
agile able to move quickly and easily

altitude sickness illness caused by the lack of oxygen when at high altitude

avalanche rapid fall of snow down a sloping surface

canopy cover formed by a tree’s branches

carabiner a metal ring and clip used for fastening ropes when climbing

carrion dead animals

cerebral oedema build-up of fluid around the brain

chinchilla type of rodent with a very soft, grey coat

condor type of vulture; one of the largest flying birds

contaminated unclean

crampons plates with spikes that attach to your shoes so you can walk on ice

crevasse deep, open crack in a glacier or ice sheet

destabilise weaken

dysentery an infection causing diarrhoea

extinct no longer existing

geyser hot spring that sends spouts of hot water and steam into the air

glacier large body of thick ice that is constantly moving

granite grainy type of rock

guanaco animal similar to a llama or alpaca

hypothermia having an abnormally low body temperature

incubate keep eggs warm until they hatch, usually by sitting on them

kindling small, dry twigs used for lighting a fire that will burn quickly and easily

meltwater water released by the melting of snow or ice

oedema swelling in the body caused by build-up of fluid

opportunistic taking advantage of opportunities as they arise

parasite creature that lives in or on another creature

plain broad expanse of flat land

precipice very steep rock face or cliff

pulmonary oedema build-up of fluid around the lungs

puma large, powerful cat

salvaged rescued

scavenge feeding on dead animals or plants

sheer very steep

southern hemisphere parts of the Earth that lie south of the Equator

tectonic plates large slabs of rock that make up the Earth’s surface

temperate mild climate

terminus end of an area of ice

terrain physical features of land

tinder very dry material that is easy to set on fire

transceiver device that gives out a signal to indicate where someone is

vicuna animal similar to a llama or alpaca

volcanic fissure crack or vent through which lava erupts