Although there are exercises following each quiz, the techniques described in this chapter explore different avenues to understanding yourself, your partner, and your relationship through the use of ancient wisdom. The techniques have been simplified and updated to make them more accessible. But don’t be fooled by their simplicity—the lessons learned can be transformative.
Some features are classically handsome or beautiful, others more exotically lovely—still others are less appealing. But every face is a map revealing what lies beneath. It’s not just the eyes that are windows to the soul. The way your eyes are spaced, your mouth is sized, and how your hair is shaped all reveal deep insights into your own and your partner’s true nature.
Get a photograph of yourself and of your partner. Study the photographs, then read the analysis below and take notes. After careful consideration, you’ll know a lot about who you really are and who your partner truly is.
Your Partner
Hair is more than a woman’s crowing glory; it’s a measure of strength and endurance. If your partner’s hair is fine and silky it means he’s sensitive and perhaps, emotionally fragile. If it’s thick and bristly it reflects physical strength and his ability to rebound from life’s inevitable pressures.
When the forehead is large it reflects idealism, while if it’s low it can mean a lack of confidence. Often those with an overdeveloped crown are more authoritarian, while a narrow one can indicate passivity. A short head may indicate a more spontaneous nature, while a longer or wider one means thoughtfulness and a measured response to conflict.
Eyes that aren’t set evenly may mean your lover has the ability to see things from different perspectives and has the ability to solve problems by thinking things through and coming up with original solutions.
If the eyes slant upward (cat eyes), this person knows how to grab hold of opportunities and get exactly what he or she wants. Some may interpret this as having a devious nature—but that’s not necessarily so. Use your experience to interpret this physical characteristic.
But be cautious if your lover’s eyes slant downward. This often means the person has a hard time saying no and can find themselves in compromising positions, like being unable to deflect a flirt.
How far or wide apart are the eyes? If there’s at least one eye width between the eyes, then your partner usually has good judgment and a clear view. The closer the eyes are set together, the narrower their opinions or views of the world. It’s a strong indication there’s a lack of sophistication and independence.
A large mouth with full lips means the individual is independent and able to speak their mind.
A person with a smaller than usual mouth is often more humble and needs support. They also shy away from the limelight.
If the ends of the mouth curve upward—as if in a smile—this individual attracts others and usually has a large circle of friends.
In contrast, the down-turned mouth can mean a difficult childhood and someone who tends to exaggerate or lie.
If a person has big Angelina Jolie lips it means freedom is cherished and nothing is held back. Although this individual is a powerful speaker who sounds convincing, in reality, when it comes to acting on their words: not so good.
Reading the shape of faces to understand personality is an ancient Chinese practice and takes years of serious study to master. But you can still get invaluable insights just by studying the following basics:
If the face is round or fleshy and has relaxed features, it indicates a person who is easygoing and usually accepts life as it comes. These are homebodies who enjoy good food, entertaining with flair, and welcoming family and friends to stay for weeks at a time. They are optimistic, generous souls who love a good time. What’s the downside? Your partner is likely to extend invitations without consulting you. Plus, round face types have a tendency to procrastinate.
A square face with large, sharp, or strong features usually belongs to a person who loves freedom, enjoys travel, and is a real go-getter. This person has lots of ambition with energy to back it up. Square-faced individuals, in general, are the movers and shakers of the world, but they also possess a solid maternal or paternal streak. What’s the downside? Square face types are big talkers. Sometimes you can’t get a word in edgewise. Plus, they can be stubborn.
Usually long-faced individuals have delicate and graceful features as well as long and lean bodies. They have a tendency to need lots of recognition and go after it by accumulating money, power, or public recognition. Successful and competitive, they revel in the limelight. What’s the downside? They hate to lose and can be ruthless. Plus, they often require a lot of attention and reassurance.
With a wide forehead and pointed chin, triangular-faced people usually have thin bodies with willowy features. Reserved and quiet by nature, these folks are often deep thinkers who are honest perfectionists. They have a lot of integrity and will always seek the high road. Spiritual insight is often an ideal that is pursued with fervor. What’s the downside? Triangular face types may be pensive and a little too quiet. Plus, their modesty means ambition is secondary. They often keep their accomplishments a secret.
The basic motivation of people with this shaped face is adventure. They represent the Chinese sign for fire. With a narrow forehead coming to a peak and a wide jaw and chin, the face and body are often skinny, pointed, wiry, and have quick features. What’s the downside? These people, although talented and outgoing with a ton of vitality, can often be demanding and picky. Plus, they can be perfectionists.
Read What’s Written on Your Partner’s Palm
Every hand is unique. Perhaps that’s why reading palms is an ancient tool used not only to understand the past and predict the future, but to comprehend a person’s true nature. Of course, true palm reading takes a lifetime of study. However, this snapshot view will definitely give you insights into your lover’s life.
