Jane Austen may not have enjoyed enough luck in life, but she has been most fortunate with the quality of scholars and historians who have studied her since. This novel would not exist without the brilliant work of David Cecil, Kathryn Sutherland, Claire Tomalin, and all those who have contributed to the Jane Austen Society. Deirdre Le Faye’s extraordinary A Chronology of Jane Austen and Her Family was my bible and those who wish to know more about the Austens, the Fowles, and the Lloyds, should seek out her Jane Austen: A Family Record at once.
Janeites are also, I have discovered, very generous with their time. I would like to thank Deirdre Le Faye, Helena Kelly, Maggie Lane, and Hazel Jones, who were all kind enough to read Miss Austen in manuscript and point out its many historical errors. Any mistakes that have made it through to the published book are entirely my own.
When writing about Kintbury, I was lucky that so much work had already been done for me by fine, dedicated, local historians: the late Thora Morrish, Penny Fletcher, and Margaret Yates. Penny Stokes shared her precious copy of “Four Manly Boys,” an excellent history of the Fowle family by G. Sawtell. Jacqueline Cooper and Judith Turner at the Newbury Library were extremely helpful in tracking down various documents and unearthing small but colourful detail.
My agent, Caroline Wood, has been steadfast, patient, encouraging, and wise from the beginning. Without her, Miss Austen would still be but an idea and an ambition. Selina Walker, with forensic skill, clear vision, and passion, turned a flawed manuscript into a finished book. Caroline Bleeke came aboard with her intelligence, knowledge, huge energy, and an infectious confidence. Thank you to everyone at Cornerstone (particularly Susan Sandon, Jess Balance, Emma Grey Gelder, and Laura Brooke) and Flatiron Books (particularly Nancy Trypuc, Katherine Turro, and Claire McLaughlin). It has been such a pleasure to work with you all.
For being the first readers and their general bucking up, I am grateful to Nick Hornby, Amanda Posey, Catherine Bennett, Sabine Durrant, Joanna Kaye, and Julia Kreitman. And finally, of course, to my family, Holly, Charlie, Matilda, Sam, and, most especially, Robert Harris: thank you, for simply everything.