
Bike Lanes

Research and Studies


Bicycle Facility Selection A Comparison of Approaches. (2002).

Evaluation of Innovative Bicycle Facilities. (2011).

Infrastructure, Programs, and Policies to Increase Bicycling: An International Review. (2010).

Design Guides


Baltimore Bicycle Facility Design Toolkit. (2007).

Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. (2008).

Bicycle Facilities Design Manual for the City of Redmond. (2009).

City of Austin Street Smarts Task Force Bicycle Facilities. (2007).

City of Memphis Bicycle Design Manual. (2008).

Denver Bicycle Master Plan. (2001).

Los Angeles Technical Design Handbook. (2011).

Louisville Complete Streets Manual: Facility Design. (2008).

Maricopa County AZ Bicycle Transportation System Plan. (1999).

New York City Bicycle Master Plan. (1997).

NYCDOT Street Design Manual. (2009).

Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030: Survey of Best Practices. (2009).

Sacramento Best Practices for Bicycle Master Planning and Design. (2005).

San Diego Bicycle Design Guidelines. (2009).

Seattle Bicycle Master Plan. (2007).

Wisconsin Bicycle Facility Design Handbook. (2004).


Arizona Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Design Guidelines. (2003).

Ohio Design Guidance for Roadway Based Bicycle Facilities. (2005).

Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design Standards. (1995).

Vermont Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Planning and Design
Manual: On Road Bicycle Facilities. (2002).


Bikesafe Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System. (2006).

FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (2009).

Transportation Planning Handbook - Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities. (2009).

International Materials

Department for Transport Cycle Infrastructure Design. (2008).

Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic. (2005).

Langley Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design Guidelines. (2004).

London Cycling Design Standards. (2005).

Nottinghamshire Cycling Design Guide. (2006).

Road Directorate Collection Cycle Concepts. (2000).

Sustrans Cycling Guidelines. (1997).

Victoria vicroads Cycle Notes No 9. (2001).

Cycle Tracks

Research and Studies


Bicycle Facility Selection A Comparison of Approaches. (2002).

Cyclist safety on bicycle boulevards and parallel arterial routes in Berkeley, California. (2011).

Effects of Colored Lane Markings on Bicyclist and Motorist Behavior at Conflict Areas. (2010).

Effects of Shared Lane Markings on Bicyclist and Motorist Behavior along Multi-Lane Facilities. (2010).

Efficacy of Rectangular-Shaped Rapid Flash LED Beacons.

Evaluation of a Green Bike Lane Weaving Area in St. Petersburg, FL. (2008).

Evaluation of Bike Boxes at Signalized Intersections. (2010).

Evaluation of Blue Bike-Lane Treatment in Portland, OR. (2000).

Evaluation of combined bike Lane and right turn lane, Eugene, OR. (2000).

Evaluation of Green Bike Lane Weaving Area in St Petersburgh, Florida. (2008).

Evaluation of Innovative Bicycle Facilities. (2011).

Evaluation of Innovative Bike-Box Application in Eugene, Oregon. (2000).

Evaluation of the Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon at a Pinellas Trail Crossing in St. Petersburg, Florida. (2009).

Impact Speed and a Pedestrian’s Risk of Severe Injury or Death. (2011).

Influences on bicycle use. (2007).

Infrastructure, Programs, and Policies to Increase Bicycling: An International Review. (2010).

Measuring the Safety Effect of Raised Bicycle Crossings Using a New Research Methodology. (1998).

More Than Sharrows-Lane-Within-A-Lane Bicycle Priority Treatments in Three US Cities. (2011).

Resident Perceptions of Bicycle Boulevards. (2009).

Responding to the Challenges of Bicycle Crossings at Offset Intersections. (2007).

Risk of Injury for Bicycling on Cycle Tracks Versus in the Street. (2011).

Safety Effects of Blue Cycle Crossings. (2008). Traffic Calming Benefits, Costs, and Equity Impacts. (1999). Traffic Calming: Do’s and Don’ts to Encourage Bicycling. (1996). Traffic Calming: Speed Humps and Speed Cushions. (2011).

Understanding and Measuring Bicycling Behavior: A Focus on Travel Time and Route Choice.(2008).

Updated Guidelines for the Design and Application of Speed Humps. (2007).


15th Street NW Separated Bike Lane Pilot Project. (2010).


Cycle Track Lessons Learned. (2009).

Design Guides


Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. (2008).

Los Angeles Technical Design Handbook. (2011).

New York City Bicycle Master Plan. (1997).

NYCDOT Street Design Manual. (2009).

San Diego Bicycle Design Guidelines. (2009).


Bikesafe Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System. (2006).

International Materials

Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic. (2005).

London Cycling Design Standards. (2005).

Nottinghamshire Cycling Design Guide. (2006).

Road Directorate Collection Cycle Concepts. (2000).

Road safety and perceived risk of cycle facilities in Copenhagen. (2007).

Sustrans Cycling Guidelines. (1997).

