
Chapter 3-Jenna


I’ve never seen Elli so excited in my life. She’s practically bouncing off the walls of this tiny high school bathroom. Personally, I think it smells like someone forgot to flush after taco day but she doesn’t seem to notice. She’s digging around in her bag for her phone, no doubt to take another flawless selfie. She’s so photogenic it’s disgusting.

I’ve known Elli for years, years upon years. It almost seems like we were born on the same day and have known each other ever since. But I’m a year younger so that didn’t happen.

“Jenna, you’re not even listening to me,” she whines. She’s right, I haven’t heard a word she’s said besides Jagger. I’m sure he’s picturing his name on her lips in a totally different way, more like ‘oh god Jagger.’

“Sorry Elle, go on.” I might be a tad jealous as she retells the details of what she overheard Jagger saying at the team fundraiser two weeks ago. Why was it so much warmer than it is today? Shouldn’t it be getting hotter? God, I’m wearing two shirts, jeans and a hat and I’m still freezing like a hooker in February. Right, focus on Elli.

“Eric said I was no Courtney or Morgan, which he’s right, I’m not but I don’t pretend to be.”

“I’m sure you’re overthinking it, like always. Eric’s just being a guy,” I explain. “He wants people to think he can score the hottest chick. Even he’s gotta know he’s damn lucky to have you.”

And he was. While it lasted. Well, they weren’t official or anything but I’d say that what they had was the same thing. He was sooo lucky to be with her. Elli’s my best friend for a reason. She’s honestly the sweetest person I know, I mean she lets me borrow her clothes and she helps me with my homework. She’s like the big sister I’ll never have. Sometimes I think my dad loves her more than he loves me. You should have seen the look on his face when Jagger was hitting on her. At first he was happy he was getting Preston away from us then Jagger had to tick him off by hitting on her too. He wrapped his freaking arms around her waist, it was not a friendly thing to do, it was an I want you to wake up in my bed kinda gesture. If he only knew.

“And Jagger said all those nice things about me and that Eric had a better chance with them than with me. Can you believe it?”

Of course I believe it, I was there, and I’m pretty sure she’s told the story ten times already. It’s obviously an improvement over the last time when she was practically in tears ‘cause Eric dissed her.

It’s the bottom of the whatever, who pays attention to the innings when there are so many guys to check out? Anyway, we’re going to win and Morgan’s keeping the books so Elli can freshen up. To a hottie like Morgan that means take off your undies and adjust your pushup bra but Elli’s just adding more bronzer and another coat of mascara.

She spritzes herself with her Flowerbomb perfume, a genius move. Now, every time he smells it he’s going to picture her. Personally, I would have gone for something that doesn’t make him think of a twelve year old but what do I know? Elli’s gotten a lot further with guys than I have. As in, she actually has a chance with one.

“Ready?” I’m almost more excited than she is even though I’m acting like I couldn’t care less, you know, in case things don’t work out the way she wants. She’s staring in the mirror, contemplating whether or not she should fix her windblown hair. I think it’s sexy and wouldn’t it be obvious if she came back with a different hairstyle? Well, I bet guys don’t notice those kinds of things, especially guys as slutty as Jagger.

She looks perfect ‘cause she always does. I’m pretty sure she’s never had a zit in her life. The heat in the school returned her legs to their previous self-tanned shade, not the awful blood red they’d been when we first came in. Her cheeks are perfectly flushed, a look you couldn’t fake if you tried. She smudges her dark eyeliner a bit, dabs on a little more gloss and we’re out the door.

The guys are getting ready to board the bus in their ugly uniforms. Who designs these things? Personally, I think it’s pretty much impossible to look good in gray stretch pants and a maroon baseball tee. At least we’ve got that over the Spartans who have ugly bright green polos. They look like they should be running register at Dick’s Sporting Goods. Tees are much more flattering to the biceps and I do a mental guns check as they walk by.

