Chapter Ten

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“Lee, really? Motherfucking in front of our actual mother?” Rhys frowned his way. “That is rude, and none of us wants those two words used together.”

Lee turned to his twin. “Are you serious? You find out I’m a latent and the only thing you comment on is my use of language?” Lee gasped as though a truth had hit him. “Dude, this is why I’m so good at languages. It’s the dark demon inside me.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it a dark demon,” Daniel said, a frown on his face, too. “The vampire is a part of you. Son, this is serious. You are a latent vampire and you have a decision to make.”

“Fen, you want to kill me? I don’t trust Rhys to do it. He would be brutal about it, but you can just pop a claw or something.” Lee was grinning from ear to ear. “Or Evan. How about shooting an arrow through the heart you claim I don’t have.”

“Oh, you have one. You simply don’t use it when it comes to women,” Evan shot back.

“I do, too. I love them all, which should mean I have the biggest heart of all,” Lee replied. “It’s huge. It’ll be easy to hit.”

Rhys held up a hand. “How do we know this? I understand the concept of a latent, but how on all the planes would we know until he died? He’s been around vampires all of his life, and no one has ever looked at his dumb ass and said you’re one of us.”

It was everything I’d feared. When Daniel had explained that Lee was a latent vampire and must be given the same choice he gave all latents, I’d known what Lee would do. When Daniel identified a latent vampire, he offered the latent the choice as to whether he wanted to die in the natural course of time or begin his life as a vampire. Many chose to become a vampire in the prime of their human lives so they spent their “immortality” in a younger body rather than dying naturally. While the vampiric DNA would heal all wounds, it did not change age. The vampire was stuck in a perfect version of whatever body he’d died in. Lee would immediately want to end his human life and walk the night. He would do it so he could be a badass, so he could finally be more than human. So he could feel like he fit into our world. He wouldn’t think for a second about what he was giving up.

“Your dad has always been able to tell when a new vampire rises,” Dev explained. “It’s a necessary but rare talent. In the beginning, that talent was one of the only reasons Daniel survived. Your father can feel when a vampire is going to rise, and oddly enough, we tend to be in a place where it’s easy to get to the vampire before he rises the first time. I’ve always thought it was fate guiding us. Like when Sasha rose. He died in Munich. We were in Italy at the time. Daniel felt his death and we were able to get there before he rose and killed everyone in his general vicinity.”

“We were lucky there hasn’t been a vampire rising in the last twelve years.” Daniel was studying Lee though he spoke to all of us. “I checked last night and the academics have seen no evidence that we’ve had a rising while I was gone.”

“I think that might be fate, too,” Dev said under his breath.

“But I haven’t died,” Lee pointed out. “I mean it was close a couple of times, but I’m still here. Do I get my eye back? I’ve missed peripheral vision. Think of all the women who escaped my notice simply because they walked by my left side.”

Evan huffed, a frustrated sound. “Lee, this is serious.”

“So is the fact that I might get my eye back,” Lee countered. “My eye was taken with a magical weapon. Vampire blood couldn’t save it.”

Danny leaned Lee’s way. “I assure you that you will have your eye back. The magic worked on human flesh, and when you rise, you will see the world again. You will see it perfectly, and you will be able to avenge all of your losses.”

“I thought we weren’t going to take a position on this.” I sent Danny my harshest frown because we’d discussed this. I knew Danny would feel better if Lee wasn’t vulnerable, but Dev and I had argued that there was a point to human life. There was a lot Lee gave up if he rose at this point in time. He was so young. He hadn’t fallen in love and had a family. He hadn’t gone to college or traveled the world for fun. He hadn’t spent days and days in the sun, and he wouldn’t if he died.

Danny sat back. “I’m sorry. I get upset when I think about what happened to him. Lee, you need to give this decision serious consideration. The reason I know you’re a latent is that I can sometimes feel it before death. I had an inkling when you were a child, though I wasn’t certain, which was why I never told your mom or your papa.”

