The Stinky Tsunami
Here is how the stinky tsunami works.
I am rolling out my plan right now and right here and inside the pool!
Step 1:
I am putting myself into the stinky tsunami position, and I am holding onto the handle of the pool. I am turning my back towards the screaming crowd.
Step 2:
I am already feeling the gassy air rumbling in my tummy, and I am extremely happy that I had some beans for lunch because doing this exercise in the water is not as easy as on the ground.
Step 3:
Finally as the screaming of my folks gets unbearable weird and noisy, I am able to produce the most effective poop fart and air water whirler ever!
Step 4:
I am exceedingly proud of the stinky tsunami. As the air gets pushed out into the water, it produces a highly explosive and stinky underwater air cloud.
Step 5:
As I am releasing my gassy air into the water, the pressure immediately transforms the air into a hydrogenic water bomb, causing a very unpleasant smelling and dangerously looking wave that turns into one hell of a stinky tsunami.
I seriously underestimated the bean effect in the water. I also underestimated the powerful air pressure that turned the air into a dangerous hydrogen bomb.
Pure magic and one can compare the stinky tsunami with the butterfly effect: little cause and wicked effect!
Step 6:
Anyway, my family is still enjoying the pool, and they do not seem to notice the dangerous wave that is building up and coming towards them.
Step 7:
Suddenly, Dad gets aware of the situation. As the wave is coming towards them and as it develops into a mass of water, he is screaming: "Attention a huge wave is coming at us!"
Step 8:
Finally the stinky tsunami is reaching Mom, Dad, and Timmie. They are screaming in terror.
I am seeing their heads spinning and whirling around in the roaring water.
Step 9:
I am the laughing one right now because my head sticks out of the water and my side of the pool has not been touched by this stinking water explosion!
Step 10:
The water is pushing them under water, and Dad the scout-boy manages to save them all.
I guess this is the stinkiest tsunami that has ever hit a pool in this part of town!
I hope that I have given them a good lesson today.
It is not a cool thing to ban a puppy from the pool.
Never eat too many beans before getting into the pool because you might end up setting your family's house under water like my friend Beaner Wiener once did!
Always check out the size of the pool first and remember that you do not want to take it to the extreme level like the hydra water bomb blowing puppy, Beaner Wiener!