Chapter Seventeen


Mary determined to put the painful experience behind her. Upon visiting her after a stop at the Craftsman farm in the first week of May, Maureen and Connie notified her that Neil had become an attentive father, which Mary was glad to hear. Mary did express her surprise when Maureen told her that Neil named the girl Emily, for she recalled that Cassie intended to name her after Neil’s mother. Maureen just shrugged. “He decided that he liked the name Emily more.” Mary nodded and went about her business in serving them coffee. To her surprise, she found that she enjoyed meeting with them. Maureen, as it turned out, wasn’t so bad after all.

The next week, Mary rested in her chair making a dress to better accommodate her expanding belly. Being in her fifth month of pregnancy, she became accustomed to feeling the baby kick, but it seemed that as soon as she went to get Dave, the baby stopped being active. She waited for a minute and the baby continued its relentless assault on her belly. She decided to press her luck.

Excited, she jumped out of her chair, accidentally knocking it over. Letting it lay on the floor, she ran to the door and flung it open just as Dave was about to enter the house.

“Oh!” she gasped in surprise, setting her hand over her heart.

“Is something wrong? Should I get the doctor?” he asked, looking concerned.

“No, I’m fine,” she immediately assured him. “The baby’s kicking! It’s amazing, Dave. Here.” She took his hands and placed them over the bulge in her lower abdomen.

He patiently waited for the child to move. When it did, a wide smile spread across his face. “That’s really something, isn’t it?” His eyes met hers. “Is it uncomfortable?”

“No. It’s strange but in a wonderful way. I don’t think I can adequately describe it.”

“It must be one of those things you have to experience.”

She nodded and the baby kicked again.

He laughed. “He’s pretty active in there.” He pulled her against him. Bending his head, he kissed her, his joy causing her heart to race.

How wonderful it is to be happy with the impending birth of a baby, she thought, her mind unwillingly shifting to Emily’s birth. Forcing aside the stab of sorrow, she wrapped her arms around Dave’s neck and returned his passion with her own.

When their kiss ended, he continued to hold her, seeming to enjoy their embrace as much as she did. The door, still open, gave her a view of Jasper as he barked at the squirrel which darted across the grass in front of the fenced pasture where the horses ate grass. She sighed and clung to her husband. His body, strong and solid, could also be tender and warm. So much like his personality.

He eased from her and seemed to be ready to speak but stopped. He took a long look at her, as if he were seeing her for the first time. “You know, Mary, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

She started to correct him since she knew that, though she might have some pretty features, she couldn’t possibly be beautiful, but there was something in the way he smiled at her that caused her to consider his viewpoint. And in doing so, she realized that he was telling her the truth. When he looked at her, he saw a beautiful woman. Beautiful Mary Larson. For the first time in her life, she believed it. His love made her beautiful.

His fingers brushed her cheek. “I love you, Mary,” he softly confessed.

“I love you too, Dave.” Her heart swelled with joy. Not only did he find her desirable but he loved her. It was more than she dared hope for when she came to Nebraska, and here she was with a remarkable man who treated her better than anyone else ever had in her life.

Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her again, this time deepening it.

Wishing to act on her powerful emotions, she asked, “Do you have to go back to the field right now?”

“I can hold off for a little while. Do you need me for something?”

She licked her lips. The last time she initiated lovemaking, he told her to put on a nightshirt. Of course, that was different. She didn’t go through a miscarriage this time. Forcing aside her nervousness, she decided to kiss him, hoping he would correctly interpret her invitation.

As it turned out, he didn’t require further motivation. He shut the door and threw his hat aside. He reached for her and drew her back to him. She couldn’t think of a better way to solidify their love than to come together in the most intimate way possible, for she truly felt closer to him than before.

Once they shed their clothes, he whispered, “Wait.” He stepped back from her. “Let’s not rush it. It seems that you don’t get to enjoy this as much as I do.”

“I enjoy it,” she argued, her hands resting on his strong biceps.

“I know you find it pleasant but there’s greater satisfaction to be had. I’m not sure how to get you there, so you’ll have to guide me.”

She realized what he was talking about. He wished for her to ‘come with him’ and often asked her what he could do to make it happen. “I’ve already told you that I don’t know what to do.”

“Let’s take the time to learn, together.” He led her to the bed and asked her to lay on the mattress.

