I talked quite a lot about the origins of Isandor in City of Strife’s acknowledgements, and while those who helped me start this universe will always remain close to my heart, it takes more than a spark to write such a massive project. My eternal thanks to Marianne, who devours everything I write as I write it, to Audrey for the hours of roleplay, to Jonathan who has shared so many hours of plotting, and to Katie and Brenda, whose early enthusiasm let me believe I had a worthwhile story. You were with me long before I even published City of Strife.
So many new voices have fuelled my creative energies since publication. There are not enough heartfelt thanks in this world for the readers, reviewers, and fellow writers who have fallen in love with these characters and their story. Your fan art and excited messages brightened my days this year. A very special thank you to the aromantic and asexual communities—little is more motivating and heartwarming than your warm welcome of this representation and the many heartfelt thanks I received. So many of you embraced this story and these characters, especially in the aromantic community, and I want you all to know you will always be the heart of my stories; the people I write for.
Finally, to my patrons, whether you joined in April when I opened the Patreon, or recently: I am so very grateful for every dollar you choose to give, every comment and like and vote. I’m glad we share a tiny space. Thank you so much.
Et au risque de me répéter, je tiens à remercier ma famille pour son soutien, ma jumelle pour les extraordinaires couvertures, mon copain pour le soutien à la maison et toute ma petite communauté d’écriture de Québec (vous savez qui vous êtes—vous faites NaNo avec moi à chaque année!).
Merci à tous, et on se revoit au tome 3!