A-26 Invader aircraft
Abe, Shinzo
Abhar, Samir Ibrahim
Abu Ghraib
Academy of Nuclear Physics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, North Korean
Academy of Sciences, Soviet
ACDA, see Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Acheson, Dean
Adana air base
Ad Hoc Committee on Atomic Energy
Ad Hoc Requirements Committee
Advanced Research Projects Agency
Advani, Lal Krishna
Advena, see Armscor
AEB, see Atomic Energy Board Afghanistan, war in
AFMSW-1, see Special Weapons Group, Section One, U.S. Air Force
AFOAT-1, see Air Force Deputy Chief of Operations, Atomic Energy Office, Section 1
African National Congress
AFTAC, see Air Force Technical Applications Center
Aghazadeh, Gholamreza
Agnew, Harold
Agni missiles
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud
Ahmad, Sultan Hashim
Ahmed Hussein
Ailleret, Charles
Air Force, U.S.
Foreign Technology Division of
Security Service of
6th Bomb Wing of
Special Weather Unit
see also Army Air Force, U.S.
Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Atomic Energy Office, Section 1 (AFOAT-1)
Atomic Energy Detection System of
Data Analysis Center of
Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC)
Air Staff, see Army Air Force Air-Warfare and Defence Committee, British
Air Weather Service (AWS), U.S.
Akashat mine
Akashi, Yasushi
Al-Abbas missiles
Alamogordo Army Air Field
“Alarm Clock” bomb
Al Atheer
Alba, Carmelo V.
al-Bashir nuclear acquisition program
Alberts, Louw
Albright, David
Aldebaran nuclear test
Alert see Vela Alert
Alewine, Ralph
Al Fatah University
Al Furat
and Evian Agreement
Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN)
Al Hateen
Ali, Majid Hussein
Alikhanov, A. I.
Al Jazirah
Allen, Charlie
Allier, Jacques
All-India Radio
Allison, Samuel K.
Al Musayyib
Al Qaim
Al Rabiyah
Alsop, Stewart
Alsos unit
Al Tahadi facility
Altshuler, Lev
aluminum tubes, Iraqi acquisition of
Alvarez, Luis W.
Amaldi, Edoardo
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Ames, Aldrich
AN 11 bomb
AN 52 warhead
Anatov-32 aircraft
antiballistic missile treaty
Aquatone development project
Arafat, Yasser
Arak facility
Arecibo Observatory
Libyan nuclear program aided by
nuclear fuel and equipment sold to Iran by
and uranium sales to Israel
Armament Research and Manufacturing Directorate, French
Armed Forces Security Agency, U.S.
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA)
Armscor (Armaments Corporation)
Kentron/Advena plants of
arms race, see nuclear arms race
Army, U.S.:
Air Force Air Weather Service of, see Air Weather Service
1279th Engineer Combat Battalion of
75th Exploitation Task Force of
Army Air Force, U.S.
see also Air Force, U.S.
Army Ordnance department, German
Army Weapons Office of
takeover of Uranium Club by
Army Security Agency, U.S.
Army Signal Corps
Arneson, Gordon
Artsimovich, Lev
Ash Sharqat
ASMP missiles
Aspara reactor
assassination, considered to inhibit German nuclear program
Atlas-Agena D boosters
Atlas Centaur rocket
Atmosphere Explorer satellites
“atomic blackmail,”
Atomic Detection System Alerts
Atomic Energy Board (AEB)
Atomic Energy Commission, Egyptian
Atomic Energy Commission, French, see Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
Atomic Energy Commission, Indian
Atomic Energy Commission, Iraqi
Atomic Energy Commission, U.S.
establishment of
Savannah River Laboratory of
Atomic Energy Corporation, South Africa
Atomic Energy Council, Taiwanese
Atomic Energy Detection System
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Atsugi Air Basen
Auer Company, uranium project links of
Auger, Pierre
Augustine, Reginald
Australian Security Intelligence Organization
as nuclear test site
Avangard Electromechanical Plant
Aziz, Tariq
Azusa cables
B-29 aircraft
B-36 aircraft
B-52 aircraft
B-57A aircraft
B-57 aircraft
Babylon, Operation
Bagge, Erich
Baghalchor mines
Bainbridge, Kenneth T.
Baker, James A.
Bank Sepah
Banque National de Paris
Baotou Nuclear Fuel Component Plant (Plant 202)
Barasch, Guy
Barbour, Walworth
BARC, see Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Barnaby, Frank
Bartholomew, Reginald
BBC China ship
Bear bombers, Soviet
Becker, Erwin
Beersheba, see Dimona
Beg, Mirza Aslam
Begin, Menachem
Behnke, Richard
Beijing Nuclear Weapons Research Institute
Libyan nuclear program aid canceled by
Union Miniére refinery in
urged not to aid Taiwanese nuclear program
Ben-Gurion, David
and Israeli nuclear program
Bequeath monitoring program
Berg, Morris “Moe,”
Berger, Sandy
Bergmann, Ernst David
Beria, Lavrenti
Berman, Alann
Bernardini, Gilberto
Bethe, Hans
Bethe Panel
Bhabha, Homi
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Bhatnagar, S. S.
Bhutto, Benazir
Bhutto, Zulkifar Ali
“Big Bomb,”
Billaud, Pierren
Bissell, Clayton L.
Bissell, Richard
BJP, see Bharatiya Janata Party
“Black Cat” squadron
Black Knight program
Blair, Tony
Blake, Robert W.
Blix, Hans
Blueboy, Operation
Bohr, Neils
Bolton, John
Booth, Larry
Bormann, Martin
Born, Max
Borodino, Operation
Boskop test range
Botha, Pieter Willem
Botha, Roelof F.
Bothe, Walter
at uranium project meeting
Bourges-Maunoury, Maurice
Bowles, Chester
Bo Yibo
Bradley, Omar
Brasstacks, Operation
Brezhnev, Leonid
Brill, Kenneth
Brokaw, Tom
Brown, Harold
Brugioni, Dino
Bruno, Dan
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchalet, Albert
Buckley Air Force Base
Bulganin, Nikolai
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, William
Bunn, Michael
Burba, Elisabetta
Bureau of Architectural Technology, Chinese
Bureau of General Studies, French, see Military Applications Directorate
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
Burning Light missions
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Bush, Vannevar
Bushehr facility
Buzzard Delta (code name)
C-130 aircraft
Cabell, Charles
Cabinet Defense and Security Committee, Norwegian
Cairncross, John
Calvert, Horace K. “Tony,”
Cambone, Stephen
atomic research of
Indian nuclear program aided by
Pakistan nuclear reactor provided by
Soviet espionage in
Taiwan nuclear reactor provided by
Canopus French thermonuclear test
Cape Kennedy (Cape Canaveral)
Carayol, Michel
Carter, Jimmyn
Carter, Marshall
Casey, William J.
