• The courage and persistence of my women patients—and their partners—who listened to their inner voice of knowing, and who pursued answers to their health questions in spite of medical teachings that often seemed to contradict women’s wisdom and insights. As I have listened, you have taught me; your wisdom and experiences will now benefit others as your words are given a voice in this book.
• My mother, Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis, and her mother, Nellie Butler Hutcheson, women of strength and faith in the face of adversity, women of intellect and wisdom, women who taught me to stand firm for what I believed in, women who taught me to listen well to the voice of wisdom.
• My husband, Gordon Cheesman Vliet, a quiet strength and soulmate, who has shared this journey of helping others and blessed my life richly. He was among the first who encouraged and nurtured me in my pursuit of a medical career as well as the exploration of new avenues for healing.
• Our Creator, who has given us this incredible blessing of life, who sustains us through adversities, and who has provided guidance, insights, and strength to carry out my life’s work.
The ideas and suggestions in this book are based on the clinical experience and medical training of the author and scientific articles available. Every attempt has been made to present current and accurate information as of time of publication. The suggestions in this book are definitely not meant to be a substitute for careful medical evaluation and treatment by a qualified, licensed health professional. Each woman’s health needs, risks, and goals are different and should be developed with medical supervision for personalized advice, answers to specific medical questions, and individual recommendations. The author and publisher specifically do not recommend starting any new treatment, changing any medication you may be taking, or using over-the-counter hormone preparations without consulting your personal physician. This book is intended for educational purposes only, and use of the information is entirely at the reader’s discretion. The author and publisher cannot be responsible for any adverse reactions arising directly or indirectly from the suggestions in this material, and specifically disclaim any liability from the use of this book.
All of the patient vignettes described in the book are actual patients from the author’s medical practice and have not been created just for this book. Names, and if necessary, identifying details, have been changed to preserve patient confidentiality but these changes did not alter the actual clinical information, lab results, patient comments, or treatment being presented.