First and foremost, always, to my family who makes me so incredibly happy which makes it easier to write books. There are so many people that take part in helping a story work. People in my own private circle, friends and family, people who let me bounce ideas off of them without wondering why I’m asking such weird questions that I probably don’t even phrase properly. Then there’s my editors (one of whom I actually got to meet this summer and is every bit as wonderful and adorable in real life as she is online). Cover makers, editors who don’t send me angry faces because I still don’t know how to use a comma. Twitter pals, the Romance Chicks, new friends, old friends. Writing is solitary but I am definitely not alone.
Thank you to LVD for giving me more information on cows than I wanted to need ;). To everyone at Entangled that helped make this book so much better, thank you. To anyone I forgot to list, I appreciate you: I just have a really bad memory. To my agent, Fran who answers my emails no matter how long they are. To Nicole who has saved me from having to post on social media so I could focus on this story.
To readers—thank you for hanging out with Zach and Stella. Stacey, Cole, Tanya—you’re getting a direct shout out this time because no matter what, you’re right there encouraging me and stealing book boyfriends from one another. It matters and so do you. Thank you. And thanks to Helen Hoang for not minding that our characters have the same name. I wish our Stellas could spend time together ;)
Thank you to Jennifer Probst for being so kind and approachable. Thank you for writing Write Naked. It’s made every book struggle I’ve hit since I read it a little easier to navigate.