Two knights became such enemies that one killed the other. The dead knight left a son, who quickly conspired with his friends how he could avenge his father’s death. He gathered warriors and sought out his opponent so that he thought it advisable to withdraw to a secure fortress.
Here he was surrounded by the son so that he was unable to leave without being in mortal danger and was unable to visit a church for over a year. When Good Friday was approaching, he felt a heavy heart that he had not heard the mass for such a long time. He said to himself, “However God will deal with me, I am going to church.” He removed his shoes and went out barefoot as it was prescribed for those who (on this day) attended the service.
On the way to church, he was met by his opponent. “You traitor, you will now die and pay dearly for the death of my father. No riches of this world can help you and keep you from receiving your full due from me!” The knight fell to his knees before the young man and said, “Forgive me in the name of he who was born of the Virgin Mary! Be compassionate so that God also shows you compassion on your day of judgment!”
The young man heard his enemy beg so sadly he softened and said, “For your heartfelt plea and to honor Him who on this day through his martyrdom released us and for his mother Mary, I forgive you and grant you my love.” He got down from his horse, kissed the kneeling knight and said, “We who were enemies are now friends! Let us go now together in true love to church and to him who brought the peace!”
The old knight was extremely happy for what had happened, and the companions exulted with them. The reconciled opponents went together into the church to kiss the feet of the crucifix. The older knight honored Christ’s likeness first according custom. Then the young man stepped forward, crossed himself and kissed the feet of the crucifix, which then spread its arms and embraced the neck of the young man and kissed him in return.
Astounded, all those present saw this miracle and praised God for the way the young man had shown his gentleness.