Raw plant foods, superfoods, medicinal herbs, fresh spring water, laughter, bliss, joy, positive thoughts, hope, and unconditional love all exist in the same frequency range. Tuning into this frequency range raises the overall vibration of your energy field, causing anything that is vibrating at a lower frequency, such as fear, pain, doubt, cancer, ugliness, depression, toxins, parasites, bad calcium, and so on, to eventually percolate out and be ejected from the body. This process is known as detoxification.
Detoxification is the process, and the symptoms that coincide with, the body cleansing itself of wastes and poisons. These toxins can include metabolic waste, heavy metals, pathogenic organisms, volatile organic compounds, distressed emotions, spiritually stuck energy, and other energies. Though every tissue and organ is able to go through its own detoxification, it is the liver, kidneys, lymph fluid, skin, brain, gastrointestinal tract, along with the entire immune system, that are the key facilitators of this process.
Detoxification transforms us yet also challenges us. As we embark and continue into this process, remember that we do not need to focus on perfection, just progress. Old habits die hard, but they do die. Some shifts happen immediately while others take time. The path may be relatively easy or it may be challenging, but it is always worth it.
By decreasing the pathogen, viral, and nanobacteria load in our bodies, we improve our physical and mental energy and acuity. The Longevity Now approach enables us to step into higher-energy states where we feel a deeper joy in being alive, a deeper sense of well-being, a return of laughter and the big four letter word, H-O-P-E, where we feel that things are turning a corner and going in a positive direction.
To be able to handle the metabolic change that occurs during this shift, we need to begin where we are and move at our own pace. As we progress, we can consistently increase that pace. Small commitments lead to large commitments. Minor victories lead to major victories. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, whether it is a train, a car, an emotion, a habit, or a belief. One step leads to another. Each triumph brings you one step closer to realizing the goal of eternal youth and beauty.
There are different ideas about the nature of detoxification. I believe that two key factors are at work when we detoxify:
• Chelation by replacement: This is when lower-quality nutrients are displaced by purer, higher-energy equivalents.
• Removal of toxins (artificial substances, parasite waste products, natural waste products of metabolism): hardened, mucous, sludge-like waste matter and all types of “excess” substance.
TIP Be aware that certain unhealthy foods and lifestyle cravings present themselves when we are tired, such as at the end of a long day. Be prepared. Go to sleep early if necessary. Drink a glass of pure spring water with a twist of fresh lemon and a pinch of Celtic sea salt. Be persistent; break the old cycles and soon the desire will disappear. Cravings are always temporary.
A brief list of prominent detoxification tools:
• detox products that remove artificial environmental toxins: fulvic acid, MSM (pine resin), zeolites, shilajit, EDTA, clay, and Patrick Flanagan’s Crystal Energy (Chapter 6)
• the general strategy and application of the Longevity Now approach: to dissolve and remove parasites and their waste products (bad calcium)
• herbal detox systems: Triple Herbal Treasures and herbal cleansing systems—these are designed to remove hardened mucoid plaque from the small intestines
• fasting: Juice fasting (usually centers on alkaline green vegetable and beet juice); blended fasting (no solid food, this fast usually centers on detox lemonades and raw green soups); water fasting (should be done with spring water); dry fasting (alternate days of dry and water fasting have been shown in Russian research to reduce dangerous deuterium or heavy hydrogen levels in the body, thus increasing longevity)
• a thinned-down raw detox diet (with low fat, low sugar, and high fiber/alkalinity): This type of diet—an Ann Wigmore-style detox diet—should be done temporarily and not as a maintenance diet.
• sauna (hot/cold water therapy): This can include traditional American-European Water Cure, Russian banya therapies, Finnish saunas, variations of Ayurvedic panchakarma, etc. The idea behind these therapies is that heat expands your tissues and cold contracts them; in the dynamic between heat and cold, the body is purified and detoxified, like the squeezing of a sponge.
• a lymphatically activating exercise program (inversion-oriented yoga, rebounding, etc.)