Castle Air Force Base
Castro, Fidel
CEA, see Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Intelligence Bulletin of
Current Intelligence Weekly Summary of
Directorate of Intelligence of
espionage at
Nonproliferation Center of
Nuclear Energy Branch of
Office of Scientific and Weapons Research
Office of Technical Service and Crime and Narcotics Center
Science and Weapons Review
signed into law
U-2 program and
Central Intelligence Group (CIG)
see also CIA
Central Special Commission, Chinese
Centre d’études de Bruyere-le-Chatel
Centre d’études de Vaujours
Centre d’Expérimentations du Pacific
Chalabi, Ahmed
Challe, Maurice
Chamberlain, Donald
Chang, Bill
Chang, Jack
Chang Hsien-Yi
Chang Mun Son
Chanson, Paul
Chatillon, see Fort de Chatillon
Chaung, Jenliang “Spike,”
Plant A plutonium production reactor at
Plant B separation facility at
Plant V metallurgical plant at
Cheney, Dick
Cheng, Victor
Cheng Kaijia
Chen Nengkuan
Chenxian mine
Chen Yu
Cherbonneaux, James
Chiang Ching-kuo
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago, University of, see Metallurgical Laboratory
Chidambaram, Rajagopala
Chief Intelligence Directorate (GRU)
Chien Chi-Peng
Iraqi nuclear program aided by
Libyan nuclear aid refused by
Nationalist, see Taiwan
North Korean nuclear program aided by
and nuclear aid to Iran
and nuclear test ban
Pakistani nuclear program aided by
Soviet relations with
U.S. exchange and contact with
China, nuclear program of
creating infrastructure for
and first bomb detonation
“596” as first bomb in
French aid to
H-bomb in
key nuclear facilities in
proposed strikes on
psychological impact of
search for test site for
Soviet aid to
and theft of W88 warhead plans
“Third Line” program of
02 as code name for
Chirac, Jacques
Christopher, Warren
Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwanese
CIA-NSA Special Collection Service
CIG, see Central Intelligence Group
Cirincione, Josephn
CIRUS reactor
Clark, Mark
Clark Air Force Base
Clear Sky, Project
Cline, Ray
Clinton, Bill
Clusius, Klaus
Coast and Geodetic Survey
Cohen, Karl
Cohen, Sam
Colby, Walter F.
Colby, William
Cold War
Combined Development Trust
COMINT, see military communications intelligence
COMIREX, see Committee for Imagery Requirements and Exploitation
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA)
Military Applications Directorate of
see also Saclay Nuclear Research Center
Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
Committee for Imagery Requirements and Exploitation (COMIREX)
Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance (COMOR)
Committee on Special Armaments, French
Communications Intelligence Board, U.S.
Communist Party, Chinese
Communist Party, North Korean
Communist Party, Soviet
Communist Party, Vietnamese
Compton, Arthur H.
Conant, James
Constant Phoenix mission
contamination, see nuclear contamination
Cook, Richard
Cook, Williamn
Corn, James T.
Corona reconnaissance systemnn
see also satellites
Corpus Christi, USNS
Cosmos reconnaissance system
see also satellites
Council on Foreign Nuclear Policy, French
Council on Foreign Relations
Couve de Murville, Maurice
Coverdale, Garrison B.
Cox, Christopher
Craig, John R.
Croach, Jesse William, Jr.
Crock Pot monitoring station
Crossroads, Operation
cruise missiles
Crystal reconnaissance system
see also Kennan reconnaissance system; satellites
Culler, Floyd L.
Czechoslovakia, uranium mines in
see also Joachimsthal uranium mines
Czech Republic, and nuclear aid to Iran
Dagens, Luc
Dale, William N.
Daniel, Robert
Dassault, Bloch
Dassault, Marcel
Dassault Aviation
Dastidar, Pranab Revati
Dautry, Raoul
Davis Monthan Air Force Base
Dawn Star acoustic network
Dayton, Keith
Dean, Edgar P.
Debré, Michel
Debye, Peter
de Courlon, Jacques
Operation Dragon and
as sources of intelligence
Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Communications Electronics Evaluation and Testing Activity (Defense CEETA)
Defense Department, U.S.
Foreign Intelligence Section of
Research and Development Board of
Defense HUMINT Service (DHS)
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DSMP)
Defense Ministry, Russian
Defense Ministry, South Korean
Defense Nuclear Agency, U.S.
Defense Support Program (DSP), surveillance system
Flight 6 and 7 of
see also satellites
de Gaulle, Charles
Degelen Mountains test site
De Grasse naval vessel
Deibner, Kurt
de Klerk, Frederik Willem
de la Billiere, Peter
Deng Jiaxian
Denney, George, Jr.
and “Joint Declaration for a Non-Nuclear Korean Peninsula,”
of North Korea
of South Africa
and South-North Joint Nuclear Control Committee
Dera Ghazi Khan
Desai, Morarji
Desert Fox, Operation
Desert Storm, Operation
de Shalit, Amos
Design Bureau-11, see KB-11
de Silva, Peer
Detachment C
detection of long-range bomb testing, see long-range detection
De Trani, Joseph
Deutch, John
de Villiers, J. Wynand
de Wet, Carel
DF-2 missiles
DGSE (General Directorate for External Security), French
Dhar, P. N.
DIA, see Defense Intelligence Agency
Dial Flower atmospheric data collection
Diebner, Kurt
Die Naturwissenschaften (The Natural Sciences)
Dietrich, Gary D.
Beersheba as name for
Negev Nuclear Research Facility as
Directorate of Operations Counterproliferation Division (CPD)
Directorate of Tube Alloys, British
Director of Central Intelligence (DCI)
Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
Dix, Howard W.
Dobrynin, Anatoli
Dolon airfield
Donn, William
Donovan, William “Wild Bill,”
Dorabji Tata Trust
Dorn, David
Doron, Ami
Do Sang Rok
Dostrovsky, Israel
Douglas A-26 bomber
Dragon, Operation
DRDO, see Defence Research and Development Organization, Indian
Drell, Sidney
Dry Enterprise, Operation
DSMP, see Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
DSP, see Defense Support Program
Dubna Integrated Atomic Nuclear Institute
Duckett, Carl
Duelfer, Charles A.
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Duncan, Lewis
Durbin, Richard
Durnovstev, Andrei
Eagleburger, Lawrence
East Germany
see also Germany
Eden, Anthony
Edwards Air Force Base
Eielson Air Force Base
Eifler, Carl
8 Engineer Regiment, Indian
Einhorn, Robert J.
Einsel, David
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
and nuclear test moratorium
Ekeus, Rolf
EL-1, see ZOE reactor
ElBaradei, Mohamed
Elektricheskiye Stantsii journal
ELF (extremely low frequency)
Ellsberg, Daniel
Emel, William A.
Emelyanov, V. S.
EMET, see Research and Planning Division
Energy Department, U.S.
Iraq Task Force of
Enormoz intelligence program
Esau, Abraham
Esfahan Nuclear Technology Center
Eshkol, Levi
Evans, Gareth
Evernden, Jack
Evian agreement
Ewing, W. Maurice
F-6 satellite reconnaissance
F-7 satellite reconnaissance
F-16 aircraft
Fairchild Air Force Base
see also nuclear contamination
Fangataufa test site
Farley, Philip J.
FARS news agency
FDO, see Physical Dynamics Research Laboratory
Feklisov, Aleksandr S.
Fermi, Enrico
Fernandes, Georges
Fialka, John
Fili airframe plant
Finch, Lawrence
Fingar, Thomas
Finletter, Thomas
First Army Operational Intelligence Service, French
First Lightning (Pervaya Molniya) Soviet atomic test
Fitzwilliam, Operation
55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing
58 Engineer Regiment, Indian
596 bomb, Chinese
Fleischer, Ari
Fleischmann, Rudolf
Flerov, Georgi
Flower neutron initiator
Flute, see Paul Scherrer
Ford, Gerald R.
