The author would like to thank the people who provided help, expertise, and information for this novel.
Dan J. Thompson, PhD, the large carnivore section supervisor for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, provided invaluable in-person experience and research about grizzly bears in and around Wyoming.
Special kudos to my first readers, Laurie Box, Molly Box, Becky Reif, and Roxanne Woods.
A tip of the hat to Molly Box and Prairie Sage Creative for, merchandise design, and social media assistance.
Congratulations to Doug Wick, Lucy Fisher, John Dowdle, Drew Dowdle, Michael Dorman, and Julianna Guill for bringing Joe and Marybeth to life on television.
It’s a sincere pleasure to work with the professionals at Putnam, including the legendary Neil Nyren, Mark Tavani, Daphne Durham, Ivan Held, Alexis Welby, Ashley McClay, and Katie Grinch.
And thanks once again to our agent and friend, Ann Rittenberg.