Book 1-Dominus: God of Yule (Nov 2015)
Book 2-Eradimus: God of Imbolc (Jan 2016)
Book 3- Tallisun: God of Ostara (Mar 2016)
Book 4- Jorandil: God of Beltane (Apr 2016)
Book 5- Devinmar: God of Litha (May 2016)
Book 6- Feillor: God of Lammas (Jul 2016)
Book 7- Anduron: God of Mabon (Aug 2016)
Book 8- Archipellus: God of Samhain (Sept 2016)
J. Rose Allister has penned over twenty-five novels and numerous short stories from her home in Southern California. She is a TV and movie buff, enjoys the bittersweet discord between the pursuit of chocolaty goodness and the benefits of a fresh, organically-influenced diet, and is a firm believer that daydreaming, people watching, coffee and chocolate (preferably combined) are the greatest fuel for the writing imagination. She has more books in her to-be-read pile than she can ever hope to find time to sit and enjoy, but this never stops her from adding more.