Foreign Intelligence Section, see Defense Department, U.S.
Foreign Office, British
Foreign Weapons Evaluation Panel, see Bethe Panel
Forrestal, James
Fort, Randall M.
Fort de Chatillon
Foster, John
469th Strategic Intelligence Research and Analysis Team
Chinese nuclear program aided by
diplomatic efforts with Iran by
Indian nuclear program aided by
Iraqi reactors and uranium supplied by
Israel and objections to Iraqi nuclear program aid from
Israeli nuclear program aided by
nuclear equipment sales to Libya blocked by
as nuclear power
as nuclear target
and nuclear test ban treaty
Pakistani nuclear program aided by
Taiwan nuclear program aided by
France, nuclear program of
aerial reconnaissance of
Dial Flower surveillance of
Evian Agreement and
first atomic detonations in
first thermonuclear test in
German scientists and
H-bomb in
implosion device and
at Le Bouchet
and neutron bombn
Nice Dog surveillance of
Pacific testing by
Pock Mark surveillance of
Rigel test and
Rubis test and
Saphir/Monique test and
search for test sites in
selling of secrets and
as status symbol
and test moratorium
U.S. monitoring of
West Germany and
Franck, James
Frenkel, Yakov
Friedman, Abraham
Friedman, Herbert
Frisch, Otto
Fuchs, Klaus
Funk, Gerald
Furman, Robert
German bomb research indicators of
and Oppenheimer
Furnas, Howard
G-1 reactor
Gaillard, Felix
Galileo Company
Gallucci, Robertnn
Gambit reconnaissance system
see also satellites
Gandhi, Indira
Ganguly, C.
Garthoff, Raymond
Garwin, Richardn
Gates, Robert
Gati, Tobi
Gattiker, David
Geiger, Hans
Gellmann, Murray
Gemel, Hemed
General Electric
Gentner, Ernst Wolfgang
Gentry, John A.
Geological Survey, U.S.
Gerasimov, Vladimir
Gerboise French nuclear tests
Gerhardt, Dieter
Gerlach, Walther
German Cultural Institute
Germany, Nazi
invasion of Soviet Union by
and nuclear equipment to Iran
and race for atomic bomb
see also East Germany; West Germany
Germany, Nazi, nuclear program of
Allied bombing disruption of
Alsos investigation into
assassination as tactic to inhibit
kidnapping as tactic to inhibit
misinformation as concealment tactic
as secret weapon
Soviet use of scientists from
warning signs of
Gershwin, Lawrence
Gertz, Bill
Ghauri missiles
Giacconni, Ricardo
Gibbs, Jack
Ginzburg, Vitali
Glenn, John
Gleysteen, William H., Jr.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Goering, Hermann
Goheen, Robert
Goldschmidt, Bertrand
Goldwater, Barry
Gomberg, Henry
Goodman, John
Goodyear Atomic Corporation
Googin, John
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordon, William
Goudsmit, Samuel A.
GPS (global positioning system)
Graham, Bob
Graham, Daniel O.
Great Britain
atomic research and
diplomatic efforts with Iran by
intelligence efforts by
long-range detection of nuclear development and
as nuclear power
as nuclear target
nuclear test ban and
Royal Air Force of
Soviet espionage in
transfer of heavy water to
transfer of uranium to
work on atomic bomb by
Green, Marshall
Green Book (Qadhafi)
Greenglass, David
Greenhouse operation
Gromyko, Andrei
Groth, Wilhelm
Groves, Leslie
and Trinity
GRU, see Chief Intelligence Directorate
Gueron, Jules
Guerrero, Oscar
Guillaumat, Pierre
Gulf War
gun bomb, uranium, see uranium gun bomb
Guo Yonghuai
Habibou, Abele
Hadad, Naim
Hadden, John
Hades tactical missiles
Hadley, Stephen J.
Hagengruber, Roger
Hahn, Otto
capture of
Speer briefing by
Tag as code name for
Haig, Alexander
Halban, Hans
Hall, Theodore
Hamza, Khidir
Hanford Engineer Works
Han In Suk
Hanle, Wilhelm
Harborage, Operation
Harel, Isser
Harman, Avraham
Harriman, Averell
Harrison, Eugene
Harrison, Selig
Hart, Howard
Harteck, Paul
capture of
Speer briefings by
Hassan, Faleh
Hawking, Stephen
Hawkins, Houston T. “Terry,”
atomic bomb vs.
development of, see specific countries
as “Super,”
Hecker, Siegfried
Heereswaffenamt (Army Weapons Office), see Army Ordnance department
Hegenberger, Albert F.
Heiberg, Werner
Heisenberg, Werner
as assassination/kidnapping target
capture of
as intelligence target
report on nuclear fission by
Speer briefing by
Uranium Club and
at uranium project meeting
Helfrich, Gerald
Helliwell, Robert A.
Helms, Richardn
Henderson, Michael
Henderson Field
Hengyang Uranium Hydrometallurgy Plant (Plant 414)
Henson, Bobby
Heritage sensor system
Hermoni, Avraham
Herrin, Eugene
Hersh, Seymour
Herter, Christian
Hertz, Gustav Ludwig
Heusser, Roger K.
Hexagon reconnaissance system
see also satellites
Hickham Air Force Base
Hill, Christopher
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe
Himmler, Heinrich
Hinton, Dean
Hitler, Adolf
Hofi, Yitzhak
Ho Jin Yun
Holum, John
Hong-6 aircraft
Hoover, Herbert
Horak, Henry G.
Hot Laboratory, Taiwanese
Houck, Frank S.
Hounam, Peter
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Houtermans, Fritz
Howard, William F.
Hoybuktmoen monitoring station
Hsia Hsin
“Hsin Chu” nuclear development program
Hsu Cho-yun
Huang Zuqia
Hua Tianqiang
Hubert, Lester
Hughes, Thomas
HUMINT (human intelligence)
Hummel, Arthur
Hungnam mines
Huntsville, USNS
Hu Renyu
Hu Side
Hussein, Qusay
Hussein, Saddam
Hussein, Uday
Hwang Jang Yop
hydrogen bomb, see H-bomb
Hyland, William
IAEA, see International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEC, see Israeli Atomic Energy Commission
IBM PS/2 computers
Icarus Soviet defector
and “missile gap,” 128
IDF, see Israeli Defense Forces
Idris, King of Libya
I. G. Farben
I-Gnat drone reconnaissance
Ikonos satellite system
Ilyushin aircraft
implosion bomb, plutonium, see plutonium implosion bomb
Incirlik Air Base
Atomic Energy Commission of
Atomic Energy Research Committee
Libyan nuclear aid refused by
and nuclear aid to Iran
and nuclear test ban treaty
Operation Brasstacks of
and race for atomic bomb
vs. Pakistan
India, nuclear program of
announcement of
Canadian aid to
as domestic secret
first test detonation in
Flower neutron initiator in
French aid to
H-bomb in
implosion device and
lack of U.S. intelligence on
mine shafts used in
Norwegian aid to
as nuclear deterrent
Operation Dry Enterprise in
as Operation Shatki
as reaction to China
as reaction to Pakistan
Smiling Buddha code name in
as status symbol
Swedish aid to
Taj Mahal code name in
U.S. aid to
U.S. efforts to discourage
West German aid to
see also Pokhran
Indian Aviation Research Centre
Inglis, Thomas
INR, see Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Institut A
Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks, Israeli, see Mossad
Institute of Atomic Energy, Chinese
Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER)
Institute of Nuclear Science, New Zealand
Institute of Nuclear Science and Techniques, French, see Saclay Nuclear Research Center
Institute of Technology, Israeli, see Technion
Institut G
intelligence, U.S.:
beginnings of
defectors as source for
and failure in spying on Iran’s nuclear program
and failure to predict first Soviet bomb test
friction between agencies of
gap in nuclear
and monitoring of Soviet communications
North Korea’s nuclear program investigated by
organization of
POWs as sources for
refugees, as sources for
stolen Iranian laptop and
see also specific agencies
Intelligence Community Staff, U.S.
