I’d like to thank a number of individuals without whose support this book would not have been possible:
First and foremost, my friend and book publicist, Jodee Blanco, whose inexhaustible devotion to this project knew no bounds. I owe you lunch and dinner at Mooses.
Frank Weiman of the Literary Group, for bringing me to the attention of Michael Pietsch, editor in chief of Little, Brown, who took a chance on this previously unpublished author. Michael, along with senior editor Judy Clain, Beth Davey, Claire Ellis, and Sandy Bontemps, all made me feel right at home. Also, Michael Kaye, for designing the book’s jacket.
Wordsmith Matt Hansen, my cowriter, whose easy manner and laughter encouraged me to remember incidents that I had previously forgotten.
My lawyer and friend, Roger Sherman, who, along with Peter del Vecchio and Kim Schwartz, dotted the i‘s and crossed all the t‘s.
Most important, Mike Miller, as he is the only living soul who can make out my writing, even when I can’t read it myself.
Also my family, my mom, dad, and my two sisters, Carol and Marilyn.
My beautiful wife, Ranko, for her patience and funny dances. And my dog, Woody, who watches over us.
And finally, my friend Jim Carrey, who brought Andy back among the living and in so doing, brought me along with him.