It’s fair to say that this book would not have been possible without the contributions and support of dozens of people, and the editors would like to pass on a huge thanks to everyone who got involved and made Baby Teeth a reality.
Thanks to authors Jake Bible, Anna Caro, Debbie Cowens, Matt Cowens, Morgan Davie, Elizabeth Gatens, Jean Gilbert, Jan Goldie, JC Hart, Alan Lindsay, Kevin G Maclean, Sally McLennan, Paul Mannering, Piper Mejia, Lewis Morgan, Eileen Mueller, Celine Murray, Jack Newhouse, Michael J Parry, Alicia Ponder, Darian Smith, Matthew Sanborn Smith, Jenni Sands, Grant Stone, and M Darusha Wehm, for their stories;
To Duffy Books in Homes, for coming on board with us and giving us all something worth working towards;
Huge thanks to our sponsors, SpecFicNZ and Lambton Property Management, for giving us the financial boost we needed to get the word about the book out to as many readers as possible;
To everyone who has donated to our PledgeMe campaign and rewards, artwork and design, and to those responsible for proofing, layout, print and ebook publication and audio production: Marie Hodgkinson, Elizabeth Heritage, Chad Dick, Sandra Dusconi, Tony C Smith, Larry Santoro, Amanda Pillar, the Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Hivemind, Stephen Minchin, Beaulah Pragg, Romilly Brown, and Chris Barnes of Dynamic Ram Audio;
And to everyone who backed our PledgeMe campaign to raise the funds for the print run and promotion: Brian Ackles, Fran Atkinson, Kevin Berry, Celia Black, Ellen Boucher, Jan & Tony Braddock, Sarah Bunker, Jesse Colvin, Cassandra Cook, Pauline Cowens, Sandra Dusconi, Duffy Books, Pearce Duncan, Julian Fitter, Annette Gelfi, Kylie Gorringe, Fiona Hall, Joffre Horlor, Alana Hyland, Cameron A Jack, Jeanette Marsh, Zephfi May, Tracie Mcbride, Frankie Mundens, Александра Миронова, Lorena Norling, Craig Oxbrow, Richard Parry, Simon Petrie, Beaulah Pragg, Chrissy Rabarts, Derek Robinson, Scott Roche, Jim Ryan, Kenneth Tagher, Keith Teklits, Shayne Thurston, Ivan Towlson, Danielle Walker, Craig Walter, Dana Voysey.
Without your support, this book would not have happened. Thank you all, and we hope you’ve enjoyed the stories in these pages.
Paper Road Press
Paper Road Press is a Wellington-based publisher of science fiction, fantasy, and any other genre entertaining enough to get through the door.
Baby Teeth is the first book to be published by Paper Road Press, and we are proud to be a part of Dan and Lee’s scheme to funnel money into Duffy Books in Homes (even if Baby Teeth is not the sort of book you’d want a kid to bring home, really).
Look out for more Paper Road Press books in all good bookstores in 2014.
First published in 2013 by Paper Road Press
All stories contained in this collection copyright © 2013 their respective authors.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted or utilised in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand.
Cover image © Dan Rabarts
Design by Marie Hodgkinson
Ebook conversion by Paper Road Press
ISBN 978-0-473-25689-0 (epub) 978-0-473-25688-3 (print) 978-0-473-25690-6 (mobi)
An audiobook of this book is available from Dynamic Ram Audio Productions, ISBN 978-0-473-25691-3