“You could feel it when I was a kid?” Lee seemed to have sobered, finally starting to process the news.

“Not exactly,” Danny admitted. “It was more how you behaved. It was the connection I had to you. I was afraid it was me seeing what I wanted to see. I wanted a connection to you. I didn’t want to lose you.”

“You didn’t want me to be human,” Lee surmised.

Danny shook his head, and it was easy to see he was frustrated. “I didn’t want to watch you age. I didn’t want to think about you dying. Rhys has the protection of his Fae nature. Yes, he can die, but he’ll probably outlive me. At the time I assumed one day Evan would marry a vampire and live a companion’s life, which would also mean she outlives me.”

But she wouldn’t because she was in love with Fenrir. Fenrir, the wolf king, who was looking at two hundred years or so if he merely lived a normal werewolf life-span. Which he likely wouldn’t. He was so much stronger than any other wolf that I had to believe he might live longer, too. A companion lived a human life-span without regular vampire blood from her partner. It was part of the exchange. Though Danny had fed from Dev the night before, he’d opened a vein and we’d both had a sip. The king’s blood kept Dev and I young and healthy, protected us from injuries.

I would need to make sure Evan took her father’s blood from here on out. I hoped she didn’t fight me on it.

“What about my childhood made you consider that I could be a…” Lee went a little pale. “It was Mia. I clung to Mia when I was a child. Like you clung to Mom before you turned. I loved Mia. Even when I was a kid, even before I knew what it meant, I loved her. Because she was a companion.”

“It’s more complex than that.” Yes, it was ironic that I was the one making that argument since in the beginning I’d stayed away from Daniel for that very reason, for the idea that our love for each other was a trick of biology. “Yes, you’ll always be more attracted to a companion, even before you can see her glow. But that doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t real. I assure you, your dad has met companions he didn’t fall in love with.”

“Lee always protects Evan first,” Rhys admitted quietly. “It’s one of the reasons I split us up when I can. Lee can be even more unreasonable about Evan than Fenrir is.”

Fen had gone quiet. More than that, he’d stopped eating.

“I’m glad to know Lee has a reason for being an asshole.” Evan had a smile on her face but it was tight and didn’t come close to reaching her eyes. “It also explains why he’s the most reckless of all of us. That’s part of it, right? The latent vampire tends to be reckless.”

“Only if there’s a companion around.” Daniel winced slightly. “I think in the beginning it was about Mia, but if he’s reckless now it’s because he’s been raised around them. There are several here at the base. Simply being around companions—even ones he would have no sexual desire for—would spark the urge to walk the night.”

“But there are reasons not to,” Dev pointed out. “The good news is, you’re in control, Lee. You can make the decision. It might be good to talk to some vampires.”

Lee waved that off. “I talk to vamps all the time. Let’s kill me and get going.”

“Lee, you’re still young and you look it. Your dad turned at twenty-one and he had trouble for that very reason.” Though Daniel never had real trouble getting into a bar since he used his mental powers to get the bouncer to let him in. It wasn’t like he was drinking the liquor or anything. But I was grasping because I didn’t think my other arguments would sway him.

“You haven’t even had children yet.” Dev gave him the argument I didn’t think would work.

“I don’t want kids. Trust me. There’s enough of our DNA out there in the world,” Lee argued. “I’m sure Rhys will eventually spread his Fae seed all over the place, and Evan will spit out lots of little wolves. I can be their vampire uncle.”

Danny put up a hand. “Stop. You’re going to take time to think about this. You cannot turn today.”

“I wouldn’t,” Lee protested. “I promise that I’ll let you guys make a big deal out of it. We should have a ceremony or something. I will definitely wait until Evan and Fen get back. We can talk about how to do it, but you have to understand I’m not going to change my mind. I want this. I’ve wanted it my whole life. And I’ll be a better fighter.”