She did as he requested. Without prompting, she widened her legs enough so that he could kneel between them. Her heart fluttered when she looked up and noted the adoration in his eyes. A quick glance at his arousal revealed how much he desired her. No longer feeling insecure when she was naked before him, she obeyed his request when he asked her to close her eyes.

“I’m going to start from the top and work my way down,” he whispered as his hands progressed from her feet, up her legs, over her hips, across her arms and to her shoulders. “I want you to tell me what you like, and if you like it a little or a lot. Alright?”

She nodded. Subconsciously holding her breath, she waited for him. She jerked when he brought his warm lips to hers.

He lightly chuckled. “I thought you didn’t scare easily.” He didn’t wait for her response. Instead, he kissed her again, lingering at her mouth.

Her body relaxed against the bed. Her breasts pressed lightly against the muscles in his chest, his fine hairs slightly ticklish. He smelled of the earth and hay, though he was clean. The time spent outdoors made him seem powerful, and she savored the taste of him on her tongue. Deepening the kiss, he allowed his hand to travel down her jawbone and down her neck.

“Do you like this?” His breath caressed her ear.


She sharply inhaled as his mouth followed his hand, causing her breasts to press firmly against him.

“You feel so good,” he told her.

Her body trembled as he slowly cupped her right breast with one hand. His mouth moistened her left breast, his tongue teasing the rose bud that seemed more sensitive than it had any of the other times he did this. She reasoned that closing her eyes heightened her other senses, touch being one of them. She shivered beneath him.

“Are you chilly? I could get the blanket.”

She ran her tongue along her dry lower lip. “No. It’s what you’re doing. It feels nice.”

“Do you want me to continue?”

“Yes.” She almost felt embarrassed to even request for him to gratify her since she was used to considering his needs rather than hers.

Without protest, he obeyed, switching breasts so both could receive his care. She groaned as she became aware of the familiar ache between her thighs. She was no stranger to the sensation, but she hadn’t been able to satisfy it in the past. Perhaps that would soon change. After a time, the mattress shifted under her, notifying her that he changed positions. He had been laying partially on top of her before, but now he sat between her bent knees.

“You’re lovely to gaze upon,” he said, his voice hinting at his wonder of her naked form.

His words eased her inhibitions to enjoy what he was doing to her, and she desperately wanted to enjoy it. As he gently stroked down her belly, he paused for a moment over the new mound their baby created with its growing presence. A feathery kiss touched it, and she smiled at his love for his child.

“Isn’t it amazing that our coming together to share one of life’s most beautiful moments can result in this?” he asked in wonder.

“It is.” Her voice came low. She doubted he heard her. This was how it should be when a child was created. There should be joy, laughter, and anticipation.

When he massaged her thighs, the ache deep within her increased. She shifted her hips upward, silently encouraging him to touch her in her most sensitive region. Her flesh craved his attention. Centering on the tender lips beneath the triangle of brown curly hair, he caressed her with his fingers.

She gasped. “I like that.”

Her breathing suddenly seemed irregular though she gave it no more thought as his fingers played with her entrance. She groaned again, louder this time, and wiggled closer to him. To her surprise, he stopped. Ready to see what stopped him, her question didn’t even make it to her lips when she felt him shift so that his mouth could kiss her where his fingers had been.

She shuddered in excitement, her heart pounding frantically in her chest. “Yes. Do that.” She moaned, wrapping her legs around his shoulders.

He began his sweet torment with kisses. A swell of desire coursed through her body, suspending her in a dreamlike state of urgent need.

“You’re beautiful, Mary,” he told her.

Then he proceeded to taste her wetness. Her ragged breathing made it difficult to tell him how much she was enjoying it, but he seemed to understand since he didn’t budge from his position. His fingers worked their way around his mouth and when he found the center of her desire, she grabbed his biceps and said, “There. Touch me there. And I do like it when your fingers are in me.”

Returning to his sitting position, he slid one finger into her. Murmuring his appreciation for her inviting wet warmth, he slid another finger in and stroked her. He pressed his thumb to her anxious bud. “You like this?”

“Yes,” she replied in astonishment. He hadn’t handled her this way before, so she was shocked that it felt intensely pleasurable. “Yes. Oh Dave, yes.” She grabbed the blanket beneath her, clenching it in her fists as she became aware that the sensations pouring from her core was quickly building towards something even more wonderful.

