
Published by
The Mountaineers Books
1001 SW Klickitat Way, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98134

© 2000 by Robert L. Wood
All rights reserved
First edition 1984. Second edition 1991. Third edition: first printing 2000, second printing 2002, third printing 2003, revised by Terry Wood 2004, fifth printing 2005, sixth printing 2007, seventh printing 2010, eighth printing 2012

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Distributed in the United Kingdom by Cordee,

Manufactured in the United States of America

Managing Editor: Kathleen Cubley
Editor: Cynthia Newman Bohn
Designer: Jennifer LaRock Shontz
Mapmaker: Benjamin Pease based on author’s original maps
All photographs by the author unless otherwise noted
Cover photograph: Heart Lake and Mount Duckabush by Robert L. Wood

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wood, Robert L.

Olympic Mountains trail guide: national park and national forest: detailed descriptions of all constructed and way trails in the Olympic Mountians, maintained and not maintained / Robert L. Wood. — 3rd ed.

p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p.   ) and index.

ISBN 0-89886-618-9 (pbk.)

1. Hiking—Washington (State)—Olympic Mountians—Guidebooks. 2. Backpacking—Washington (State)—Olympic Mountains—Guidebooks. 3. Trails—Washington (State)—Olympic Mountains—Guidebooks. 4. Olympic Mountains (Wash.)—Guidebooks. I. Title.

GV199.42.W22 O488 2000


images Printed on recycled paper

ISBN (paperback): 978-0-89886-618-6
ISBN (ebook): 978-1-59485-414-9