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (2004)
Interagency Intelligence Working Group on Nuclear Proliferation
intercontinental ballistic missiles, see ICBMs
International Atomic Energy Agency
inspections of Iranian facilities by
inspections of Iraqi facilities by
inspections of North Korean facilities by
see also UN
International Data Center
International Technology Division (ITD), see Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Ioffe, Abram
National Council of Resistance of
Parliament of
Supreme Cultural Revolution Council of
Iran, nuclear program of
Argentine nuclear fuel and equipment to
and attempt to buy Kazakhstan uranium
Chinese aid to
Czech equipment sales to
diplomatic efforts to end
German nuclear equipment imported to
IAEA’s inspections and
Indian equipment sales to
as nuclear deterrent
Russian aid to
and Sapphire operation
stolen laptop and
uranium enrichment program of
U.S. efforts to discourage
Iran-Iraq war
and biological weapons
and Desert Storm
hunt for WMDs in
IAEA inspections in
and nuclear nonproliferation
U.S. intelligence’s lack of understanding of
Iraq, nuclear program of
as al-Bashir project
aluminum tube acquisition in
Austrian equipment purchased for
Brazilian construction aid to
Chinese aid to
coercion in recruiting for
computers and
foreign aid to
French aid to
H-bomb in
implosion device in
Indian refusal of aid to
Israeli objections and air strike on
Italian aid to
Japanese aid to
Niger aid to
and Operation Desert Fox
Pakistani aid in
satellite surveillance of
as “silver bullet” against U.S.
and Sodash project
Soviet aid to
Spanish aid to
U.S. aid to
West German aid to
Yugoslav aid to
see also Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center
Iraqi Petroleum Corporation
Iraq Survey Group (ISG)
Ireland, S. Leslie
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps
Ismail, Ra’ad
ISNA news agency
air strike on Iraq by
and nuclear nonproliferation
and nuclear test ban treaty
objections to Iraqi nuclear aid from France by
Operation Babylon and
as responsible for Vela Alert
and Scorch Sword
Israel, nuclear program of
Argentine uranium sales and
French aid to
inspections of facilities in
and Machon
Mossad theft of uranium and
and neutron bomb
Norwegian aid to
and Operation Phoenix
South African cooperation in
and thermonuclear weapons
U.S. aid to
U.S. diplomatic efforts and
U.S. intelligence on
and Vanunu revelations
Vela Alert 747 and
Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC)
Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
intelligence services of
Iraqi nuclear program aided by
scientists in
Itazuke Air Base
Iyengar, P. K.
JAEIC, see Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee
Jaffar, Dhia Jaffar
Jaguar A aircraft
Jalloud, Abdul
Jannuzi, Frank
Jansen, C. R.
aid to Iraq of
aid to North Korea of
and nuclear factory in Taiwan
as nuclear target
Japanese Radio Research Laboratory
JASON group
JCAE, see Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
JCS, see Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jensen, Peter
Jeremiah, David
Jericho aircraft
Jesira, see Mosul
Jha, N. N.
Jindalee radar installation
Atomic Energy Joint Enterprise (Plant 404) at
Nuclear Component Manufacturing Plant at
Nuclear Fuel Processing Plant at
JNEIC, see Joint Nuclear Energy Intelligence Committee
Joachimsthal uranium mines
see also Czechoslovakia, uranium mines in
“Joe” Soviet bomb series
see also RDS Soviet bomb series
Johnson, Ellis A.
and interim radiological detection system
Johnson, Gerald
Johnson, Kelly
Johnson, Louis
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Johnson, Robert
Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE)
“Joint Declaration for a Non-Nuclear Korean Peninsula,”
Joint Intelligence Bureau, New Zealand
Joint Nuclear Energy Intelligence Committee (JNEIC)
Joint Research and Development Board
Joliot-Curie, Frédéric
and CEA
as Communist
Nazi research financing of
search for
and selling of atomic secrets
Joliot-Curie, Irène
and selling of atomic secrets
Jones, Frederick
Jones, R. V.
Joos, George
Joseph, Robert
Jumpseat spacecraft
Kadena Air Base
Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Biology and Virus Research, “Virus House” at
Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry
Allied bombing of
Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research
Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Physics
destruction of
moved in part to Hechingen
Kaiser-Wilhelm Society
Harnack House of
Kakodkar, Anil
Kalahari test site
Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul
Kaliningrad missile plant
Kamel, Hussein
Kamel, Saddam
Kang Sok-ju
Kantar, Arnold L.
Kapitza, Peter
Katzenbach, Nicholas
Kay, David
Ramrod code name for
KC-135 aircraft
Keeny, Spurgeon
Kefirstadt, see Verkh Nevyinsk
Keita, Mobido
Keitel, Wilhelm
Kelly, Frank
Kelly, James
Kendall, Douglas
Kennan reconnaissance system
see also satellites
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Richard T.
Kent, Sherman
Kentron, see Armscor
Kerguelen Islandsn
Kerr, Richard
Keyhole-1, see KH satellite reconnaissance
Keyworth II, George A. “Jay,”
Khadduri, Imad
Khan, Abdul Qadeer
Khan, Ghulam Ishaq
Khan, Munir Ahmed
Khan, Yahya
Khariton, Yuli
Kharrazai, Kamal
Khatami, Mohammad
Khimki rocket engine plant
Khlopin, Vitali
Khrushchev, Nikita
KH satellite reconnaissancen
see also satellites
Kidder, Ray E.
Kilju, North Korea
Killian, James
Kimball, Daryl
Kim Dal Hyon
Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong Il
Kim Kye-gwan
Kim Yong Nam
Kindred Spirit Analysis Group
King, Peter
Kissinger, Henry
Kitner, Edwin
Knutson, Marty
Konstantinov, Boris
see also North Korea; South Korea
Korea Earthquake Research Center
Korean Peninsula Energy Development Corporation (KEDO)
Korean War
Korsching, Horst
Kowarski, Lew
Kozyrev, Andrei V.
Kramish, Arnold
Krasnoyarsk-26, plutonium production facility at
Krebs, Adolf
Kremlev, see Arzamas-16
Kreykes, Jon A.
Krishnan, K. S.
Kroeck, Richard
Krueger, Philip G.
Krupnikov, K. K.
Kuhn, Loeb, and Company
Kuhn, Richard
Kuhn, Werner
Kurchatov, Igor
Iraqi invasion of
see also Gulf War
Kux, Dennisn
Laboratory No. 2
Laboratory No. 4, see Machon
Labusov, Boris
La Crouzille mines
Lahore Air Base
LAKAM, see Science Liaison Bureau
Lally, Rick
Lance missiles
Land, Edwin
Landry, John
Landsat earth resources satellites
Langer, Alois
Lansdale, John
Lanyard reconnaissance system
Lanzhou Gaseous Diffusion Plant
L’Arcouest, France
Larijani, Ali
Larson Air Force Base
Larson project
Latter, Albert
Latter, Richard
Lauder, John A.