“That’s it.” He sounded excited as he rubbed his thumb faster over her. “Come to me, Mary.”

Beyond caring about anything but how remarkable he was making her feel, she whimpered his name, her back arching and hips pressing closer to him. When her climax came, she felt as if her core shattered in a million pieces, her narrow channel clenching fast and hard around his fingers. Suspended in the moment, she didn’t understand what happened when he moved his fingers out of her, knelt over her and guided himself into her. Her muscles renewed their strength, squeezing him as he slowly moved inside her. His thrusting only served to prolong her release.

His hands clasped hers as he kissed her, his tongue intimately tasting hers. Breathing hard, he broke the kiss and promised, “It’s going to be like this every time we come together from now on.”

She knew he would make sure that happened. Marveling that he loved her enough to give her the gift of sexual fulfillment, she tightened her hold on his hands to signal her gratitude. Her legs firmly gripped his waist and her body hummed with satisfaction as he found his release.

Afterwards, sated and in each other’s arms, they expressed their love for one another and discussed possible names for their baby.




The end of May brought sunny and bright weather. The wind gusts cooled the air so that Dave could spend time preparing the fields for planting his corn and beans. He looked forward to the day when he could teach his child about farming. A son would learn more than a girl, of course, but he planned to give her the basics in case she married a farmer.

He whistled a happy tune as he hooked Lewis and Clark to the wagon. When Mary emerged in her light blue dress with small white flowers on it, he couldn’t help but smile. There was something primitively satisfying in seeing her belly filled with his child. He sauntered up to her and took the pile of baby clothes, bibs and towels that she made for Neil and Cassie’s daughter.

Once he heard what happened on the day of Emily’s birth, he didn’t argue with Mary when she said she wanted to make the girl some clothes. He realized that if she didn’t make the baby clothes, then the child most likely wouldn’t have anything to wear since Neil’s finances suffered after hail damaged most of his livestock. Dave knew it would take time before Neil got ahead.

“You have a good heart,” he softly told her as he placed the neatly folded bundle of items on the seat. Turning to her, he took her hand and helped her onto the wagon. “You move well for an expectant woman.”

“My stomach isn’t that big yet,” she replied.

He hopped up next to her. When she placed the clothes and blankets on her lap, he eased her close to him. Something changed in their relationship after he told her he loved her and realized she loved him too. Their bond strengthened. He hadn’t thought such a thing was possible but it was. Her face glowed, and he suspected it had more to do with their love than with the impending birth of their child. She is beautiful. I don’t know why I only thought she was pretty a few months ago. Shrugging, he realized that it didn’t matter now.

He picked up the reins when Jasper ran over to them and barked. Grinning, he gave her a knowing look. “I reckon he wants to tag along.”

She giggled as the dog bounced around the wagon wheels. “He did run down a rabbit and deer the other day. He deserves a reward for his hard work.”

Unable to argue with her logic, he waved the dog up. Jasper didn’t need further prompting. He leapt onto the wagon and rested beside Mary’s feet. She reached over and patted him behind the ears. The contented whimpering and wagging tail notified Dave that the dog couldn’t be happier if he had gotten a bone to bury in the yard.

Chuckling, he urged the geldings forward. They spent their time during the ride to town engaging in easy conversation, though the dog was too engrossed in the changing scenery to pay them any mind.

“Are you sure Cassie will be at Mrs. Brown’s?”

Mary nodded. “When Jenny and Sally came over yesterday, they said that Maureen and Connie invited Jenny, Cassie and Gwendolyn to Maureen’s house to discuss what songs to sing at the fair.”

“You did Jenny a lot of good. I’m glad you stood up for her like you did.”

“How did you find out?” She turned to him in interest.

He grinned wickedly. “I have my sources.” Actually, Sally bragged about it to him.

“Well, Jenny will be singing a solo. I heard her and she does have an angelic voice. I can see why the preacher was anxious to have her join the choir.”

“You’ve got quite the reputation in town. Everyone praises you wherever I go.”

Her cheeks flushed a pretty shade of red. She reached for his hand and squeezed it.

Once they arrived at Mrs. Brown’s residence, he asked her if she wanted anything from the mercantile.

