Chapter 43

Mildred awoke to a banging on the front door. She jumped out of bed and grabbed her robe. She met Hilda in the hall.

“I’m glad you got up, Hilda.”

“I wanted to be sure it was Mr. Reeson, Ma’am.”

“I hope it is.” Mildred opened the door.

“Why the hell was this door locked?” Thourgood demanded.

“Are you alone?”

“Yes, I’m alone. What does that matter?”

“Then, come in.” Mildred stood aside.

“What’s going on, Mildred? The door was locked and you want to know if I’m alone. I need an explanation.”

“I’ll go back to bed, Mrs. Reeson.” Hilda backed away.

Mildred nodded. “Thank you for coming down, Hilda.”

The maid slipped back up the stairs and Mildred turned to her husband. “Come into the parlor and I’ll explain what’s happened.”

Thourgood followed her and took a seat on the sofa as she lit a lamp. She turned and began to explain about finding Callie.

“You mean he beat his wife?”

“He almost killed her, Thourgood.”

“Then, you’re right. We can’t let him back in this house.” Thourgood frowned. “I never dreamed he’d be that mean.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“Yeah. Michael Donavan was in Andersons when the Colley boy came running in and told him his father fell off the barn roof and was not breathing good. Hezekiah was concerned about his soul so he demanded the doctor take him along.” Thourgood took a drink of the whiskey his wife served him. “I’m sure they’ll be out there for the rest of the night.”

“Good.” Mildred took a deep breath. “If Asia thinks she’s able, we’re going to take Callie back to the Singleton ranch in the morning.”

“I think that’s a good idea. I’m not sure I can keep him away from her the way Wyatt can.”

Mildred frowned. “I’ll keep him away if I have to resort to using a gun.”

Thourgood laughed. “I can see you with a gun, my dear. You’d probably shoot yourself.”

“You might be surprised.” She stood and reached for his hand. “Now, let’s go to bed. We have to get up early in the morning.”

“I want to look in on Cora Sue. Is she doing all right?”

“She’s as good as we can expect since you insisted on moving her today.”

“I wanted my daughter home. I thought I could talk her into forgetting about that Walker man.”

“She’s going to marry Asia, Thourgood. You might as well accept it.”

“I don’t want to, Mildred.” He sighed. “I only want her to realize that we’ll be ruined if she doesn’t marry Wyatt.”

“How many more times does one have to tell you that she’ll never marry him. He’s married and he’s going to stay married to Edwina. They love each other, Thourgood. Can’t you understand that?”

He didn’t answer, but headed up the stairs and down the hall to Cora Sue’s room. Opening the door, he looked inside and saw Cora Sue fast asleep.

He closed the door, and turned back to his wife. “As soon as I get back from taking Callie to Singleton’s in the morning, I’ll talk with her.”

Mildred didn’t argue with him, but she knew no matter what Thourgood said, Cora Sue had already made up her mind.

* * * *

Rosalinda and Juan were in the kitchen cooking breakfast when they heard the wagon in the front yard. They both went to the front door.

“My goodness, Juan. It’s Mr. Reeson and Doctor Asia.”

“They have somebody in the wagon.” Juan stepped off the porch. “It’s Miz Callie.”

“I’ll get Mr. Wyatt.” Rosalinda turned and ran up the stairs. She knocked loudly on the bedroom door.

“What’s going on?” Wyatt came out of the room, buttoning his shirt.

“It’s Miz Callie. She’s been hurt.”

Wyatt hurried down the stairs and out on the porch.

Edwina caught up with Rosalinda. She was tying the sash around her robe. “What’s wrong with Aunt Callie?”

“I don’t know, honey, but she looks pretty bad.”

By the time Edwina and Rosalinda reached the top of the stairs, Wyatt was coming up with Callie in his arms. Asia and Thourgood followed.

“I’ll ready her room.” Rosalinda went to the room Callie had used before.

Edwina followed her and waited beside the turned-down bed as Wyatt gently laid her aunt in it.

Callie moaned, but didn’t wake up.

“If you gentlemen will please wait outside, I’ll make sure she made the trip over all right,” Asia said.

Rosalinda stepped back and said, “Come to the kitchen and have some coffee while he’s busy with his patient.”

Wyatt and Thourgood followed her out of the room.

“Asia, what’s wrong with Aunt Callie?” Edwina looked at him.

Bent over his patient, he looked up and removed the stethoscope from his ears and shook his head. “She told Mildred that her husband beat her, Mrs. Singleton.”

“Oh, no. I was afraid he’d hurt her one day.”

“I think she’ll be all right with good care.”

“Will moving her…”

“I tried to get her to stay at the Reeson ranch, but she insisted on coming to you. I knew she’d only fret and worry if we didn’t get her here.”

“I’m glad she wanted to come to me, but I hope it didn’t bother her recovery.”

“Mildred put a mattress and pillows on the bed of the wagon and I sat back there with her. Thourgood did a good job of missing most of the ruts.” He smiled at Edwina. “I don’t think it’ll hamper her recovery.”

“That’s good. I know we’ll take the best care of her we can.”

“To be honest, Mrs. Singleton, I felt the trip was worth it. I think Callie will be safer here with you. I’m not sure Mildred or Thourgood could keep her husband away from her.” He smiled. “I know Wyatt will be able to.”

“Yes, I’m sure he will.” She looked around.

“I didn’t doubt that.” Asia stood. “Let her sleep for a while. When she wakes up, I think some light soup would be good. She’s hasn’t been eating enough, but I’m sure Rosalinda will soon take care of that.”

“She will.”

“I’ll go join the men now, Mrs. Singleton.”

“Please call me Edwina. Cora Sue and I are friends and she told me you were going to marry. I think it would be easier to be on a first name basis.”

“I agree. Thank you, Edwina.”

“I’m sure Rosalinda has the men in the kitchen. I’ll be down as soon as I check on my son.”

* * * *

Mildred couldn’t sleep after Asia and Thourgood left with Callie. She was sure Hezekiah would come back to their ranch today. She wanted to be sure he didn’t get back into her house.

Going to the room he’d been using, she found his worn carpet bag. It didn’t take long to pack all his belongings in it. Remembering the papers she’d seen in the table drawer, she pulled it open. She figured they were something the reverend had hidden from his wife.

She frowned when she looked them over. They were deeds to land. Mildred wasn’t sure what they meant because there were no names on them, but she was sure when they were filled out they would show Cool Wood Land Company was deeding parcels of land to individuals.

There was no way the Reverend Hezekiah D. Thorn had any connection with a company with the Cool Wood name. That only left one person who could be involved. But why would Thourgood hide the papers in a table in their guest room? He always kept important things in his desk, though he knew she often cleaned the desk out. Were these papers here because he didn’t want her to find them? Did they have anything to do with the fact he kept saying they would be ruined if Cora Sue didn’t marry Wyatt?

She sighed. Whatever the reason, her husband had a lot to answer for when he got home from the Singleton’s this morning.

Before she could think any more about them, a voice called, “Mother!”

Mildred crammed the papers back in the table drawer and hurried out of the room. “Yes, Cora Sue, I’m coming.”