“You’ll be half a fighter because you’ll be dead during the day.” Fen put his napkin down. “We’ll have to carry you around the way we do Sasha. You won’t be able to do anything while the sun is out.”

“We can’t know that,” Lee argued. “It depends on the class. I could end up being a daywalker if I’m an academic.”

“The king’s base class was warrior.” Rhys seemed to know a lot. “Yes, our father is a king, but he would most likely produce warriors.”

“Lee wasn’t produced the way a vampire would normally be conceived.” Dev looked to Rhys. “It’s DNA that’s passed on through human conception. Daniel’s blood healed Lee while he was in utero. His organs were still in early developmental phases. That gave the blood a chance to change Lee. Rhys wasn’t damaged so he didn’t change at all. Honestly, we can’t know Lee wasn’t meant to be fully Fae before that moment. So we can’t apply past knowledge to this situation.”

“Maybe I’m a king, too,” Lee said quietly.

“I think that is highly unlikely,” Daniel replied. “Despite the odd nature of how you became a latent, there have only been two vampire kings in recorded history, and their rising came at important times. I believe there can be only one at a time. We have to assume your rising will be a normal one, and that means we have to control it.”

“Or I’ll go insane and eat everyone in sight.” Lee’s goofy grin was back.

“Yes. You need to be very aware of that and be careful,” Daniel warned. “You need to think about how you want to die and who will feed you that night. You’ll need blood and sex, and they should come from someone you trust. I’ll take you through the part of the turn that restores your control, but the woman you choose will take you through your first feed both physically and sexually.”

“Or man.” I wasn’t going to fence Lee in. He really was like Devinshea, and Dev had a sense of shame when it came to his sexual fluidity when he was younger. I wasn’t putting that on my son. I couldn’t help but think of the way Lee had looked at Dean. There had been something between them, and it wasn’t mere curiosity.

Lee got serious again. “It should have been Mia.” He took a long breath and looked back to Danny. “I promise to think about it, Dad. And I’m completely forgetting what we have to do. I can’t plan my turn until Mom and I get the bag of holding. The Council is warded against vampires. It will be far easier to slip through as a human. Besides, I think it’s either my status as a human or some unique trick of my DNA that allowed me to see the grimoire. Mom couldn’t see it.”

“Or it was because you were a child.” I’d thought a bit about it. Myrddin certainly wouldn’t consider a child any kind of threat.

“I’ve never heard of wards being placed based on age,” Dev mused. “I don’t know how magic would know a particular age. Perhaps there’s a way to identify puberty.”

“Or virginity. We know they’ve got lots of spells concerning the state of a being’s purity,” Danny said under his breath.

“Then everything in the world is now warded against Lee.” Evan’s braid shook as she pointed her brother’s way.

“Ha, ha. But also fair. We have to hope it was because I’m human and Myrddin wouldn’t worry about a human touching his precious,” Lee said. “So I keep my human status until we get the job done. I’ll think about it, Mom. I promise. I don’t promise I’ll change my mind, but I will listen to you. We can talk about it while we plan the job. I’m sure Granddad will have lots to say, too. For a dead dude, he does not stint on the advice.”

Evan stood and went to Lee, her hand going to his shoulder. “I’m happy for you, brother. But you should eat all your favorite foods because there’s no more Danishes for you after you go on the all-blood diet. And no more beer.”

That got Lee to frowning. “I hadn’t thought of that. Huh. I should do all the drugs before I die. I’ve got a list. I was waiting to try them when I was super old, but I should start now.”

Rhys’s head fell back. “I knew this would happen. Lee is already a ball of chaos. I don’t see how giving him fangs and claws is going to help things.”

They were off, all three siblings arguing playfully. Fen was the only quiet one, his eyes on Evan.

I knew we’d made the right decision to tell Lee, but I still hated the fact that we were discussing the end of his human life. He would spend an eternity without the sun.