“Jerky,” she replied.

His eyebrows furrowed. “Didn’t we just get a whole box of that last month?”

“I know but we’re out.”

“What do you do? Inhale it?” he joked.

She shrugged. “I can’t explain it.”

“I understand. It’s one of those cravings women get when they’re expecting.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll be sure to pick some up.”

“You won’t forget?”

“No. I promise.”

How could he forget? He’d seen more jerky in their house for the past two months than he could recall seeing in his entire life. To her credit, she continued to make him her delicious meals so he didn’t have to eat it, which was good because if he had to eat another piece of the tough meat, he’d gag on it.

Running to her side of the wagon, he assisted her down from it. He halted the dog when it attempted to jump down to go with her.

“Let him join me,” Mary protested, placing her hand on his arm. “He brightens Connie’s face. She’s been through a rough time since her husband’s death.”

“Are you sure? I didn’t think Mrs. Brown cared for animals.”

“She changed her mind once Connie laughed at some of the antics he and her grandchildren pulled last time he came out, and Connie is watching her grandsons today.”

He nodded. “It’s your call. Jasper,” he told the dog, “you got lucky this time.”

The dog panted his agreement as he anxiously jumped down and stood by Mary’s side.

Dave chuckled. “I’ve never seen a more loyal dog.”

She told him good-bye and kissed his cheek before turning to the house where Maureen waved her in.

He went to the mercantile, making sure to add a box of jerky to the list, and visited Joel at the doctor’s office, pleased to know his younger brother was enjoying his job.

“I’m going to post an ad for a wife next year,” Joel said as he organized the new shipment of medicine in the doctor’s office. “What was it you asked for to get Mary out here? I know Neil requested someone pretty. He didn’t specify anything else.”

“I asked for a woman between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two who could cook, sew and clean. I also said I wanted someone who wasn’t afraid of doing chores on the farm, such as milking a cow.” It was what he told Mary when he pretended to write an ad, so it was just as good as the truth.

“Oh, I’m not a farmer, so I should ask for all the things you did, except instead of farm chores, I’ll have to request someone who understands that I’ll be busy with the doctor, no matter what time or day it is.”

He grinned and patted him on the shoulder. “Sounds good.” He glanced at the clock on the wall. “I reckon I should get over to Mrs. Brown’s. I’ll see you around.”

Joel waved his good-bye while Dave exited the small building.

As he stopped the wagon in front of Maureen’s house, Jenny ran over to him, Jasper loudly barking at her heels. “Dave! Thank goodness, you’re here!”

He tensed, already not liking the way this conversation was going. “What’s wrong? Did Mary...?” He couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence. Please, don’t say she lost the baby.

“She’s missing.” Jenny grabbed his hand and practically dragged him off the wagon. “Cassie wasn’t feeling well, so she and her mother-in-law took Emily back to Mrs. Craftsman’s house. About ten minutes passed and Mary realized Cassie left Emily’s clothes behind, so she went to take them to her. Jasper tagged along, but when he came back, Mary wasn’t with him and he wouldn’t stop barking. We’ve been to Mrs. Craftsman’s house, but she says that Mary never showed up. Dave, I’m afraid! Where would she go without telling anyone?”

He forced his mind off the dog’s insistent barking so he could fully comprehend everything his sister was telling him. A different type of panic washed over him. “Didn’t anyone see her in town?”

“We’ve been looking everywhere from here to Mrs. Craftsman’s place, and the only thing we’ve come up with is that she passed by the firehouse. It’s as if she disappeared into thin air.” She clenched her hands together and winced.

He racked his mind over the possible places Mary might go but his mind came up blank. When the dog’s barking rattled his nerves, he shouted, “What?”

Satisfied, the dog turned in the direction where the businesses were.

“That’s the way to Mrs. Craftsman’s,” Jenny noted.

Dave stared at the dog for a long moment. Did Jasper know what happened?

As if to answer his unspoken question, the dog barked.

“Alright,” he said. “Where did she go?” He figured he didn’t have anything to lose in asking the animal for help.

Jasper quickly turned his attention to the road in front of him and ran down the street. Unhooking Clark, Dave got on the horse and followed him to the train station. Why would she come here? As far as he could tell, she didn’t have a reason to enter this place again.