Laurence, William, L.
Lavisan-Shian Physics Research Center
Lavon, Pinhas
Lavon affair
Lavrov, Sergey V.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
rivalry with Los Alamos of
see also Z Division
“Layer Cake” bomb
Leahy, William D.
Le Bouchet
Ledford, Jack
Leeb, Emil
Lee Sung Ki
Lee Teng-hui
LeMay, Curtis
Lewis, John
nuclear acquisitions of
and nuclear nonproliferation
nuclear program of
and offer of bounty for bomb
as remote detection site
Licorne (code name)
Li Jue
Lilienthal, David
Lilley, James
Linde Ice Machine Company
Lipkin, Zvi
Li Siguang
Li Song Hwan
“Little Boy,”
Liu Jie
Liu Xiyao
Li Yong Song
Li Yu-Hao
Li Zhaoxing
Lloyd, Selwyn
Lockhart, Joe
Lockhart, Luther
Lo Jui-ching
London Sunday Times
long-range detection
Atomic Detection System Alert and
Bequeath and
Bismuth and
Dial Flower operations in
first Chinese bomb and
first Soviet bomb and
Great Britain and
I-Gnat drones and
and interim radiological system
and Long-Range Detection Committee
Nice Dog operations in
Nocturnal and
Olympic Race missions in
Operation Blueboy and
Operation Fitzwilliam and
Pock Mark operations in
Pot Luck operations in
Predator drones and
Project Mogul and
Project Rainbarrel and
Project Rockpile and
and search for international monitoring stations for
seismic means of
sonic means of
Speedlight and
Tracerlab and
Whitesmith and
see also Burning Light missions; satellites; specific surveillance systems
Loofbourow, Frédérick Read
“Look” magazine
Loon Charlie flights
Lop Nur Nuclear Weapons Test Basen
as ground zero
Lorrain, Jean
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
espionage at
International Technology Division (ITD) of
rivalry with Lawrence Livermore Lab of
Lowenhaupt, Henry S.
U-2 reconnaissance and
Lukasik, Steve
Lundahl, Arthur
Lung Tan facility
Luse, Keith
M1 missile
M2 missile
M4 submarine
M5 missiles
M-11 missiles
M20 missile
M45 missiles
McCartor, Trella
McClellan Air Force Base
McClelland, Clyde L.
McCloskey, Robert
McConaughy, Walter
McCone, John
McCullen, John D.
McDuffy, Marcellus
McGhee, George
Macao bank
Machle, Willard
Machta, Lester
McKeon, Frank
McLaughlin, John
Maclean, Donald
Macmillan, Harold
McNally, Jamesn
McNamara, Robert
Madras atomic power project
Magee, John
Mahmud, Salah Abud
Makins, Christopher
Malan, Magnus
Malan test site
Malyshev, Viacheslav
Mandela, Nelson
Manga, Mai
Manhattan Engineer District (MED)
see also Foreign Intelligence Section
Manhattan Project
see also Trinity
Mansfield, John E.
Mao Tse-tungn
Marcum, John
Marion Islands test site
Marshall, George C.
Martinez, Paolo
Martin Model-294 aircraft
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mauth, Gary H.
May, Allan Nunn
Mayaki, Ibrahim
MED, see Manhattan Engineer District
Meitner, Lise
Mendès-France, Pierre
Mentzel, Rudolph
Mercury signals intelligence satellites
see also satellites
Meshad, Yehya al-
Metallurgical Laboratory (Met Lab)
Mikhailov, Viktor
Military Applications Directorate
military communications intelligence (COMINT)
Millikin, Eugene
Millon, Charles
Ministry of Defense, Israelin
Research and Planning Division (EMET) of
Ministry of Defense, Taiwan
Ministry of Geology, China
Ministry of Public Security, North Korea
Minuteman missiles
see also satellites
Mirage aircraft
Misawa Air Base
“missile gap,”
antiballistic missile treaty and
antiballistic system of
and “missile gap,” 129n
see also specific missiles
Mission Research Corporation
Misty reconnaissance system
see also satellites
Mitterand, François
Mogul, Project
Møller, Frederik
Mollet, Guy
Montazeri, Hossein-Ali
Moore, Charles
Morocco, uranium oxide cache in
Morrison, Philip
German bomb research indicators of
Moscow Center 300, see Arzamas-16
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
raid on La Seyne-sur-Mer by
uranium theft by
Mountain Seismic Station, see Semipalatinsk Experimental Proving Ground
Mouton, Wynand
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
MR41 warhead
Muccio, John J.
Muckermann, Herman
Mukherjee, Pranab
Mulholland, Douglas P.
Müller, Herbert
Muller, Richard
Murthy, T. S.
Mururoa test site
French nuclear test at
Music monitoring program
MX missiles
Nag Chaudhuri, B. D.
Nagler, Kenneth
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Nasser 81
National Clandestine Service
National Commission on Terrorist Acts Upon the United States
National Council of Resistance of Iran
National Counterproliferation Center
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA)
National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC)
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
National Institute for Defence Research, South Africa
National Intelligence Authority (NIA)
National Intelligence Council (NIC)
National Intelligence Survey (NIS)
National Monitoring Directorate, Iraq
National Party, South Africa
National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC)
National Radiation Laboratory, New Zealand
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
National Research Council, Canadian
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Council (NSC)
Nature (British journal)
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Naval Scientific Research Test Range, Soviet, see Installation
Nazi Party
NC-135A aircraft
Nebi Rubin
NEC-750 computers
Ne’eman, Yuval
Negev Nuclear Research Center, see Dimona
Negroponte, John D.
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nekrutkin, V. M.
Nelson, Morris
Nelson, William
neutron bombn
Newsom, David
Newsweek magazine
New York Times
New Zealand:
Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) of
Institute of Nuclear Science of
Joint Intelligence Bureau of
National Radiation Laboratory of
NGA, see National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
Nice Dog operations
Nicholson, Edward L.
Nielsen, Dale
Nie Rongzhen
Libyan purchase of uranium from
Pakistan purchase of uranium from
NII-9, see Scientific Research Institute 9
NIMA, see National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Nimbus satellites
see also satellites
NIS, see National Intelligence Survey
Nixon, Richard M.
Nizhnyaya Tura
Nobel Prizes
Noor, Fathi
Nordheim, Lothar W.
Nordyke, Milo D.
