High-Low Tie Back

WHETHER YOU WEAR IT LONG OR SHORT, with a T-shirt or a sheath, versatility is the name of the game with this necklace. A mix of industrial chain, soft ribbon, and natural stones, it fits in at the office or on the back deck. Plus, switching the ribbon on this necklace is as easy as tying and untying a knot. Try using velvet in the winter, eyelet in the spring, and silk anytime. The silk ribbon used here is hand-dyed and available in an endless variety of colors.



14 in/35.5 cm of silver snake chain, 4 mm dia.

4 silver end caps with 1 loop, which fit snugly around the chain, 5 mm dia. × 8 mm long

5 stone beads with top-drilled holes, 20 mm wide × 28 mm long

1 ft/30.5 cm flexible beading wire, thin enough to thread through the bead holes

2 silver-tone crimp beads, 2 mm dia.

2 small silver jump rings

2 yd/2 m ribbon, 1 in/2.5 cm wide




E-6000 glue

Chain-nose pliers



Connect the beads to the chain

1 With the clippers, cut the snake chain in half. Glue each of the 4 ends of the chain into an end cap. Let dry overnight.

2 Arrange the 5 stone beads in a gentle curve on your work surface.

3 Thread the 12-in/30.5-cm piece of flexible beading wire through the loop on one of the end caps, and thread both ends of the flexible beading wire through a crimp bead.

4 Thread the stones onto the flexible beading wire. Add the second crimp bead, and thread the wire through the loop on the second end cap and back through the crimp bead. With the chain-nose pliers, crimp the crimp bead, and clip any excess wire, leaving a short tail.

5 Attach a small jump ring to the loops on each of the two remaining end caps.

Add the ribbon

6 With the scissors, cut the ribbon in half. Thread one of the pieces of ribbon through a jump ring. Pull the ribbon halfway, until the jump ring is in the center of the ribbon.

7 Loosely tie a knot with the ribbon around the jump ring, covering it.

8 Repeat on the other end of the chain with the other length of ribbon. You now have 2 lengths of ribbon on each side. To wear the necklace, choose how long you want to wear it and, with the ribbon, tie a bow in the back.