• enemas and colonics (it is important to pull the plug and let all wastes drain out semi-regularly)
• deep-tissue bodywork (Romi Romi, Rolfing, etc.): See part five of the Longevity Now decalcification system.
• grounding and zapper technology: Zappers draw toxins right through the skin to the negatively charged electrode on the zapper. Being grounded by touching the Earth directly or via grounding technology alters the exchange of gases excreted when we breathe. This may take several months of consistent grounding in order to normalize. This indicates that by being grounded, we are detoxifying substances that we typically cannot excrete. Bad hormone removal via methylation (beet juice), the appropriate nutrients (I3C, DIM), counterbalancing progesterone cream, and fiber: The presence of plastics and other excess xenoestrogens and the problems that they cause for human biology are becoming more widely understood, including the connection to hormone disorders in humans, other mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and many other orders of life. Estrogens may be the most toxic compounds to burden the liver as we age. See Chapter 5 for more on hormones.
Drink fresh, living spring water while fasting.
A traditional wood-fire sauna
TIP All detoxification strategies should be adopted with common sense. Too sudden a shift can “shock” the body. Everything comes as it should, in its own time. The way to create lasting change is to step outside your comfort zone, but not into your shock zone. If you want to realize greater health gains, invest your time and energy in detoxification efforts and personal development projects over a long period. The long-range projects pay off so much more because the universe rewards the virtues of discipline and perseverance.
If you’re going through hell, keep going.
Have you ever stepped into a calm pond or lake in the early morning hours? Once you step in, the mud at the bottom is churned up. Detoxification is like this. Eating healthier, lighter foods, superfoods, and herbs, as well as taking Longevity Now recommended supplements, tends to churn up the old sludge, including past emotional residue and the buried hurt. Emotional cleansing is part of the transformation process.
Typical, Cyclical Symptoms of Detoxification
• body aches
• body odor
• bowel irregularities
• deep doubts
• emotional fluctuations
• excess mucus
• general feelings of discomfort
• halitosis
• headaches
• lack of interest in sex
• premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
• skin challenges
• soul searching
• turbid urine
These symptoms represent low-energy phenomena being flushed out by higher-energy nutrients, mental states, and emotions.
TIP If you are experiencing strong detoxification symptoms—especially through the skin—visit a reputable colon hydrotherapist. Colonics can help channel and remove the blocked-up toxicity and emotions through the bowels, instead of the skin. Again, this is like pulling the plug on a dirty bathtub. The waste must be drained out.
An important point about Longevity Now and detoxification in general is that it is usually not the organisms (such as nanobacteria, viruses, or fungi like candida) that are the cause of problematic health issues, but rather their waste products (or fecal matter—what they excrete into our system). The fastest way to immediately clean up those waste products, especially while activating the Longevity Now approach, is through colonics, which support good lymphatic drainage and help us get the blockages out of the system as quickly as possible. In addition, we want to really power up the immune system so that the white blood cells can vacuum up the rest of those waste byproducts that are generated by viruses, nanobacteria, fungi, mold, cancer cells, etc.
Catabolic practices tend to speed up or accelerate detoxification symptoms. This means that a catabolic practice will move toxins through and out of the body faster. “Catabolic” means “to break down.” Catabolic practices include:
• aerobic exercise
• colon hydrotherapy (also enemas)
• drinking green juices
• drinking only living spring water
• eating sweet fruit
• fasting
• herbal cleansing
• hot springs bathing
• massage (deep tissue)
• menstruation (in women)
• orgasm (ejaculation in men)
• skin brushing
• sweatlodge/sauna/infrared heat
• taking enzymes and probiotic supplements
• taking the supplements recommended in Longevity Now (zeolites, fulvic acid, MegaHydrate, Crystal Energy, shilajit, EDTA, etc.)