If I had to pick the sexiest guy on the team that honor would go to Sam Muncey and his killer biceps. And pecs. And shoulders. He’s got the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen, set off by his equally dark hair that I just want to run my hands through. Second would be Elli’s ex but he’s totally off limits even if she kinda hates him right now. The least appealing would have to be Jonah but that’s just because he’s my brother. Most of the other guys are no prize either. Maybe Morgan was off when she said all the cutest guys play baseball. Personally, I’m partial to wrestling ‘cause that means Sam’s wearing spandex.

We take a seat and Jagger picks the spot behind us and across the aisle. I can tell he’s trying to get our attention but she’s oblivious. Well, this is Elli we’re talking about, she’s probably just pretending she doesn’t notice. She’s rubbing her hands up and down her legs like it’s her business and he’s very much enjoying the show. For once Jagger’s the only one on the bus who isn’t yelling at the top of his lungs. I’m sure it’s more for Elli’s benefit than anything else. I have to say, he does seem genuinely interested. It makes me happier than you can imagine. After the fiasco with Eric, Elli needs someone who can show his appreciation for her and not just behind closed doors. I wish someone would look at me like that but I have a feeling it’s a long time to come. Right now I’m okay with playing Elli’s wing-woman but I’ll get tired of this role, like, super fast.

There’s some crappy music playing and everyone’s off the wall after our blowout win. I wasn’t there for the end but it had to be something like a bazillion to one. Easy as Morgan after a few drinks.

“Thanks for making it to third base,” Elli flirts, finally noticing Jagger’s stares.

He smiles appreciatively at the dirty way she worded it. It must have popped into his head. If I’m thinking it, he has to be.

“Jagger got to third base,” Marc calls out. You could say anything and Marc would make it sexual. It would’ve been funny if he was the one who butted in and not Jagger. There’s only room for one knight in shining armor on this roster and right now it looks like he’s all Elli’s.

The whole bus is paying close attention to Jagger and Elli as he hands her his phone. I’m pretty sure I spot a hint of jealousy on Eric’s face. Too bad. You snooze, you lose. He had his chance. She really liked him and he completely blew it by brushing her off in public and making stupid comments at the fundraiser. What an idiot! She looks like a total bombshell now that she’s rocking blonde hair again. I swear, if my hair were that gorgeous there would be no way I’d be dying it brown, even if it is to look just like my best friend. Damn, how did she get so totally perfect?

It takes all of a second of silence to be onto the next topic, giving Elli and Jagger the privacy they deserve. Except me. I’m not giving him a chance to screw it up by saying something pervy like I know he’s gonna.

“You know, you’re really cute. You should wear dresses all the time, they look good on you.”

Hold it. Stop right there. Don’t say another word or you’ll ruin it.

Luckily, he must have received my telepathic message ‘cause he doesn’t say anything else as he takes his phone back from her.

She doesn’t say anything, what would she even say to that? I’m surprised her face isn’t as red as his shirt. Being asked out and majorly complimented? That’s a homerun if I’ve ever seen one. Score!

Of course he noticed her mile long legs. It’s not enough that she gets to be so tiny, she also gets to be all legs. Me, I’m pretty sure my legs are half as long as hers and easily twice the size. My ass I can deal with even though it gets groped practically every time I’m in public. Even Sam, who pretty much ignores me all the time, can’t help but brush against it when I walk by him in leggings. It’s fine from him but the old guy at the grocery store?

A loud conversation in the back of the bus gets our attention pretty quickly. Normally, the ride home is all about what went wrong in the game but tonight it’s pretty obvious everything went right.

Zach and Morgan are making out, she’s practically in his lap. Just for once I’d like someone to make out with. Who cares if everyone’s staring? I’d take that over the night I’m going to have, stuffing my face with Oreos until I can’t breathe. At least kissing burns calories.

“Dude, if they keep making out like that we’re gonna have a mini manager in nine months,” Brewski jokes.

“Dumbass, you can’t get pregnant from kissing.” My brother took the words right out of my mouth. “It’s a good thing or you and your cousin would be having a baby.”

Eeew, mental image!

“That was one time and I didn’t know she was my cousin, I swear.” No one can contain their laughter. Jagger’s practically in tears and Elli’s laughing just as hard. I bet it has more to do with Jagger’s reaction than Brewski’s confession.

