Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, or Physical Touch? Which of these is your primary love language? The following profile will help you know for sure. Then you and your husband can discuss your respective love languages and use this information to improve your marriage!
The profile consists of 30 pairs of statements. You can only pick one statement in each pair as the one that best represents your desire. Read each pair of statements, and then, in the right-hand column, circle the letter that matches up with the statement you choose. It may be tough at times to decide between two statements, but you should only choose one per pair to ensure the most accurate profile results. Once you’ve finished making your selections, go back and count the number of times you circled each individual letter. List the results in the appropriate spaces at the end of the profile. Your primary love language is the one that receives the most points.
Your husband may not do some of these, but if he did, which would you prefer?
1 |
I would love to get a funny email from my husband. |
A |
I wish my husband would hug me more. |
E |
2 |
I like to be alone with my husband. |
B |
I wish sometime my husband would take my car to be washed, or do some other act of service without being asked. |
D |
3 |
I would love for my husband to bring me a special gift, no occasion needed. |
C |
I enjoy long trips with my husband. |
B |
4 |
I would feel really loved if my husband did the laundry. |
D |
I like it when my husband touches me. |
E |
5 |
I would like my husband to put his arm around me sometimes when we are in public. |
E |
I wish my husband would bring me gifts when he travels. |
C |
6 |
I wish my husband was more enthusiastic about getting out and going places. |
B |
I like to hold my husband’s hand. |
E |
7 |
I feel loved when my husband gives me gifts. |
C |
I know he loves me, but I want to hear my husband say it. |
A |
8 |
I like for my husband to sit close to me. |
E |
When I’m all dressed up, I wish my husband would compliment me. |
A |
9 |
Spending time with my husband makes me happy. |
B |
I wish my husband would give me more small gifts that still mean something. |
C |
10 |
I would like to hear my husband say he’s proud of me. |
A |
I wish my husband would help clean up without being told. |
D |
11 |
No matter what we do, I love doing things with my husband. |
B |
I would like to hear more supportive words from my husband. |
A |
12 |
I wish my husband would not only say nice things to me, but do nice things for me. |
D |
I love to hug my husband. |
E |
13 |
I wish my husband would praise me more often. |
A |
I wish my husband would give me gifts that are more thoughtful and personal. |
C |
14 |
Just being around my husband makes me feel good. |
B |
I wish my husband would give me a massage. |
E |
15 |
If my husband would react positively to my accomplishments, that would be encouraging. |
A |
I wish my husband would help me with tasks that he doesn’t enjoy—just because he knows it would mean a lot to me. |
D |
16 |
I never get tired of my husband’s kisses. |
E |
I want my husband to show more interest in things I care about. |
B |
17 |
I feel loved when my husband helps me with projects. |
D |
I still get excited when opening a gift from my husband. |
C |
18 |
I wish my husband would compliment me on my appearance more often. |
A |
I want my husband to listen to me more and respect my ideas. |
B |
19 |
I can’t help but touch my husband when he’s close by. |
E |
When I have a lot of errands to run, I wish my husband would sometimes offer to help. |
D |
20 |
I would feel like giving my husband an award if he helped me around the house. |
D |
I would feel loved if my husband’s gifts showed signs of thoughtfulness. |
C |
21 |
I wish my husband would give me his undivided attention when I’m talking to him and not play with his phone. |
B |
I would love for my husband to help clean the house. |
D |
22 |
I look forward to seeing what my husband gives me for my birthday. |
C |
I want to hear my husband say how much I mean to him. |
A |
23 |
I wish my husband gave me gifts more often. |
C |
I wish my husband would help me, without my having to ask. |
D |
24 |
It bothers me when my husband interrupts me when I’m talking. |
B |
I never get tired of receiving gifts from my husband. |
C |
25 |
I would like for my husband to offer to help me when I’m tired. |
B |
It doesn’t matter where we go, I just like going places with my husband. |
D |
26 |
I wish my husband and I cuddled more. |
E |
I wish my husband would surprise me with a gift more often. |
C |
27 |
My husband’s encouraging words give me confidence. |
A |
I love to watch movies with my husband. |
B |
28 |
I wish my husband would give me a gift for no reason. |
C |
I love it it if my husband touched me more. |
E |
29 |
It means a lot to me when my husband helps me despite being busy. |
D |
I wish my husband would say, “I appreciate you.” |
A |
30 |
I love embracing with my husband after we’ve been apart for a while. |
E |
I want to hear my husband say he misses me when I’m gone. |
A |
A: _____ B: _____ C: _____ D: _____ E: _____
A = Words of Affirmation; B = Quality Time; C = Receiving Gifts;
D = Acts of Service; E = Physical Touch
Your primary love language is the one that received the highest score. You are “bilingual” and have two primary love languages if point totals are equal for any two love languages. If your second highest scoring love language is close in score but not equal to your primary love language, then this simply means that both expressions of love are important to you. The highest possible score for any one love language is 12.
You may have scored certain of the love languages more highly than others, but do not dismiss those other languages as insignificant. Your husband may express love in those ways, and it will be helpful to you to understand this about him. In the same way, it will benefit your husband to know your love language and express his affection for you in ways that you interpret as love. Every time you or your husband speak each other’s language, you score emotional points with one another. Of course, this isn’t a game with a scorecard! The payoff of speaking each other’s love language is a greater sense of connection. This translates into better communication, increased understanding, and, ultimately, improved romance.