Norsk Hydro-Electric
Northeast Asian Cooperative Dialogue
North Korea
denuclearization of
disarmament talks with
as Hermit Kingdom
inspections of facilities in
and “Joint Declaration for a Non-Nuclear Peninsula,”
and nuclear nonproliferation
nuclear program of
and South-North Joint Nuclear Control Committee
testing of nuclear weapons by
North Korean Central News Agency
Northrup, Doyle
Northwest Nuclear Weapons Research and Design Authority
India’s heavy water supplied by
and nuclear aid to Israel
Vemork facility in
Novaya Zemlya
and suspected Russian bomb test
Novosibirsk aircraft facility
NPIC, see National Photographic Interpretation Center
NPT, see Treaty for the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons
NRL, see Naval Research Laboratory
NRO, see National Reconnaissance Office
NSC, see National Security Council
nuclear arms race:
“atomic blackmail” and
France vs. China
India vs. China
Soviet Union vs. West
see also nuclear nonproliferation
Nuclear Component Manufacturing Plant
nuclear contamination
see also fallout, nuclear
Nuclear Detonation Detection System (NDS)
Nuclear Energy Division, see OSI
nuclear fission
as basis for bomb
German research into
Soviet research into
Nuclear Intelligence Panel
nuclear nonproliferationn
Iran and
Iraq and
Israel and
Libya and
North Korea and
Pakistan and
South Africa and
strategic arms limitation treaty and
Taiwan and
see also CIA, Nonproliferation Center of; “Joint Declaration for a Non-Nuclear Korean Peninsula”; nuclear test ban
Nuclear Research Center, Iraq, see Tuwaitha
nuclear test ban
monitoring of
moratorium and
negotiations toward
provisions of 1963
signatories of
Threshold Test Ban Treaty of 1974 and
treaty for comprehensive
treaty for partial
see also nuclear nonproliferation; specific countries
Oakley, Phyllis
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Obeidi, Mahdi
O’Brien, B. J.
Ochsenbein, August
Oehler, Gordon
Office of Director of National Intelligence
Office of National Estimates
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI)
Nuclear Energy Division of
Photographic Intelligence Center of
Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)
Office of Special Operations
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Office of Weapons Intelligence
Offutt Air Force Basen
Ohio-class submarines
Okbah ibn Nafi Air Base
see also Wheelus Air Base
Olive Branch U-2 missions
Olympic Race monitoring missionsn
Omega VLF system
Omsk aircraft facility
113 Engineer Regiment, Indian
1279th Engineer Combat Battalion
Onyx reconnaissance system
see also satellites
Open Skies program
Oplinger, Gerald G.
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
German bomb research indicators of
and Manhattan Project
and meeting with Robert Furman
as suspected communist
Orbview-3 satellite
Organization of African Unity (OAU)
Orion signals intelligence satellites
see also satellites
Osan Air Base
Osiris reactor
see also Tammuz reactors
Owens-Kirkpatrick, Barbro
P-2V Neptune aircraft
Pabian, Frank
Pacific Command
PAEC, see Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
Pahad, Aziz
Pak Gilyon
Iraqi nuclear relationship with
Libyan nuclear program aided by
and nuclear aid to North Korea
and nuclear nonproliferation
vs. India
and war in Afghanistan
Pakistan, nuclear program of
Canadian reactor provided for
Chinese aid to
first test detonation in
implosion device and
Niger uranium sale to
as nuclear deterrent
Project 706 of
satellite surveillance of
and search for test site
West German aid to
see also Kahuta; Ras Koh test site
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
Pakistani Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH)
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Panofsky, Wolfgang K.
Panorama magazine
Parchin military complex
Parmenter, William
Pash, Boris T.
Patrick Air Force Base, U.S.
Patterson, Robert
Pauli, Wolfgang
peaceful nuclear explosions (PNE) program
Peierls, Rudolf
Pelah, Israel
Pelindaba Nuclear Research Center
Peng Huanwu
Penkovskiy, Oleg
People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, see NKVD
People’s Liberation Army, Chinese
Pereira, Fernando
Peres, Shimon
Perez de Cuellar, Juan
Perkovich, George
Perle, Richard
Perricos, Dimitri
Perrin, Francis
Perrin, Michael
Perry, William J.
Pervaya Molniya (First Lightning) Soviet atomic test
Pervez, Arshad Z.
Peshawar Air Base
Peterson, Allen
Peterson, Arthur V.
Petrochemical-3, see Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center
Petrzhak, Konstantin
Peyrefritte, Alain
Phantom F-4 aircraft
Phoenix separation facility
see also Trombay
Phoenix, Operation
Phoenix Project
Photographic Intelligence Center, see OSI
Physical Dynamics Research Laboratory (FDO)
Pickering, Thomas
Pierrelatte enrichment plant
Pillar, Paul
Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant
Pineau, Christian
PINSTECH, see Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
Pioneer space probe
Plame, Valerie
Planck, Max
Plant A, see Chelyabinsk-40
Plant B, see Chelyabinsk-40
Plant V, see Chelyabinsk-40
Plant 2
Plant 4
Plant 202, see Baotou Nuclear Fuel Component Plant (Plant 202)
Plant 272
Plant 404, see Jiuquan, Atomic Energy Joint Enterprise (Plant 404)
Plant 414, see Hengyang Uranium Hydrometallurgy Plant (Plant 414)
Plant 551
Plant No. 4, see Machon 4
Pleat, George B.
Plowshare program
plutonium, vs. uranium in bombs
Plutonium Fuel Chemistry Laboratory
plutonium implosion bomb:
France and
India and
Iraq and
Pakistan and
South Africa and
Soviet Union and
at Trinity
Plutonium Reactor for Neutron Investigation in Multiple Assemblies
PNE, see peaceful nuclear explosions
Pock Mark monitoring missions
Pollard, Jonathan
Post, Richard St. F.
Pot Luck monitoring missions
Powell, Colin
Powell, Jody
Powers, Francis Gary
POWs, as sources of intelligence
Pratt, Manes
Predator drone reconnaissance
Press, Frank
Press panel
Primakov, Yvgeny
Prince Edward Island
Pritchard, Charles L. “Jack,”
Procyon French thermonuclear test
Project 706
Putin, Vladimir
Pyongsan mines
Qadhafi, Muammar
Qannadi, Mohammad
Qian Qichen
Qian Sanqiang
Qinghai weapons design bureau
Quemoy (Jinmen)
Rabi, Isidor I.
Rabin, Yitzhak
Raborn, William F.
Radiation Laboratory, at Berkeley
Radio Beijing
Raeder, Erich
RAFAEL Armament Development Authority
Rainbarrel, Project
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior II
Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS)
Ramanna, Raja
Ramenskoye airfield
Ramon, Ilan
Ramona reports
RAND Corporation
Rand Daily Mail
Ranger, USS
Rao, Narasihma
RAPS, see Rajasthan Atomic Power Station
Rasgotra, Maharaja Krishna
Ras Koh test site
Rathjens, George W.
Ratner, Jenka
Raviv, Dan
RB aircraft
RDS Soviet bomb series
Reagan, Ronald
Reber, James Q.
Recognizing Iran as a Strategic Threat: An Intelligence Challenge for the United States
Reconnaissance Squadrons
Red Wind intelligence network
Reeves, Charlie
refugees, as sources of intelligence
Reggane test site
Reichardt, Charles
Reiche, Fritz
Reich Research Council
Reid, Ogden
Remus, see Morris “Moe” Berg
Research and Analysis Wing, India
Research and Planning Division (EMET)
replaced by RAFAEL
Respondek, Erwin
“Revolt of the Generals, The,” 201
Revolutionary Guard Corps
Rhodes, Richard
Rhyolite signals intelligence satellites
see also satellites
Rice, Carl J.
Richardson, Bill
Richter, John
Rickover, Hyman
Riehl, Nikolaus
Rigel nuclear test
Ri Hong Sop
Rock, Donald
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rockpile, Project
Roddis, Louis, Jr.
Roddis, Louis H.
Rodenhauser, Jermain R.
Rogers, William
Roh Moo Hyun
Rometsch, Rudolf
Rooney, John
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosbaud, Paul
Ross, Arnold
Rostow, Walter
Rouhani, Hassan
Roux, A. J. A.
