In spite of all the propaganda and health claims, calcium and calcium supplements have never been scientifically proven to be a safe and effective method for increasing bone density. With the identification of the danger of calcium supplements and making the distinction between good and bad calcium, a new awareness is brought forth. In the same way, in spite of all the estrogen replacement therapies and claims, estrogen dominance has been implicated in being fundamental to numerous degenerative conditions. Nurturing an androgenic metabolism stacks the odds in your favor, to activate rejuvenation and youthening. Let us move forward with ease and grace, and let us make clear, informed decisions about our future.

A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.


Add silicon-rich herbs, superfoods, and supplements as well as alkaline magnesium (from raw chocolate and chlorophyll) in order to detoxify and remineralize. Activate the Longevity Now approach as best you can, in any way you can, with everything you’ve got. Take careful notes of your results.

Notice that as your inner energies increase, your fears decrease. The dissipation of common fears (including the fear of death, the fear of failure, and the fear of rejection) will have a remarkable positive influence on your will to live. Finding the joy and love in living is an essential component of the longevity experience.

Absorb all the information provided in these pages with an inner realization that through continual study of the material you will master it swiftly. Remember the difference between good calcium (from plants, pure raw dairy, and some superherbs) and bad calcium (from naturally contaminated water or from strata in the Earth). Good calcium is essential for detoxification, muscle relaxation, lowering tension, and creating alkalinity. Bad calcium gets deposited as sediment and allows for the creation of “golems in the gears.”

Remember, you are what you eat. The technology behind the nutrition section of Longevity Now is designed to bring you to superhero levels of performance. Build a body out of the best foods ever so that the body can eliminate estrogen dominance, lower calcification, and maintain flexibility. We have the potential to live free from arthritis, inflammation, joint problems, heart problems, wrinkles, cancer, cellulite, cysts, etc.

Incorporating raw and living foods into our diet, at whatever level we can right now, is the best investment we can make in our health. The more we rely on Mother Nature’s abundance and her living waters, the better the results we will achieve with the Longevity Now approach.

Learning is growing. Being a lifelong learner is also a key aspect of longevity—it’s a key aspect of inspiration, which instantly empowers us. Now all the tools are available for anyone to become a longevity specialist. As we become inspired, we activate genius and our imagination and we feel the wonder of a big four letter word coming toward us: H-O-P-E.

Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.


Discovering and/or activating a mission that you are passionate about appears to be a key aspect of why we are all here on Earth. Making a contribution to our planet and its residents gives life meaning, creates magical synchronicities, and allows us to unfold into true happiness. Inside your mission is the essence of your longevity.

To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.


The spiritual concept of free will indicates that we can alter our fate. It is possible, even probable, that our fate is not predetermined. The power of our thoughts, words, and deeds appears to exert strong influences upon our destiny. When backed by noble intentions, our thoughts, words, and deeds may escalate beyond ourselves to even influence the fate of our world.

It is interesting to notice the way the substances we ingest become interwoven with our thoughts, words, and deeds. For example: How often do we think of food? How often do we talk about food? How often do we eat?

Have we backed our food and supplement choices with noble intentions and goals? Do they align with our mission? Are they in accordance with longevity?

Most of the foods and supplements we have eaten in our lifetime have been completely random. There was no rhyme or reason to our choices beyond simply “needing protein,” “filling up on fuel,” “being hungry,” or “needing vitamins and minerals.”

With our commitment to Longevity Now we are invited to put every choice under the light of overarching noble intentions such as increasing longevity, increasing flexibility, building up core life-force energy, regaining the vigor of our youth, activating our mission, fostering androgenic metabolism, and eliminating calcification. Making appropriate choices from a perspective of noble ideals inevitably delivers us into a transformed destiny.

What is possible for each one of us is miraculous. By the power of free will, you can regain your youth.

Have The Best Life Ever!!!

—David “Avocado” Wolfe

My wood-burning stove with wild mushrooms and Saladmaster teapot