
Absolution, General, 51, 58, 152, 164, 180-82, 200, 258

Accademia Alfonsiana, Rome, 227

Accountability in Church, 40-42, 83

AIDS 13, 27-28, 72, 75, 78, 85, 116, 146, 204-24

Adamson, Mgr Thomas, 19

Alberigo, Giuseppe, 99

Allen, Christine, 205

Alphonsus St, 227-28

Ambrosiaster, 283, 290-92

America, 100, 256-257

Aquinas, 17, 111, 119, 162, 185, 284, 293-94

ARCIC II, Life in Christ 29, 105, 111-12

Aristotle, 119, 293, 301

Arns, Cardinal 41

Arrupe, Pedro SJ, 335-36

Ashton, Dr John, 314

Association of Teachers of Moral Theology (ATMT), 21, 29, 98, 111, 122, 124-30

Authority, 13, 20, 33

Austin, Keith, 312


Baelz, Peter, 128

Bangkok, 28, 208, 215, 217

Baptism, celebration of, 50

Beck, Archbishop Andrew, 22, 116

Beattie, Tina, 256

Beckwith, Sarah, 260-61

Begum, Hasma, 207

Bianchi, Eugene C, 334

Biblical Commission Report: Can Women be Priests?, 284-85

Bishops of England & Wales, 23, 80-81, 91-92, 126-27, 178, 251-54, 300

Bleske, Elisabeth, 186, 191

Body of Christ, 171, 180, 260-62, 266

Boff, Leonardo, 179

Brewer, Bishop Jack, 21, 126-27

Bridson, Revd Ray, 68

Broad, Revd Bill, 61

Burggraeve, Robert, 116

Butler, Bishop Christopher, 87


CAFOD, 27, 62, 147-48, 203-04, 208, 217, 220, 222

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, 110

Callaghan, Brendan SJ, 198

Camara, Bishop Helder, 41

Campbell, Fr (Bishop) Michael, 127

Canon Law, 17-18, 72, 180

Canon Law Society of America, 293

Casaldaliga, Bishop Pedro, 43

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 29, 105, 126

Catholic Ethicists, World Conference, 110-11

Catholic Pictorial, 11, 22, 32

Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain, 120, 250

Cavanagh, William T, 271

Change, 90, 101, 104, 114, 198-99, 202

Chenu, M-D OP, 201

Christian Unity, 305-06

‘Christianity in Evolution’, 165-68

Chrysostom, St John, 260

Clague, Julie, 110, 310

Clark, Bishop Matthew,

Clergy Review, The, 20-23, 117, 141, 277

Collaborative ministry, 23, 25, 32, 41, 47, 64, 82-86

Collegiality, 13, 82, 101, 103-04, 199

Collins, Fr Jim, 19

‘Common Good, The’, 90

Communion, 310-313

Condoms & HIV prevention, 209-15

Conefrey, Fr Pat, 61

Congar, Yves OP, 200, 244

Congregation for Divine Worship (CDW), 254, 296-99

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), 88, 123, 177, 225, 233-35, 238, 240, 247-51, 282-85, 313