Rowen, Harry
Roy, J. Stapleton
Roy, P. R.
Royall, Kenneth C.
Rubin, Jamie
Rubis nuclear test
Ruhnke, Lothar H.
Ruina, Jack
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rusinov, Lev
Rusk, Dean
Defense Ministry of
Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of
and nuclear aid to Iran
nuclear program of
as Soviet successor state
see also Soviet Union
Rust, Bernhard
Ryder, Thomas S.
Rygge Air Base
SA-2 missiles
Saadi, Amir Hammoudi al-
Saclay Nuclear Research Center
Saeed al-Haideri, Adnan Ihsan
Saeedi, Mohammad
Safari reactor
Saguy, Yehoshua
Sahara Desert:
and Evian Agreement
as nuclear test site
Sahhaf, Mohammed Saeed
Said, Khalid Ibrahim
Saint Gobain Nucléaire (SGN)
Sakharov, Andrei
“Layer Cake” bomb concept of
Saldanha naval facility
Samore, Gary
Sandia Corporation
Sandia National Laboratories
Sandstone, Operation
Sangh, Jana
Santhanam, K.
Saphir/Monique test
Sappenfield, Dale
Sapphire, Operation
Sarabhai, Vikram
Sarfaraz, Mohammad
Sarles, F. William
Satellite Data System (SDS)
military systems
and photographic reconnaissance
reconnaissance priorities for
reconnaissance projects and
Soviet reconnaissance
see also National Geospatial Intelligence Agency; specific satellite and surveillance systems
Savannah River Laboratory, see Atomic Energy Commission, U.S.
Sayeed, Anees Ali
Scali, John
SCATHA military satellite
see also satellites
Scheersberg A
Scherrer, Paul
Schrodinger, Erwin
Schultz, George
Schumann, Erich
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Schwinger, Julian
Science Liaison Bureau, Israeli (LAKAM)
Scientific Research Institute 9 (NII-9)
Scorch Sword air strike
Scoville, Herbert
Scowcroft, Brent
Scud missiles
Seaborg, Glenn T.
Sea Fish
see also B-36 aircraft
Search, Project
Second Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Second Ministry of Machine Building, Chinese
Secretariat of Atomic Energy, Libyan
Secret Intelligence Service, British (SIS)
Section One, see Air Force, U.S., Special Weapons Group
Seeman, Lyle E.
Seibert, A. Bryan
Seibert, Edwin
Selbi, Dhafir
Sella, Aviem
Semenov, Nikolai
Semipalatinsk Experimental Proving Ground
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Sengier, Edgar
September 22
event, see Vela Alert 747
Service for Information and Military Security (SISMI)
Sethna, Homi
75th Exploitation Task Force, U.S. Army
SH-3A helicopters
Shahab-3 missile
Shahi, Agha
Shamkhani, Ali
Sharif, Nawaz
Sharistani, Hussein al-
Shastri, Lal Bahadur
Shatki, Operation
Shechelkin, K. I.
Shelby, Richard
Shen, James C. H.
Sherut Bitachon Klali
Shevardnadze, Eduard A.
Shin Bet
Shine, George
Shinn, Johnn
Shuanghcengzi missile center
Shuler, W. R.
Sieff Institute, see Weizmann Institute
Sievering, Nelson
Signal Research Units
Sikka, Satinder Kumar
“silver bullet” deterrent
Simmons, Robert
Simoneau, Leon
Simons, David
Simontown Naval Base, South Africa
6th Bomb Wing
61 Engineer Regiment, Indian
64th Engineer Battalion
Six-Day War
Skinji, Fathi
Skinner, Selby
“Skunk Works,”
Slocombe, Walter
Sloika, see “Layer Cake” bomb
Smidovich, Nikita
Smiling Buddha (code name)
Smith, Gerald
Smith, Harold P.
Smith, Walter Bedell
Smuts, Jan
Snyder, Sammy
Société Industrielle d’études et de Construction Chimiques
Sodash project
Soft Touch, Operation
Somerset West
Song Renqiong
Soreq Nuclear Research Center
Souers, Sydney
Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS)
Soustelle, Jacques
South Africa
African National Congress of
and Angola
and Cuba
Defence Force of
denuclearization of
and Namibia
National Party of
and Nonproliferation Treaty
and nuclear aid to Israel
and nuclear nonproliferation
nuclear weapons storage in
as responsible for Vela Alert
Saldanha naval facility of
Simontown naval facility of
Taiwanese uranium supplied by
South Africa, nuclear program of
as bluff
Boskop test range in
as deterrent
implosion device and
Israeli cooperation in
and Nuclear Physics Institute
and Operation Phoenix
plutonium implosion bomb and
Safari-1 reactor and
search for test site in
“Stalin Organ” rocket launcher and
thermonuclear device in
U.S. materials supplied for
“Vastrap” test site for
verification of
Y-Plant of, see Valindaba
South Korea
South-North Joint Nuclear Control Committee
Soviet Union
alleged spies for
and atomic bomb espionage
Chinese nuclear program aided by
collapse of
Echo II submarine of
Enormoz intelligence program
and first nuclear chain reaction
German invasion of
Iraqi nuclear program aided by
and Israeli bomb researchn
Libyan nuclear program aided by
and New Defense Technical Accord
North Korea nuclear program aided by
and nuclear aid to China
and nuclear aid to Iraq
and nuclear test ban
and race for atomic bomb
and relations with China
Uranium Commission of
see also Russia
Soviet Union, nuclear program of
first test detonation in
German scientists in
H-bomb in
implosion device and
intimidation of scientists developing
key sites in
Laboratory No. 2 in
long-range detection of
as Operation Borodino
Pervaya Molniya test in
plutonium bomb and
and search for uranium
see also “Joe” series of bombs
Sowle, David
Spaatz, Carl
Special Committee on the Atomic Problem, Soviet Union
Special Development Works, Pakistani
Special Projects Section, see Weather Bureau, U.S.
Special Unit
Special Weapons Group, Section One, U.S. Air Force
Operation Fitzwilliam of
Spector, Leonard
Speedlight monitoring modification
Speer, Albert
Spence, Robert
Spenser, Nelson
Spiers, Ronald
Spilhaus, Athelstan
SR-71 spy planes
SSU, see Strategic Services Unit
Staebler, Ulysses Merriam
Stalin, Joseph
“Stalin Organ” rocket launcher
“Stalin’s Rocket Engine”, see RDS Soviet bomb series
Stanford Research Institute
Starr, Duane E.
State Department, U.S.
Steenbeck, Max
Stillman, Daniel B.
Stimson, Henry
Stockman, Hervey
Strassmann, Fritz
Strategic Air Command, U.S., see SAC
strategic arms limitation treaty
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Strauss, Lewis L.
Strong, George V.
