with Eggplant Caviar and a Warm Verbena Tea Vinaigrette


2 large eggplants

80 g (2¾ oz) salt

60 ml (2 fl oz) non-scented cooking oil

8 sprigs thyme

4 sprigs rosemary

4 cloves garlic, crushed

freshly ground white pepper

olive oil

1 x 600 g (20 oz) bluefin tuna belly (toro), trimmed of bloodline and any sinews

Eggplant Crisps

Verbena Tea Vinaigrette

lemon verbena leaves, finely shredded

TO PREPARE THE EGGPLANTS, cut them in half lengthwise then use a sharp pointed knife to score the flesh deeply in a criss-cross fashion. Rub a generous amount of salt into the flesh and place the eggplants, flesh side down, on a wire rack set in the sink to drain for about 2 hours. Carefully brush away all the salt and pat the eggplants dry with kitchen paper.

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Heat a medium-sized baking tray over a moderate heat then add the oil. Fry the eggplants, flesh side down, for a few minutes, until golden brown. Remove the tray from the heat and turn the eggplants over. Stud the flesh with the herbs and garlic, season with salt and freshly ground pepper and drizzle with oil.

Cover the baking tray with foil and roast for 30 minutes until the flesh is soft and tender. Scoop the flesh out of the skins and chop it roughly. To remove any excess moisture, spoon the eggplant flesh into a square of muslin and hang in a cool place to drain for a couple of hours.

TO SERVE, cut the tuna into 20 even slices and divide between the serving plates, allowing 5 slices per serve. Use a dessertspoon to form small quenelles of eggplant caviar and place them between the tuna slices. Place an eggplant crisp on top of each quenelle and spoon over the warm vinaigrette. Garnish with the shredded lemon verbena leaves and serve immediately.

Serves 6 as an entrée or 4 as a main course