My fellow Americans. I know it seems like I just addressed you, but I have an important update, and I want you to hear it now.

“We have never bowed to terrorism. We do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not allow terrorists to dictate what we can and cannot do.

“Many believe Congress will be suspended tomorrow. I have considered the idea of shutting it down out of respect for the congressmen who have died. But if we do that, the terrorists win. They will have taken control of our government. They will be dictating what our Congress may or may not do.

“Congress will be in session tomorrow, proudly defiant in the face of adversity, a glowing beacon of democracy. I am certain in my heart that is what Congressman Drexel and Congressman Foster would have wanted, instead of the hollow gesture of shutting down the very institution they so dearly loved.

“I am therefore directing Congress to resume session tomorrow and proceed with all usual business.”