Conscience, 13, 46, 131-40, 200, 230-31

Contraception, 13, 104, 112, 199, 209, 212-13

Conversion, Theology of, 82-83

Conway, Eamonn, 198

Co-responsibility, 32, 41, 84

Courtney, Mary S, 28, 75

Creation Theology, 165, 306-07

Creativity, 46, 234-35

Crowe, Paul, 68, 73

Crowley, Deirdre, 15

Crowley, Fr Pat, 15

Cullen, Philomena, 310, 337

Cullinan, Thomas, 268-70

Curran, Charles E, 22, 120, 128, 226, 236-49, 312


Daly, Gabriel OSA, 154

Daniels, Bill, 128

Danneels, Cardinal, 211-12

Davidson, Claire, 73-74

Dawkin, Revd Peter, 64, 66-69

de Foucauld, Charles, 24-25, 133

deLubac, Henri, 257

Democracy in Church, 42-43

De Montesinos, Frey Antonio, 173-74

Deman, Thomas OP, 173-74

Development of doctrine, 40, 90, 101

Dialogue, 89, 102, 117-18, 132-33, 248

Didymus the Blind, 291

Difference & Diversity, 82-83, 308-09

Dissent and disagreement, 90-91, 112, 175, 183-91, 236, 242-50

Divorce and second marriage, 13, 24, 232, 236-37, 271, 303

Doctrine & Life, 197

Douglas, Win, 312

Dowling, Bishop Kevin, 28

Duggan, S Miriam, 214-15

Dulles, Avery, 244

Dunne, Jim, 26

Dunstan, Prof Gordon, 29, 128

Dupius, Jacques SJ, 89

Dyson, Prof Anthony, 128


‘Easter People’, 80, 280

Ecology, 148-50

Ecumenical Commission, Liverpool, 64

Ecumenical Directory (1993), 48, 72

Ecumenism, 25, 34, 48, 110-12, 240

Eldonian community, 26-27

Elford, Canon John, 127

Elsmore, Revd Guy, 60, 64

Epikeia, 19, 119, 185, 227-28, 300-03

Eucharist, 13, 50-51, 231-33, 250, 315

Eucharist & Spirit of Vatican II, 296-300

Eucharist & Unity, 259-65

Eucharist & Violence, 266

Eucharistic Prayers, 50, 302, 304-10

Evolution, 159, 165-68

Ex corde Ecclesiae, 24

Experience, 11, 14, 56-58, 235


Failure and second marriage, 186-91

Fagan, Sean SM, 192, 194

Fallon, Mgr Tom, 26

Farley, Margaret, 106, 110, 241

Filokowski, Julian, 28, 270

Fitzgerald, Barbara, 332

Forester, Prof Duncan, 128

Fribourg, University of, 17

Fuller, Jon SJ, 28, 95

Fuller, Louise, 196-97

Funerals, celebration of, 50

Fuchs, Josef SJ, 229-230

Furrow, The, 107, 170, 192, 201, 250, 264, 266


Gallagher, Raphael C.Ss.R., 170

Gap virtue, 300-01

Garden of Hope, 62

Gay & lesbian relationships, 46, 79, 94-96, 175-76, 199

General Absolution, 50, 180-82, 199

Ghandi, 269

Gibson, Mel, The Passion of the Christ, 275-76

Globalisation, 148


Abuse, 193-94, 199

And AIDS, 218-19, 222

in everyday life, 54, 134

Loving, 135, 140

Pain of, 135-37, 140

Risk of, 160

Tears of, 138-40

Gray, Bishop, 84-85

Greco, Richard (now Bishop), 128

‘Growing Together in Unity and Mission’ 2006 (IARCC), 74

Growth out of Sin, 154-66

Gryson, R, 284, 286-92

Guilt, 134-35


Hampson, Daphne, 129

Hanrahan, Dr P, 17, 20

Häring, Bernard C.Ss.R., 175, 177, 224-35, 240, 245, 287

Harrison, Beverly Hildung, 155

Hartley, Therese SND, 280

Harvey, Nicholas Peter, 192, 311

Haughton, Rosemany, 191

Heath, Damien, 128

Hellwig, Monika, 157-58

Heythrop College, 26, 124, 204

Historical consciousness, 12, 100, 114-16, 156

HIV-prevention, 115, 203-16

Hoban, Brendan, 198-99

Hogan, Linda, 110, 331

Hoose, Bernard, 16, 310

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 46, 52-53

Howson, John, 206

Hughes, Gerard J SJ, 88, 200

Humanae Vitae, 22-23, 109, 116-17, 123, 146, 175, 194, 212-13, 217, 226, 228-29, 239