Jumping off the horse, he hastily tied him to the post before running after Jasper into the building. Despite people’s protests that a dog shouldn’t be allowed loose there, he joined Jasper who anxiously barked at him.

A quick look around the establishment notified him that Mary wasn’t anywhere in sight. In fact, the place seemed deserted, except for a dozen patrons who lingered about, watching him and shaking their heads. Ignoring them, he looked at the dog. “What are you trying to tell me?” As if the dog can talk! With a wave of his hand in the animal’s direction, he approached the ticket counter.

Surprisingly, this simple action caused the dog to stop his insistent barking. The only indication that something was wrong was his whining.

Forcing aside the knot in his gut, he patiently waited for the agent to take care of the two passengers in front of him. When his turn came, he asked the old man if a woman meeting Mary’s description bought a ticket. But why would she do that? She didn’t say anything about leaving.

The man shook his head. “I’m sorry, sir, but no one I sold tickets to today matches that description.”

Shooting an anxious look at Jasper, he realized the dog honestly believed Mary boarded a train. The animal wasn’t capable of making that up.

“Are you sure?” Dave pressed, unwilling to leave his spot.

A man grumbled behind him but he didn’t care. This is my wife we’re talking about!

“I haven’t dealt with any expectant women today,” the man behind the counter insisted. “I assure you, sir, that she hasn’t been here.”

“But my dog wouldn’t lie.”

Jasper’s barking resumed, and this time, he bounded towards one of the station managers.

Without thinking, Dave followed him.

The middle-aged bearded man turned to the dog. “Sir, we don’t allow dogs in the train station,” he grimly told Dave, his hands behind his back.

“I apologize. He’s helping me find my wife.”

The man raised an eyebrow. “Well, he found me instead.”

Pushing aside his agitation for the man’s sarcasm, he asked, “Have you seen a woman with long brown hair, greenish blue eyes, and a fair complexion? She’s also in the family way.”

Dave briefly noted that Jenny and Sally hurriedly made their way over to him as soon as they entered the station.

“I see a lot of women with brown hair and white skin,” the man responded. “Can you tell me what she wore?”

Of all the details that could slip his mind, it would be her clothes. “A dress.”

The man frowned.

“I don’t know. I don’t pay attention to what she wears.”

Jenny quickly stood between them. “Mary is wearing a light blue dress with a matching bonnet. The dress has a white floral design on it.”

“The white flowers are small so they might look like dots,” Sally added.

“Oh, her.” The man’s eyes lit up with understanding. “She wasn’t feeling well.”

Dave felt as if the wind got knocked out of him. Did something happen to the baby? Did they have to take her to the doctor?

“So you’ve seen her,” Sally prompted.

“Yes. Her husband said she fell asleep because she wasn’t feeling well. He paid for their tickets and took her on the train. I helped him with their travel bag and even brought him a glass of water to give her when she is well enough to drink something.”

“I’m her husband!” Dave didn’t mean to shout but the fact that another man pretended to be him infuriated him.

Jenny rested her hand on his arm to silence him. “Are you saying that she was unconscious?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. He carried her on the train.” The man eyed Dave warily, as if expecting another outburst from him.

None came.

“Can you describe him?” Sally asked. “What did this man look like?”

“He was about six feet tall. He wore a dark suit with a gold pocket watch. He had dark brown hair, was clean shaven, looked strong. He was obviously a farmer.”

“Neil Craftsman.” Dave gritted his teeth. Why would Neil kidnap his wife?

The man shrugged. “I didn’t concern myself with his name.”

“Can you tell us where they went?” Sally persisted.

“The ticket agent can do that for you. We have a record of all our purchased tickets.” He pointed to the ticket counter.

“Thank you,” Sally said, smiling.

Dave turned to stomp over to the counter when the manager cleared his throat. “What?” he snapped, not in the mood for small talk. He had to find his wife, for goodness’ sakes!

“That dog has to go,” the man dryly replied.

“I’ll take him out,” Jenny offered. “You two find out where Neil took Mary.”

He didn’t wait for further instructions. He directed his attention to the ticket counter, determined that he would find Mary and bring her home. If Neil hurts her, I’ll... His first thought was to kill him. His second thought was to arrest him. He shook his head. He could deal with Neil later. Right now, he had to get Mary.