Read both hands. One hand is known as the “active” hand and the other as the “passive.” A right-handed person’s active hand will be their right hand; the opposite is true for a left-handed individual.
In the passive hand you’ll be able to find inherited traits and potential.
The active hand reveals changes to inherited traits.
Consider the size of the hand in relationship to the rest of the body. A large hand means the person spends more time thinking than doing—and a small hand in relationship to the body more often than not means the person spends more time doing rather than thinking about taking action.
Next consider the shape of the hand. There are four general shapes representing the four elements: air, earth, fire, and water.
Air hands have a square palm, long fingers, and thin, clear lines on the palm. A person with this hand is often restless, needs change, is social, and loves to be challenged mentally. Although likely to be true-blue, they tend to be flirts.
Earth hands are square with shorter fingers, thick skin, and deep, clear, straight lines on the palms. This person is down-to-earth, practical, reliable, and trustworthy. If your lover has this shape palm, there’s a good chance they won’t cheat. (They may not be that exciting, either.)
Fire hands have long palms, short fingers, and lots of lines. The palms usually feel firm and are warm more often than not. Although people with these kinds of hands love a risk, they’re also positive and confident—and don’t need to have fling to feel good about themselves.
Water hands are all about length: long fingers and palms and plenty of fine lines. The skin is soft and often damp. These are the hands of a person who is creative, emotional, and needy. Vulnerable and sensitive, an individual with water hands often needs a lot of TLC.
The Palm Lines
Note: The palm is made up of major, secondary, and minor lines. A palm with lots of fine lines and major lines is a sensitive and complicated individual prone to worry and stress. In fact, the fewer the lines, the more straightforward—and easy to read—the individual is.
The highest major line in the palm is the heart line. If the line is high, chances are the person is not only passionate but also high-strung and jealous. A Heart Line that stretches completely across the hand indicates an individual who is in-check emotionally. They hold back rather than give. A heart line that curves up toward the index finger belongs to a person who is tender, warmhearted, and affectionate. Any crosses or breaks in the Heart Line indicate times of sadness or complication in relationships.
The curved line that swings from near the base of the palm (by the wrist) to between the thumb and first finger is the life line. When it comes to matters of the heart, a wide life line usually means the person is generous, compassionate, and easily able to love. However, a life line that is close to the thumb shows a person who may find it difficult to give of their time and their feelings as well.
These lines reside right above the heart line. Light, fine horizontal lines show that the relationship my not be worthy of commitment. One obvious and long line suggests a relationship that is long-term, happy, and committed. When there is more than one long, deep line, the lower one is thought to describe the earlier relationship in the person’s life.
No matter how long you’ve been a couple, there are certain physical signals that suggest whether your relationship is still vibrant. Next time you’re out and about with your partner at a restaurant, party, or bar, use this checklist to see if he’s still attracted to you. He:
• Holds your glance a little longer.
• Makes eye contact, looks away, and then glances again your direction.
• Touches you while he speaks.
• Leans in toward you.
• Swaggers or flexes his muscles. It seems corny, but this is an age-old display of masculinity—like a peacock strutting its feathers.
• Smoothes his clothing or runs his hand through his hair.
• Speaks low so only you can hear, thus creating a bubble and making space for just the two of you.
Even though palmistry is the more conventional way to get insights into your lover’s nature, feet as well as the hands offer revealing clues:
• If there are darkened areas of skin on the toe pads, it means they’ve been walking on the front of their feet, which is often a sign of a low mood.
• A callus on the ball of the foot, just under the little toe, indicates that the person is shouldering too much responsibility.
• When an individual is embarrassed, the back of the big toe blushes red.
• The second toe on the right foot is like the palm—it reveals what someone wants in life. If it’s being achieved, the toe will touch the floor.
• If there’s a gap between the second and third toe, it indicates the person isn’t connecting to their emotions.
• The fourth toe is directly connected to relationships. If there’s involuntary twitching when you’re talking about your relationship, it reveals discomfort.
• When a person’s second toe is the longest, it indicates they need to feel in charge because they have naturally strong leadership qualities.
Rulers from ancient Egypt and Hawaiian royalty reportedly all had long second toes.
• If the last joint of the third toe is at an angle, your partner has the ability to be duplicitous—and is often equally misunderstood. Remarkably, spies often have this trait.
• When the second toe on the left foot leans toward the big toe, it’s a sign of someone who is sentimental. Guess which celebrity has this slanted toe:
Reese Witherspoon.
• If your partner has an especially small little toe then there’s a real sense of playfulness and fun.
• Little toe pointed at an angle? It’s a sign of an unconventional nature. If it can be wiggled then the individual has a restless nature—and is prone to seek change.