Hume, Cardinal Basil, 23, 91, 116, 126, 183, 200

Humility, 307-08

Hurley, Archbishop Denis, 254-55 Hurth, Fr SJ, 232


Imagination, 46, 48

Infallibility, 33

Infanta diocese, Philippines, 318-24 Intercommunion, 48, 199

International Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL), 254-55

International Theological Commission (ITC), 246-47 Irenaeus, St, 166


Janssens, Prof Louis, 146

Johnson, Elizabeth A, 273-74

Joint Church Council (JCC), 60, 64, 67-69

Jones, Alexander, 16-17

Jones, Pat, 81

Justice and Peace, 49, 304-05

Justice and Peace, 1971 Synod on, 34, 45, 288


Kaleeba, Noerine, 28, 215, 223

Kasper, Cardinal Walter, 62, 89

Kaye, Angela & Graham, 75

Kearney, Paddy, 256

Keenan, James SJ, 28, 110, 116, 126, 128, 203, 207, 210

Keenan, Marie, 192, 194, 197

Kelly, Archbishop Patrick, 60, 64, 68

Kelly, Kevin (references to books by)

NDMT, 29, 109-110, 149, 154

NDSE, 28, 79, 89, 146, 217

FPB, 27, 29, 38, 45, 105, 115-116, 131, 154, 170, 204, 240, 300

Kelly, Steve, 312

Kenel, Mary Elizabeth, 336

Kidapawan diocese, Philippines, 329-31

Kingdom of God, 45, 159-60

Kuhn, Thomas, 24

Kung, Hans, 258


Labayan, Bishop of Infanta, 318-24

Laity, dignity of, 85-86

Lambino, Tony SJ, 324

Lane, Michael, 26

Lappine, Chris, 75, 310

L’Arche, 34

Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM), 177

Lavery, Hugh, 76, 180

Lay Leadership, 51

‘Leaving Safe Harbours’, 65

Leonard, S Ellen, 24

Leuven University, 107

‘Life in Christ’ ARCIC II, 29-30, 105, 111-13

Listening, 89-93, 102, 117


epikeia and liturgical rubrics, 56

human experience and, 56-58

participation, full & active, 55, 101

person-centred, 14, 300-03

Liverpool, 11, 79, 92-93, 152, 252, 277-78, 302

Liverpool Hope University, 204, 266, 310, 314-15

Live Simply, 148-51

Loades, Prof Anne, 29, 128

Locally Ordained Ministry (LOM), 277

Lonergan, Bernard SJ, 201

Love and everyday life, 54


McBrien, Richard, 244

McCallion, S Mary SND, 14, 280

McCormick, P T, 163-64

McCormick, Richard, 244

McDonagh, Enda, 28, 160, 332, 334

McGann, Tony, 26

McGrail, Dr Peter, 73

McHugh, Dr Mary, 27

McMahon, Andrew, 192

McReavy, Mgr Lawrence, 29

McTernan, Oliver, 272

McVerry, Peter SJ, 195-97

Mahoney, Canon E J, 20

Mahoney, Jack SJ, 11-12, 21, 23, 26, 32, 154, 165-68, 241

Malone, Bishop James, 120-21

Malone, Bishop Vincent, 65-67

Mannion, Gerard, 16, 310, 337

Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge, 224

Marianella Pastoral Centre, Dublin, 127 Markham, Prof Ian, 128

Marriage, celebration of, 50

Marriage, 1980 Rome Synod on, 23

Massingdale, Bryan, 240

Maynooth College, 127

Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM), 27, 150, 203-06, 216, 220-23

