Report confidence

The report confidence metric indicates the level of confidence in the existence of the vulnerability and the authenticity of the resources and technical details. It may be that a certain vulnerability is published without any additional technical details. In such a case, the root cause and the impact may be unknown:



Not defined

Assigning this value to the metric will not affect the score. It simply indicates the scoring equation to skip this metric.


A comprehensive report exists or the vulnerability/issue could be reproduced functionally. Source code may be available to manually verify the outcome of the research, or the author/vendor of the impacted code has confirmed the existence of the vulnerability.


Considerable details have been published, yet researchers don't have complete confidence in the root cause. Researchers may not have access to source code in order to affirm the findings.


There are reports about the presence of the vulnerability; however, its cause is unknown. There is uncertainty about the true nature of the vulnerability.