Technical Handbook of Bikeway Design. (2003).

Traffic Environment for Children and Elderly as Pedestrians and Cyclists. (2005).

Victoria vicroads Cycle Notes No 9. (2001).


Research and Studies


Evaluation of Bike Boxes at Signalized Intersections. (2010).

Evaluation of Blue Bike-Lane Treatment in Portland, OR. (2000).

Evaluation of combined bike Lane and right turn lane, Eugene, OR. (2000).

Evaluation of Innovative Bike-Box Application in Eugene, Oregon. (2000).

Infrastructure, Programs, and Policies to Increase Bicycling: An International Review. (2010).

Measuring the Safety Effect of Raised Bicycle Crossings Using a New Research Methodology. (1998).

Risk of Injury for Bicycling on Cycle Tracks Versus in the Street. (2011).


Portland’s Blue Bike Lanes: Improved Safety Through Enhanced Visibility. (1999).


Cycle Track Lessons Learned. (2009).

Effects of Bicycle Boxes on Bicyclist and Motorist Behavior at Intersections. (2010).

General Design and Engineering Principles of Streetcar Transit. (2011).

Protected Bikeway Design. (2011).

Design Guides


Baltimore Bicycle Facility Design Toolkit. (2007).

Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. (2008).

Bicycle Facilities Design Manual for the City of Redmond. (2009).

Chicago Bike Lane Design Guide. (2002).

City of Austin Street Smarts Task Force Bicycle Facilities. (2007).

City of Davis Comprehensive Bike Plan. (2006).

City of Memphis Bicycle Design Manual. (2008).

DC Bicycle Facility Design Guide. (2005).

District of Columbia Bicycle Master Plan. (2005).

Los Angeles Technical Design Handbook. (2011).

Nashville-Davidson County Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways. (2008).

New York City Bicycle Master Plan. (1997).

Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030: Survey of Best Practices. (2009).

Sacramento Best Practices for Bicycle Master Planning and Design. (2005).

Seattle Bicycle Master Plan. (2007).

Shared Lane Markings: When and Where to Use Them. (2008).

Wisconsin Bicycle Facility Design Handbook. (2004).


Arizona Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Design Guidelines. (2003).

Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design Standards. (1995).

Vermont Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Planning and Design

Manual: On Road Bicycle Facilities. (2002).


AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. (1999). Bikesafe Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System. (2006). FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (2009).

International Materials

Advanced Stop Line Variations Research Study. (2005).

Behaviour at Cycle Advanced Stop Lines. (2005).

Bicycle Storage Area and Advanced Bicycle Stop Lines. (2009).

Coloured Bicycle Lanes Simulator Testing. (2008).

Department for Transport Cycle Infrastructure Design. (2008).

Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic. (2005).

Ireland National Cycling Promotion Policy. (2008).

Langley Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design Guidelines. (2004).

London Cycling Design Standards. (2005).

Nottinghamshire Cycling Design Guide. (2006).

Road Directorate Collection Cycle Concepts. (2000).

Sustrans Cycling Guidelines. (1997).

Technical Handbook of Bikeway Design. (2003).

Traffic Environment for Children and Elderly as Pedestrians and Cyclists. (2005).


Research and Studies


Efficacy of Rectangular-Shaped Rapid Flash LED Beacons.

Evaluation of the Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon at a Pinellas Trail Crossing in St. Petersburg, Florida. (2009).


Modified HAWK Signal and Bike Signal. (2010).


Cycle Track Lessons Learned. (2009).

Design Guides


Baltimore Bicycle Facility Design Toolkit. (2007).

Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. (2008).

Bicycle Facilities Design Manual for the City of Redmond. (2009).

City of Austin Street Smarts Task Force Bicycle Facilities. (2007).

City of Davis Comprehensive Bike Plan. (2006).

City of Memphis Bicycle Design Manual. (2008).

DC Bicycle Facility Design Guide. (2005).

Denver Bicycle Master Plan. (2001).

Los Angeles Technical Design Handbook. (2011).

Nashville-Davidson County Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways. (2008).

New York City Bicycle Master Plan. (1997).

Sacramento Best Practices for Bicycle Master Planning and Design. (2005).

San Diego Bicycle Design Guidelines. (2009).

Wisconsin Bicycle Facility Design Handbook. (2004).


Ohio Design Guidance for Roadway Based Bicycle Facilities. (2005).


FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (2009).

International Materials

Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic. (2005).

Langley Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design Guidelines. (2004). London Cycling Design Standards. (2005).

Nottinghamshire Cycling Design Guide. (2006).

Road Directorate Collection Cycle Concepts. (2000).

Signing and Marking

Research and Studies


Effects of Colored Lane Markings on Bicyclist and Motorist Behavior at Conflict Areas. (2010).

Effects of Shared Lane Markings on Bicyclist and Motorist Behavior along Multi-Lane Facilities. (2010).

Evaluation of a Green Bike Lane Weaving Area in St. Petersburg, FL. (2008).