Zach stops kissing Morgan long enough to pop his head up and add to the conversation. All eyes turn to him before he even opens his mouth. I think the whole team has a man-crush on the guy, I swear it took all of ten seconds to vote him captain at the beginning of the season. I’d have a man crush on those brown eyes too.

“Brewsk.” He always calls him Brewsk, not Brewski like the rest of the team. “Buddy, it was a family reunion.”

The laughter that had died down is now louder than ever. My sides hurt from giggling and I can’t help but think my belly must be jiggling out of control. It stops the laughter in its tracks. It’s much more entertaining to watch Jagger stare at Elli anyway. He looks like he’s contemplating kissing her but she’s barely paying attention to him. The tears are streaming down her face and he looks like he wants to lick them off one by one. God, how did she get so lucky? I want a guy to look at me like that, especially a guy I’d never even gone out with. He hasn’t even been under her naked spell. Not that I could ever do that, not with the way I look.

Marc practically stares while I wipe tears off Elli’s cheeks. “I’d find it much more stimulating if those two were making out.” He points right at us and immediately my hands shoot down from her face.

“Dude, that’s my sister.” Jonah looks like he might gag.

The rest of the ride is much quieter and I swear if it wasn’t for Elli’s company, I would fall asleep. High school is totally kicking my ass and I’m so glad the year’s almost over. The classes are exhausting. I sailed through freshman year, even without Elli’s help, now it seems like I have to struggle just to get Bs and Cs. I’m so over it!

“I don’t know if I can do it Elli,” I say about the math test I have tomorrow. “Mr. Myers thinks I know more than I do.”

“Jenna, I promise you’ll do fine.” Her voice calms me down almost instantly. She has to be right, she always is. That’s all there is to it. Suddenly I’m not so worried about math anymore.

She hands me one of her earbuds and turns the music on quietly so we can still hear each other talk. She always does that. I wonder if she realizes she won’t die if there’s no music in the background.

“Well, even if I make it through the test I still have class with Sam,” I groan as I flop back on the seat.

I’ve been into Sam since Jonah brought him home to hang out a couple weeks ago. He’s so funny I can’t stop laughing when he’s around. He always responds to my texts right away and compliments me whenever I send him a selfie. Even though he flirted with me the entire time he was at my house, he acts like I’m annoying every time I talk to him at school. I guess I know how Elli feels with Eric, except she probably still has a chance with him. I have none with Sam. I still can’t make myself fall out of love with the jerk. The heart wants what it wants. Even if the heart wants an asshat.

Elli’s going to say something sweet, I can sense it, and I am so right. “Jenna, he’s an idiot if he doesn’t like you. You need to find a new boy, someone who’s a little less of a douchelord, maybe?” She pats me on the head like one would pat a dog but somehow, it’s comforting.

“I’m getting there. I really am,” I lie. Sam is everything I want. Except for the asshole part. I can’t imagine liking anyone else like I do him. I have a feeling Elli wouldn’t take too kindly to me telling her that, though. “It’s just hard when I have, like, nothing to wear.”

“You can borrow something from me.”

“Right, like anything of yours would fit me.”

“Jenna!” she squeals.

“Okay, okay. I’ll try.”

I don’t know how but Elli and I can wear the same clothes. When my ass stretches out her leggings she doesn’t even get mad, she just hikes them up so they look like they actually fit.

“I have no idea what to do with this mess though.” I lift my lifeless brown hair for her to inspect and she grabs it, whips a ponytail holder out of nowhere and styles it into this hella-cool updo.

“There, no boy can resist you like that.”

“But,” I say, looking her dead in the eye, “no boy wants to be seen with me.”

“Me either,” she sighs, “it’s not just you.”

It’s like she forgot the last hour. “Elli, no one asked me out today! Jagger wants to be seen with you, trust me.” It’s totally silent on the bus so I have to whisper but he hears me anyway, obvious because he’s grinning like a maniac. Ooops!

Elli’s too excited to notice so I say nothing. I don’t want to spoil it for her or let her know we’ve been caught. He seems like he’s liking it anyway. I’ve never been more jealous in my life.