Merton, Thomas, 96, 265

Mieth, Dietmar, 186

Missal, New Translation of Roman, 14, 55, 167, 199, 251-58

Mission statement, 25, 41, 58-59

Month, The, 45, 124

Moral theologian, 13

Moral theology, 13, 98-123, 141-47

Morris, Bishop William, 178

Murphy O’Connor, Cardinal Cormac, 29, 212

Murray, John Courtney SJ, 201 Muslims, 26


Naidoo, Kumi, 148, 203, 206

National Conference of Priests (NCP), 300

National Pastoral Congress, 13, 39, 79-81, 85-86, 183-84

Ncube, Archbishop Pius, 28

New Blackfriars, 14, 154

Newman, John Henry, 114

Nichols, Kevin, 114

Nichols, Vin (now Archbishop), 24

Niebuhr, Richard, 107

Nolan, Albert OP, 150, 162-63

Noldin, Summa Theologiae Moralis, 17, 283, 294

Noonan, S Breda, 316, 326-329

Noonan, John, 116

Nunes, Fr Matthew, 65, 67-69


O’Brien, Eugene, 198

O’Donohue, Dr Maura MMM, 27

O’Donovan, Prof Oliver, 29, 128

O’Hanlon, Daniel, 258

O’Malley, John SJ, 99-102, 296, 298

Obedience, 131, 303

Okure, Teresa, 203, 208

One Bread, One Body (Bishops’ Conferences of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, 1998), 34, 48, 233, 272

Original Sin, 159

Orphans, AIDS, 220-21

Orsy, Ladislas SJ, 10, 18-19, 180, 182, 195, 339


Papal Birth Control Commission, 225


catholic, 48-49

community, 36-38

inclusive, 47-48

praying, worshipping, 49-50

sacramental, 46-47

Passion, 267-68

Patterson, Gill, 204, 209

Paul St, 292

Pendergast, Martin, 28

People of God, 32, 46-47, 101, 234, 242, 245, 248

Person, human as unique, 46-47, 235

Peru, 277-81

Phan, Peter, 192

Philippines, ‘Exposure experience’, 14, 217, 277-78, 316-31

Pius, Fr OFM.Cap, 124

Platten, Stephen (now Bishop), 128

Pope Pius XII, 144

Pope John XXIII, 32, 109, 243

Pope Paul VI, 22-23, 87-88, 104, 140, 143, 150, 167, 174, 210, 213, 216, 245, 257, 287

