Chapter 35. The Sick Man and Christ

A rich, well-respected man who nonetheless surrendered himself to worldly desires and who was barely God-fearing became dangerously ill.

His friends encouraged him to confess and to ask God for forgiveness, but he avoided this and said, “What good will it do to confess a couple of hours before my death when I indulged in sin my whole life? Forget it; I’ve already gone to the devil.” Everyone who heard these words viewed them as harsh and pitiful.

A pious and God-fearing woman not far away lived. When she heard of the sick man’s conduct she became sad, went to church and asked god to show her whether the man was destined for heaven or damnation. An angel then appeared to her and said, “Because you are pious and God is pleased, he heard your request. Go to the sick man and there you will learn what you wish to know.”

The woman stood up and went to the rich man’s house where all those present were met in mourning and worry. They prayed eagerly for the soul of the sick man. After a long time he who was crucified himself appeared at the foot of the bed and said, “What do you want? Here I am.”

Disturbed, the sick man asked, “Who are you?” “I am Christ,” answered the apparition, “who suffered death as a martyr on the holy cross for you. Now I am ready; if you will ask for forgiveness, then you shall receive forgiveness. If you also surrender yourself to me then I will not forsake you. If you ask for forgiveness, as I have paid dearly for you.”

“I will readily and happily ask for mercy,” answered the sick man, “especially if you, my healer, will place a drop of blood from your side in my heart.”

“That is what you will receive,” answered Christ, and then ascended straight to heaven. Shortly thereafter, the sick man died, and an angel took his soul away. The pious woman saw these events and along with all who were present and witnessed these wonders, praised God.