Strong, L. Corrin
Studeman, William
Stumpf, Waldo
Sun Chen Wei
Sverdlovsk-44, gaseous diffusion at
Sverdlovsk-45, electromagnetic separation facility at
Sykes, Lynn
Szilard, Leo
T-5 torpedo
T-33 aircraft
Tabasco emplaced sensor
Tackle program
Taepo Dong 1 missile
Tag (code name), see Otto Hahn
Chiang Kai-shek and
and nuclear nonproliferation
nuclear program of
Tackle program and
U.S.-Taiwan defense treaty and
Taiwan Nuclear Research Facility
Taiwan Research Reactor
Taj Mahal (code name)
Tajoura Research Center
Talbott, Strobe
Tamm, Igor
Tammuz reactors
Tamouré, Test
Tandja, Mamadou
Tang Chun-po
Tang Jun-Po
Taoyuan air base
Tarapur reactor, Indian
Tatyana bomb
Taylor, Maxwell
Teicher, Eli
Teller, Edwardn
“Alarm Clock” bomb concept of
and Trinity/Manhattan Project
Tenet, George J.
test ban treaty, see nuclear test ban
Thatcher, Margaret
thermonuclear bomb
first U.S. test of
Israel and
“Layer Cake” as
Mike as code name for
South Africa and
Soviet detonation of
vs. fission detonation
Thielmann, Greg
Thiessen, Peter Adolf
“Third Line” program
“Third Universal Theory,”
Thiry, Jean
Thomas, Abel
Thompson, Llewellyn
Thorne, Kip
Thoulouze, André
Threshold Test Ban Treaty of 1974
Thule Air Base
Time magazine
Tiros satellites
see also satellites
Toe Dancer (code name)
Tolkovsky, Dan
Totsk test range
Touchdown, Operation
Touli institute
Toy Soldier, Operation
Training Proving Ground No. 2, see Semipalatinsk Experimental Proving Ground
Transit satellite system
Treasury Department, U.S.
Treaty for the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weaponsn
Trevan, Tim
Trident II (D5) missiles
plutonium implosion bomb test at
see also Manhattan Project
Triomphant submarines
Tronstad, Leif
Truba, see Tube bomb
Trubnikov, Vyacheslav
Trulock, Notra, III
Truman, Harry
established by
H-bomb project announced by
signs CIA into law
Soviet bomb test announced by
Tu aircraft
Tube bomb
Turkevitch, Anthony
Turnbull, Larry
Turner, Stanfield
Turner Construction Company
Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Centern
Petrochemical-3 of
Twining, Nathan
Tyuratam space launch facility
and Ad Hoc Requirements Committee
aircraft carrier launches of
“Aquatone” as code name of development project for
and CIA
and downing of Bill Chang
and downing of Francis Gary Powers
and downing of Jack Chang
first flight over Soviet Union of
flights over China of
flights over Egypt of
flights over French territory of
flights over Iraq of
flights over Middle East of
images from
and Lockheed
and Nationalist Chinese
and Olive Branch
and Operation Soft Touch
and Operation Touchdown
as produced at “Skunk Works,”
and Project Whale Tale
Tackle program of
U-2A-1 version of
U-2C version of
U-2G version of
U-2R version of
and USS Ranger
Uhde-Lurgi Group
Uhlenbeck, George
Ulam, Stanislaw
inspections of Iraqi facilities
Resolution 707 of
Resolution 1441 of
see also International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Unger, Leonard
Union Miniére
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, see Soviet Union United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM)
United Press
United States:
attempts to discourage Indian nuclear ambitions
and China exchange and contact
and Chinese theft of W88 warhead plans
efforts to halt North Korea’s nuclear program
H-bomb of
Indian nuclear aid from
intelligence, see intelligence, U.S.
Iran’s uranium enrichment program and
Iraqi nuclear program aided by
Israeli nuclear program aided by
North Korea’s bilateral talks with
North Korea’s nuclear test and
as nuclear power
nuclear program of, see Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; Manhattan Project; Trinity
as nuclear target
and nuclear test bann
Taiwan, nuclear program aided by
UN Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)
UNSCOM, see United Nations Special Commission on Iraq
UN Security Council
UN Security Council Resolution
UN Security Council Resolution 1718
uranium, vs. plutonium in bombs
Uranium Club (Uranverein)
Uranium Commission, Soviet
Uranium Conversion Facility
Uranium Enrichment Corporation (URENCO), South Africa
uranium gun bomb
uranium project
Uranverein, see Uranium Club
Urey, Harold
Urry, William
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
U.S.-Taiwan defense treaty
Vajpayee, Atal Behari
Vance, Cyrus
Vandenberg, Hoyt
Vandenberg Air Force Base
Van Doren, Charles
Van Middlesworth, L.
Vanunu, Mordechain
Varna, A. N.
Vasev, Vladillen M.
Vela Alert
Israel as responsible for
South Africa and
Soviet Union as responsible for
Vela surveillance system
“zoo” events in
Venona project
Verenigde Machine-Fabrieken
Verkh Nevyinsk
Vermont (code name)
Vernadskii, Vladimir
Verwoerd, H. F.
Viard, Jean
Vira, Dharma
“Virus House,”
Visser, Andres
VLF (very low frequency)
Omega system of
Voice of America
Volga Office, see Arzamas-16
Vollmer, Max
von Ardenne, Manfred
von Braun, Wernher
von Halban, Hans
Von Halle, Edward
von Laue, Max
von Weizsäcker, Freidrich
Vorster, John
Vortex signals intelligence satellites
Vrooman, Robert S.
W88 warhead, Chinese theft of plans for
W-130 aircraft
Wah Cantonment Ordnance Complex
Wallace, Terry C.
Walpole, Robert
Walsh, Robert
Walters, J. C.
Walters, Vernon
Wang, K. C.
Wang Ganchang
Wang Jiefu
Wang Shi Chuen, Johnny
Wardenburg, Fred
Washington Post
Washington Times
Watkins, James
WB aircraft
WC aircraft
Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control Center (WINPAC)
weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Weather Bureau, U.S.
Weather Reconnaissance Squadrons
Webber, Robert T.
Weber, Karl
Webster, William
Weekly Summary, CIA
Weekly Surveyor, CIA
Weisner, Jerome
Weiss, Leonard
Weisskopf, Victor
Weizman, Ezer
Welsh, Eric
Wendover Field, see W-47
Wen Ho Lee
West Germany
French nuclear program aided by
Indian nuclear program aided by
Iraq nuclear program aided by
Pakistani nuclear program aided by
Taiwanese nuclear program aided by
Whale Tale, Project
Wheeler, John
Wheeling, USNS
Wheelon, Albert
Wheelus Air Base
Whiting, Allen
Wick, Gian Carlo
Wilburforce, John
Williams, L. B.
Wilson, Joseph
Wilson, Roscoe C.
WINPAC, see Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control Center
Wirtz, Karl
Wisner, Frank, Jr.
Wolf, John
Wood, Cal
Wood, Houston G., III
Woods, Samuel Edison
Woodward, Bob
Woolsey, James
World Trade Organization
Wright, Charles W.
Wright, Gerald
Wright, William H.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
WU-2 aircraft
Wu Ta-You
X-2 branch, see SSU
Xinjiang Uygur
X-Ray bomb (code name)
Yadin, Yigal
Yang, Chen Ning
Yang Fujia
Ye Lirun
Yeltsin, Boris
Yoke bomb (code name)
Yokota Air Basen
Yom Kippur War
Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center
York, Herbert A.
Y-Plant, see Valindaba
Yugoslavia, and nuclear aid to Iraq
Yu Min
Zababakhin, E. I.
Z Division
Zebra bomb (code name)
Zeldovich, Yakov
02 Chinese nuclear development program
Zhang Aiping
Zhang Yunyu
Zhang Zhishang
Zheltye Vody
Zhou Enlai
Zhou Wenzhong
Zia ul-Haq, Mohammad
Zifferero, Maurizio
Zimmerman, Peter
Zippe, Gernot
ZOE reactor
Zuberi, Matin
Zumwalt, Lloyd