Or . . .
10. Do you always put yourself last (which can lead to resentment, bitterness, or anger)?
1. Write a love poem.
2. Hold hands in public.
3. Dedicate a song on the radio.
4. Take a bubble bath together.
5. Offer a back massage.
6. Write “I love you” on the bathroom mirror with lipstick or through steam.
7. Leave a love note in the car.
8. Give a blank check for kisses.
9. Toss rose petals on the bed.
10. Make a CD of love songs.
1. Let go of perfection. Nobody is perfect and nothing in life is either.
2. Release comparisons. Don’t measure your life or your relationship with those of others. Be content with your own life.
3. Take time out for yourself, whether it’s walking in the park, working on a hobby, meditating, yoga, or pampering yourself with a bath.
4. Give yourself a music break. Stop what you’re doing and tune in.
5. Nurture friendships outside your relationship.
6. Dance.
7. Be grateful for your life.
8. Volunteer. Helping others gives immense satisfaction and happiness. Make someone’s life more beautiful by contributing in your own small way.
9. Try to stay in the present—without worrying about the future or regretting your past.
10. Find something funny. Deep belly laughs release feel-good endorphins and even boost the immune system.