
I am thankful to all of the feminists who have fought hard to make the world a more welcoming place for women.

I am grateful for the meaningful feedback from Kevin Hillstrom, the ABC-CLIO Acquisitions Editor, and John Mugge for his detailed editing and thoughtful feedback. I am also grateful for John’s volunteer work at Planned Parenthood and the Humane Society of Indianapolis! I am appreciative for Butler University graduate Maggie Monson’s careful and detailed fact checking and editing.

I am thankful for the support of so many valuable friends who help keep me sane. There are too many to mention, but I especially want to thank Kristin Swenson for being such a supportive department chair and loving friend. I am enormously indebted to Allison Harthcock for her support, love, and friendship.

I am thankful to my family. To all of my big sisters—Cathy, Debbie, Cindy, and Bonnie—thank you. Thanks also to my brothers-in-law, nephews, and niece. I am also grateful for my beagle mutt, Edie, for keeping me warm and making me smile every day.

I am most grateful for my incredibly supportive and loving parents, Sophie and Leonard Savage. I love them immensely and always will.