By choosing to follow the recommendations outlined in Longevity Now, you are making decisions about your own health. The information in this book is not to be used as the basis for treating a disease or a particular symptom, nor does it replace any current treatment you may be undergoing. All the recommended guidelines in this book, as well as any individual formulations contained within the book, are for educational purposes and for building health.

Although every supplement and superherb contained in Longevity Now is safe to use, if you have any of the health conditions listed below, we recommend that you seek immediate professional attention instead of acting on the suggestions within this book. Please always make sure to consult a qualified health professional before embarking upon any program or changing anything about your diet and supplementation.

Do not adopt the Longevity Now approach if:

•  you have an acute, active, life-threatening infection anywhere in your body

•  you are recovering from a medical surgery, procedure, or therapy

•  you experience extreme weakness and/or hypersensitivity, or have extreme nutrient and mineral deficiencies

•  you are undergoing active treatment or taking prescription medicine regularly including: anticoagulant drugs, antiplatelet drugs, antihypertensives, antidepressants, chemotherapy, corticosteroids, diuretic drugs, heart medication, high blood pressure drugs, insulin, or radiation.

Also, do not use the Longevity Now approach if you are nursing, pregnant, or are trying to get pregnant.

IMPORTANT: This document (nor any portion of it) may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written consent of the author David Wolfe or his legally delegated representative.