Anabolic practices tend to slow down detoxification. “Anabolic” means “to build up,” implying that an anabolic practice will suppress the release of toxins from the body because other activities are occurring, such as muscle-building. Anabolic practices include:
• anaerobic exercise, such as heavy weight-lifting or sprints
• consuming sea salt or rock salt
• eating any kind of dairy product
• eating any type of meat, including fish
• eating cooked starches like bread, pasta, rice, or baked potato
• eating fatty foods like avocados, nuts, olives, seeds, coconuts, or durian
• eating fibrous, green-leafed vegetable salads
Neither catabolic nor anabolic practices are more important than the other. They are both valuable and useful at the correct time.
Being able to control the rate of detox is one way that this process of cleansing is a personal, unique endeavor. Self-healing through alternative healthcare, utilizing strategies for decalcification and detoxification as outlined in this book, is the wave of the future. Alternative healthcare sciences tend to view people as whole individuals in an environment with a unique history, rather than as a group of labeled symptoms and diagnoses.
TIP Use your intuition and instincts to aid your own healing strategies, as well as your choice of naturopaths, physicians, or healers. If you feel that more esoteric healing regimes are appropriate, such as prayer, psychics, faith, or other methods, then by all means act upon those feelings. This is where you may have your greatest breakthroughs. The ultimate benefit of natural and spiritual healing regimes is the adventuresome, optimistic frame of mind that arises within us from using them.
Enlightenment is just that—making yourself lighter. Detoxifying one’s body results in heavy “gravitational” materials and energies being released.
Permanent weight loss comes through an inner transformation. This usually arises from an epiphany, a moment of clarity, a clear decision. When the decision has been made and a new path in life is chosen, the weight is already lost.
The two primary elements to reduce and eliminate from the diet in order to lose weight are starchy carbohydrates (baked potatoes, rice, beer, bread, pasta, corn chips, potato chips, etc.) and cooked fats (high-fat meat and pasteurized dairy foods).
Overeating habits and weight gain are related to eating demineralized foods. The richer a food is in minerals, the more difficult it becomes to overeat it. When food is eaten raw, it gives a stronger signal to stop eating. This is called the “aliesthetic taste change.” This taste change is stronger in more mineralized foods—and is especially strong in wild foods. It is virtually impossible to overeat wild foods. Wild foods are always higher in minerals than domesticated foods. Domesticated plants, especially those that are commercially grown, tend to be high in sugar/starch and low in minerals. These include grains (bread, pasta, rice-cakes, beer), potatoes (baked, potato chips), corn (corn chips, corn syrup products), carrots, and seedless fruits. The consumption of demineralized food often leads to addictions.
Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland) has received a lot of the blame for excessive weight gain. This can be true, though it is not always the case. If indeed thyroid challenges are the cause of excessive weight gain, then the best course of action is to get one’s stress levels down, to nourish and detoxify the body, and stay grounded, while simultaneously building up androgenic hormones: progesterone (women), testosterone (women and men), vitamin D3, and DHEA. Nourishing the thyroid can include maca (superfood), coconut oil (as well as other coconut products), kelp, Brazil nuts (three to four each day), fruits rich in vitamin C (oranges, peppers), and foods high in B vitamins and enzymes (raw sauerkraut). Detoxify the body and the thyroid using the supplements recommended in Chapter 6 (Part I). Build up your healthy hormones using the suggestions in Chapter 5.
Also, it seems apparent that women with high levels of toxicity (pesticides, chemicals, solvents, petroleum byproducts, xenoestrogens, heavy metals, etc.) tend to experience more challenging PMS symptoms, as well as a more extreme menopause experience. Detoxification tools and the suggestions outlined in Chapter 5 can assist one in normalizing extremes of hormonal imbalance.
TIP Obesity has been inversely correlated with longevity. The more obese you are, the greater the risk of leaving the planet early. Weight loss is automatic when you eat low-calorie, nutrient-rich organic foods, such as vegetables, superfoods, and superherbs, instead of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, such as starchy carbohydrates (bread, pasta, pastries, etc.).