Pope John Paul II, 21, 24, 34, 126-127, 178, 180, 194, 229, 259-60, 263-65, 283

Pope Benedict XVI, 89, 140, 149, 152, 165, 168, 194, 204, 212, 216, 253, 257

Porticus Trust, The, 14

Poverty and AIDS, 219

Prayer, 49

Prendergast, Ned, 201

Preston, Prof Ronald 29, 125, 128


accountability of, 40-42

diminishing numbers, 277-81

formation, 40, 84

married, 43-44, 196, 264, 279

role of, 14, 53

women, 13, 43-44, 47, 199, 229, 231-32, 264, 279, 282-95

Priests and People, 107

Problem Tree, 210 Prophecy, 90

Progressio, 204

Purnell, Patrick SJ, 332-33


Quebec, Bishops of, 42-43

Queens College, Birmingham, 25

QUEST, 79, 83, 94-95


Radcliffe, Timothy OP, 75-76, 296-97

Rahner, Karl SJ, 20, 40, 87, 144-145, 170, 179, 201, 244, 286

Raite, Jill, 239

Ratzinger, Cardinal Josef, 179, 193, 200, 225, 242, 244, 247, 285

Rayan, Samuel SJ, 324-25

Reception/Non-reception, 91, 99

Receptive Ecumenism, 61, 65

Redmond, Fr Bill, 66

Relationships, 83-84

Retirement, 91, 332-38

Retirement, Spirituality of, 334-36

Retirement, Theology of, 336-37

Richards, Michael, 20-21

Rogers, Margaret, 54, 93

Romero, Archbishop Oscar, 266, 270

Roper, Anna, 119

Ruff, Andrew OSB, 255

Ryan, Fr Michael G, 256


‘Sabbath People’, 333

Sagovski, Prof Nicholas, 266

Same-sex relationships, 13

Schillebeeckx, Edward OP, 38, 42-43, 105, 142, 144, 279

Schuller, Bruno, 128

Seewald, Peter, 212

Selling, Prof Joseph, 116

Sex Trade, 205

Sexual abuse by clergy, 13, 194-204

Sexuality, 199

Sharpe, Ursula MMM, 220, 222

Shellien, Sue, 75

Sheppard, Bishop David, 61, 63, 73-74

‘Sign We Give’, 81-85, 93-95, 253

‘Signs of the Times’, 156, 163, 177, 190, 198, 242, 261, 294, 338

Simson, Pierre M.Afr, 260

Sin, 154-85, 171-72

Sin, structural, 218

Sinful Church, 13

Sisters of Notre Dame, 252-53

Slingo, Fr Tony, 93

Smith, Ann, 29, 204, 206

Smith, Austin CP, 30, 241, 316, 332

Sobrino, Jon SJ, 164, 270, 313

Solidarity, 148-50

Solle, Dorothy, 162, 187-88, 190

Spirit, Holy, 10, 13, 23, 46-47, 65, 67, 70, 75-77, 88-89, 99, 107, 131, 179, 181, 202, 339

Spirit of Vatican II, 10, 99-102

Spirituality, 52-59, 154-66

St Basil’s Primary School, 263, 314

Stigma, 208-09

Subsidiarity, 47

Synod of Bishops on Justice and Peace (1971), 34, 45, 288

Synod of African Bishops (2nd, 2009), 204

Synod on Family (1982), 183


Tablet, The, 96, 184, 186, 206, 236, 241, 250, 282

Tanner, Mary, 61

TASO, 215, 223

Taylor, Bishop Maurice, 255

Teaching authority in Church, 33, 49, 86-91, 242-50

Team ministry, Skelmersdale, 24-25, 85, 180

Tidmarsh, Manes, 332

Tillich, Paul, 188

Tracy, David, 244

Tradition, 90, 104-05, 202

Tutu, Archbishop Desmond, 314

Turner, Prof Denys, 85-86


Ubuntu, 11

Uganda, 27, 215, 220-23

Upholland College, 16, 23, 125

Upholland Northern Institute (UNI), 23-24, 126, 183, 225, 250

US Bishops Conference, 117-18

Ushaw College, 23


Vatican II Documents

Church (Lumen Gentium), 34, 45, 145, 259

Church in Modern World (Gaudium et Spes), 34, 38, 89, 109, 123, 131-33, 135, 145-46, 149, 156, 200, 245-46, 287

Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio), Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium), 56, 145, 170, 261, 301

Priestly Formation (Optatam Totius), 107-08

Religious Freedom (Dignitatis Humanae), 109, 194

Revelation (Dei Verbum), 262, 285

Vatican II, Spirit of, 99-102, 296

Vatican III, ready for?, 339

Vitillo, Bob, 28


Walshe, Peter & Ann Pettifer, 24

Way, Supplement to the, 52

Way, The, 131, 154, 170, 334

Weakland, Archbishop, 158

Wicker, Brian, 23

Widnes, St Basil & All Saints Shared Church, 13, 28-30, 60-78

Will of God, 131-34

Williams, Cornelius OP, 18

Wilson, George B SJ, 258

Women and priesthood, 13, 43-44, 47, 199, 229, 231-32, 264, 279, 282-95

Women and HIV infection, 214

Women, moral theology and, 25-26, 32, 110-11, 128-29, 240-41

Women theologians, 110

Woodhead, Linda, 128

Worden, Thomas, 16, 19

Worlock, Archbishop Derek, 45, 61, 63, 73-74, 79, 87, 183-84

Woundedness, human persons, 115-16, 130, 155-56


Young people, 44


‘Zambia, Gift of Life to’, 28, 62, 75, 85, 203, 206

Zimbabwe, 28, 203, 206