About the Author

A writer and photographer, CHARLES BERGMAN has lived nearly his whole life in the Pacific Northwest. He’s a longtime teacher of English at Pacific Lutheran University. He’s the author of four books, including Wild Echoes: Encounters with the Most Endangered Animals in North America. He’s written extensively on wildlife and animals in national magazines, including Audubon, Natural History, and National Geographic. His article on wildlife trafficking in Latin America was the cover story in Smithsonian magazine. His work springs from a wild dedication to the earth and its creatures. His writing and photography have won several awards, including the Washington State Book Award, Southwest Book Award, IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award, and he was a PEN America Literary Award finalist. He has a particular love for the southern hemisphere and has completed two Fulbright Fellowships, one in Mexico and one in Ecuador. He has taught study tours in Antarctica six times.

Photo by Susan Mann