I could fix it. I could find a way to go back and we would have his whole childhood to ease him into this, to make being human and having a family seem more…

I didn’t know what I was thinking. I wasn’t even really thinking of Lee in that moment. I was thinking of what I’d lost. What we’d lost as a family.

Still, I had to admit, they were close. We’d done something right. Our children loved each other. Though they were planning one of their deaths and having fun with it.

“It’s going to be okay, my goddess.” Dev leaned over and kissed my cheek. “I know you’re worried, but you must eat. Do you remember what happened when you didn’t?”

Danny stood up. “I do. I had a fainting spell, and Devinshea has never let me live it down. Rhys, be prepared to grow some potatoes because your mother craves them when she’s pregnant. Goddess, I hope there’s plenty of butter here.”

“And cheese.” I wouldn’t need it. I meant to be back in the right timeline before this baby was born. I would have Albert prepare all those potatoes in our kitchen in the penthouse. Where we belonged. 

Would this baby be born at all if I played around with the timeline? Did it matter if I brought her into this world where she would be hunted? How did I weigh one child against another? What did I owe each of them?

Danny was at the buffet loading it up with pretty much everything I loved. Normally.

Rhys smiled as he looked over at me. “The trolls here make the best butter. Apparently the cows are enchanted. I think you’ll be perfectly comfortable here, Mom.”

Fen stood, leaving his half-eaten plate behind. “I can assure you the cheese is great, too. I’m going to check on my mom. We’re supposed to leave soon. Evan, given what we’ve learned, if you would rather stay with Lee, I understand. Eddie and Casey are coming with us so Mom and I will be okay.”

Fen walked out and Evan’s jaw dropped.

“What the hell was that about?” Evan walked to the door.

“Is he mad because I’m a vamp?” Lee suddenly looked worried.

“I don’t think so.” I suspected it had to do with being reminded of Evan’s life expectancy and how little he could do about it. It was likely something he didn’t think about at all. Fen was young, and despite the circumstances of the last few years, there was privilege that came with being the biggest, strongest wolf on the plane. He didn’t worry about death. “Evan, maybe you should talk to him, but don’t leave without seeing me. You’re going to start taking your father’s blood.”

Evan stopped, her eyes going wide. “I’m going to… You know we dose on vamp blood before we go on a mission. We’re not careless. Sasha would never send us out without vampire blood in our systems.”

“My blood is different than Sasha or the academics.” Danny put the plate in front of me. “Even a little of my blood can slow your aging process and make you stronger than you are now. You should take some every day. You can put it in coffee or tea. If you think it’s going to bother Fen, then I’ll talk to him.”

“I think Fen was reminded that he can’t give her what a vampire can,” Dev said.

“He can give me everything I need.” Evan turned to Danny. “If you’ll send some with me, I promise to take it. I’m going to talk to Fen. And Lee, do not die while I’m gone. I think we should have a whole ceremony and yes, I will totally put an arrow through your heart and take a video to share with all your bitter ex-lovers. It’ll be fun.”

“My ex-lovers aren’t bitter,” Lee complained. “I leave them all quite satisfied.”

“Are you absolutely sure he’s not Fae?” Rhys got up and grabbed a plate, his appetite seeming to come back.

“I’m all vamp, brother. I was just raised around a lot of Fae and it had an effect.” Lee sat back, looking pleased with himself. “It explains a lot. I need to find a comfy daylight resting place. Sasha complains bitterly when he has to sleep in a body bag. We did that a lot when we were on the run.”

The door opened again and Shy stood there dressed in a pretty yellow sweater, jeans, and knee-high boots. “I know this is a family thing. Can I grab some coffee?”

It was time to be the queen. Of all Vampire. Of this little base we found ourselves in. Of my family. “Please, join us Shahidi. You are more than welcome. I understand my father tired you out yesterday.”

Rhys moved in, having gotten a cup of coffee in record time. He set it down at the place to his left, holding the chair for Shy. “It takes a lot out of her. She won’t be able to let him out again probably until this evening.”

