Gasification In The Car
Here is how the gasification in the car works:
As Dad is about to get ready to open his car, I sit there and pufffffffffffffffffffffffffffff out some steamy vapour clouds that are blowing towards Dad's direction from sideways, overclouding the daylight in one darkening thunderstorm!
This is going to be Dad's freakiest morning ride ever, and he will probably think that he is in some kind of paranormal movie!
Dad is fumbling around with his keys. The day light is gone for one short second because my vapour-style clouds are darkening the spring air with a darkening and disgusting smelling odor that Dad does not seem to appreciate too much.
This is probably the worst cloud of rotten egg gas that Dad has ever smelled after breakfast.
As the dreadful egg gas hits Dad's nose, he starts tumbling around, waving his hands in signs of disgust and nausea. Dad almost faints.
As the rotten-egg gas stink gets more and more yucky, he is managing to shout out to Mom: "Bring me a glass of water. I am fading out!"
I admit; I probably took too much effort into this car blaster and almost gasified Dad!
I just wanted Dad around a bit more.