
Bicycle Signal Heads

Signal Detection and Actuation

Active Warning Beacon for Bike Route at Unsignalized Intersection

Hybrid Beacon for Bike Route Crossing of Major Street

Bicycle signals and beacons facilitate bicyclist crossings of roadways. Bicycle signals make crossing intersections safer for bicyclists by clarifying when to enter an intersection and by restricting conflicting vehicle movements. Bicycle signals are traditional three lens signal heads with green-yellow and red bicycle stenciled lenses that can be employed at standard signalized intersections and Hybrid Beacon crossings. Flashing amber warning beacons are utilized at unsignalized intersection crossings. Push buttons, signage, and pavement markings may be used to highlight these facilities for both bicyclists and motorists.

Determining which type of signal or beacon to use for a particular intersection depends on a variety of factors. These include speed limits, average daily traffic (ADT), anticipated bicycle crossing traffic, and the configuration of planned or existing bicycle facilities. Signals may be required as part of the construction of a protected bicycle facility such as a cycle track with potential turning conflicts, or to decrease vehicle or pedestrian conflicts at major crossings. An intersection with bicycle signals may reduce stress and delays for a crossing bicyclist, and discourage illegal and unsafe crossing maneuvers.