More Than Sharrows-Lane-Within-A-Lane Bicycle Priority Treatments in Three US Cities. (2011).


Evaluation of Solid Green Bicycle Lanes to Increase Compliance and Bicycle Safety. (2011).

Evaluation of the Shared-Use Arrow. (1999).

San Francisco’s Shared Lane Pavement Markings: Improving Bicycle Safety. (2004).

Second Street Sharrows and Green Lane in the City of Long Beach, California. (2010).


Cycle Track Lessons Learned. (2009).

Evaluation of Solid and Dashed Green Pavement for Bicycle Lanes. (2008).

Design Guides


Baltimore Bicycle Facility Design Toolkit. (2007).

Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. (2008).

Bicycle Facilities Design Manual for the City of Redmond. (2009).

City of Austin Street Smarts Task Force Bicycle Facilities. (2007).

City of Memphis Bicycle Design Manual. (2008).

DC Bicycle Facility Design Guide. (2005).

Detroit Non-Motorized Transportation Plan. (2006).

Los Angeles Technical Design Handbook. (2011).

Louisville Complete Streets Manual: Facility Design. (2008).

Milwaukie Bicycle Wayfinding Signage Plan. (2009).

Nashville-Davidson County Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways. (2008).

New York City Bicycle Master Plan. (1997).

NYCDOT Street Design Manual. (2009).

Sacramento Best Practices for Bicycle Master Planning and Design. (2005).

San Diego Bicycle Design Guidelines. (2009).

Seattle Bicycle Master Plan. (2007).

Shared Lane Markings: When and Where to Use Them. (2008).

Wisconsin Bicycle Facility Design Handbook. (2004).


AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. (1999).

Bikesafe Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System. (2006).

FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (2009).

International Materials

City of Toronto Cycling Study. (2010).

Department for Transport Cycle Infrastructure Design. (2008).

Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic. (2005).

Langley Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design Guidelines. (2004).

London Cycling Design Standards. (2005).

Nottinghamshire Cycling Design Guide. (2006).

Road Directorate Collection Cycle Concepts. (2000).

Sustrans Cycling Guidelines. (1997).

Bicycle Boulevards

Research and Studies


Cyclist safety on bicycle boulevards and parallel arterial routes in Berkeley, California. (2011).

Efficacy of Rectangular-Shaped Rapid Flash LED Beacons.

Evaluation of Bike Boxes at Signalized Intersections. (2010).

Impact Speed and a Pedestrian’s Risk of Severe Injury or Death. (2011).

Influences on bicycle use. (2007).

Resident Perceptions of Bicycle Boulevards. (2009).

Responding to the Challenges of Bicycle Crossings at Offset Intersections. (2007).

Traffic Calming Benefits, Costs, and Equity Impacts. (1999).

Traffic Calming: Do’s and Don’ts to Encourage Bicycling. (1996).

Traffic Calming: Speed Humps and Speed Cushions. (2011).

Understanding and Measuring Bicycling Behavior: A Focus on Travel Time and Route Choice.(2008).

Updated Guidelines for the Design and Application of Speed Humps. (2007).


Impact of Traffic Calming Devices on Emergency Vehicles. (1996).

Modified HAWK Signal and Bike Signal. (2010).

Neighborhood Traffic Circles.

Residential Street Standards and Neighborhood Traffic Control.

Split Speed Bump. (1998).


Literature Review and Impact of the Bicycle Boulevard. (2010).

New Traffic Calming Device of Choice. (2009).

U.S. Traffic Calming Manual. (1999).

Why Bicyclists Hate Stop Signs. (2001).

Design Guides


Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. (2008).

Bicycle Boulevard Design Tools and Guidelines. (2000).

Bicycle Facilities Design Manual for the City of Redmond. (2009).

City of Oakland (2009)

City of Portland Traffic Calming Devices and Photos.

Emeryville Bicycle Boulevard Treatments. (2011).

Impact Threshold Curve. (2011).

Los Angeles Technical Design Handbook. (2011).

Milwaukie Bicycle Wayfinding Signage Plan. (2009).

Minneapolis Design Guidelines for Bicycle Boulevards. (2011).

Neighborhood Traffic Calming: Seattle’s Traffic Circle Program.

Road Management & Engineering Journal. (2008).

Portland Bike Plan for 2030. (2010).

Portland Neighborhood Greenways-Goals. (2010).

Portland Stormwater Solutions Handbook. (2004).

Sacramento Best Practices for Bicycle Master Planning and Design. (2005).


Oregon Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines. (2000).

Right-In Right-Out Channelization. (1998).


AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. (1999).

Bikesafe Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System. (2006).

FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (2009).

Traffic Calming State of the Practice. (1999).

Traffic Engineering Handbook. (2009).

Updated Guidelines for the Design and Application of Speed Humps and Speed Tables. (2011).

International Materials

Behaviour at Cycle Advanced Stop Lines. (2005).