“Can he still hear us?” I found my sense of humor was coming back online. And my cheekiness.

Shy sat down and reached for the sugar bowl and creamer. “Oh, yes. He’s still with me, but it takes a lot out of both of us for him to be able to speak directly through me.”

“Ah, well, we were discussing the fact that Lee’s a latent vampire and wants to transition as soon as possible,” I offered.

“Oh, that’s so mean, Momma.” Lee snorted and downed a slice of ham.

Shy went still for a moment. “Yes, he has feelings about this. Many feelings. I might need to make this coffee Irish.”

Danny leaned over and kissed my cheek. “You are a cruel queen and an even meaner daughter. You eat and talk to our sons. I’m going to get Evan’s care package ready. I’ll meet you outside when they’re ready to go.”

He would bleed for her was what he meant. As he did for all of us. The least I could do was eat so we all kept our strength up. I nodded and picked up a muffin as Danny walked out.

“I’ll make mine Irish, too,” Lee announced. “After all, I’ll only be able to drink for another couple of weeks.”

“You will do nothing of the kind since you’re supposed to be planning a heist with our mother.” Rhys turned to Shy. “And I will not let grandfather drive you to drink.”

“There are many things about this situation that drive me to drink,” Shy admitted. But a little smile curved up her lips as she looked at Rhys. “It’s not all bad though. Harry is happy, though he wants to have a long talk with Daniel.”

I would let that conversation happen since Danny deserved it.

The three of them started talking and joking. Dev sat beside me and for a moment we enjoyed the morning.


* * * *


An hour later I watched as Evan waved and put a hand on Eddie’s small shoulder. Eddie was transporting them to Atlanta. With Eddie included there were five of our group headed off to meet with Trent and the primals. Casey had packed up his laptop and everything he would need to communicate with the base. Fenrir had a backpack over one shoulder and a small cooler in his other hand. I happened to know it contained a whole bunch of sandwiches and a small thermos of blood for Evan’s use. Kelsey had her own backpack, which most importantly contained that book she’d brought back from the outer planes. She’d hugged me and promised to find the weapon we needed to give Lee and Dean their best shot at taking out Myrddin. I’d promised to watch after Dean.

We’d made the decision to keep Dean here because he needed to get to know Lee. Now that we knew Lee had vampiric powers to look forward to, it made even more sense that he could possibly be the one to kill Myrddin. Dean hadn’t argued. They were already talking, Lee telling him about his newfound vampire status as the slight hint of brimstone that accompanied Eddie’s teleportation wafted through the air.

“I don’t like leaving things with Evan like that.” Dev had an arm around my shoulders.

“You’ll have time to make it up to her,” Daniel promised. “They’ll be back in a few days, and it will be good to see Trent again. Maybe go easier on Fenrir. Those two have a lot of obstacles to get through. Don’t be another one.”

“Well, they have obstacles because it will be difficult for them,” Dev argued. “At some point Fen will need to take his throne. It would be far better for all of us if he did. He can control the wolves. Well, for the most part. I don’t know that he can force them to accept Evan as his mate. Any children they have won’t be full-blooded wolves.”

“We don’t know what will happen. Our job as her parents is to give her good advice and support her.” They needed to understand that not accepting Evan’s relationship with Fen wouldn’t break them up. It would break them off from our family, and then they would be alone. “I need to get ready for Neil. He’s supposed to come by this afternoon.”

I couldn’t wait to see my old friend. It wasn’t the first time he’d aged and I hadn’t. Once he’d spent thirty years in Hell while a few days had passed here. I had to hope these years had been far happier than those.

There was a clanging sound and the ground shook slightly. I saw Lee start to run our way, Rhys at his side.

“What is that sound?” Daniel asked.

“It’s the alarm.” Lee had my elbow in his hand, starting to guide me away. “Someone is approaching the base. From the sound of it, a lot of someones. It could be an attack. I have to get you to safety.”

It looked like the war was already beginning.