BOA Editions, Ltd. American Poets Continuum Series
No. 1The Fuhrer Bunker: A Cycle of Poems in Progress
W. D. Snodgrass
No. 2She
M. L. Rosenthal
No. 3Living With Distance
Ralph J. Mills, Jr.r.
No. 4Not Just Any Death
Michael Waters
No. 5That Was Then: New and Selected Poems
Isabella Gardner
No. 6Things That Happen Where There Aren’t Any People
William Stafford
No. 7The Bridge of Change: Poems 1974–1980
John Logan
No. 8Signatures
Joseph Stroud
No. 9People Live Here: Selected Poems 1949–1983
Louis Simpson
No. 10Yin
Carolyn Kizer
No. 11Duhamel: Ideas of Order in Little Canada
Bill Tremblay
No. 12Seeing It Was So
Anthony Piccione
No. 13Hyam Plutzik: The Collected Poems
No. 14Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969–1980
Lucille Clifton
No. 15Next: New Poems
Lucille Clifton
No. 16Roxa: Voices of the Culver Family
William B. Patrick
No. 17John Logan: The Collected Poems
No. 18Isabella Gardner: The Collected Poems
No. 19The Sunken Lightship
Peter Makuck
No. 20The City in Which I Love You
Li-Young Lee
No. 21Quilting: Poems 1987–1990
Lucille Clifton
No. 22John Logan: The Collected Fiction
No. 23Shenandoah and Other Verse Plays
Delmore Schwartz
No. 24Nobody Lives on Arthur Godfrey Boulevard
Gerald Costanzo
No. 25The Book of Names: New and Selected Poems
Barton Sutter
No. 26Each in His Season
W. D. Snodgrass
No. 27Wordworks: Poems Selected and New
Richard Kostelanetz
No. 28What We Carry
Dorianne Laux
No. 29Red Suitcase
Naomi Shihab Nye
No. 30Song
Brigit Pegeen Kelly
No. 31The Fuehrer Bunker: The Complete Cycle
W. D. Snodgrass
No. 32For the Kingdom
Anthony Piccione
No. 33The Quicken Tree
Bill Knott
No. 34These Upraised Hands
William B. Patrick
No. 35Crazy Horse in Stillness
William Heyen
No. 36Quick, Now, Always
Mark Irwin
No. 37I Have Tasted the Apple
Mary Crow
No. 38The Terrible Stories
Lucille Clifton
No. 39The Heat of Arrivals
Ray Gonzalez
No. 40Jimmy & Rita
Kim Addonizio
No. 41Green Ash, Red Maple, Black Gum
Michael Waters
No. 42Against Distance
Peter Makuck
No. 43The Night Path
Laurie Kutchins
No. 44Radiography
Bruce Bond
No. 45At My Ease: Uncollected Poems of the Fifties and Sixties
David Ignatow
No. 46Trillium
Richard Foerster
No. 47Fuel
Naomi Shihab Nye
No. 48Gratitude
Sam Hamill
No. 49Diana, Charles, & the Queen
William Heyen
No. 50Plus Shipping
Bob Hicok
No. 51Cabato Sentora
Ray Gonzalez
No. 52We Didn’t Come Here for This
William B. Patrick
No. 53The Vandals
Alan Michael Parker
No. 54To Get Here
Wendy Mnookin
No. 55Living Is What I Wanted: Last Poems
David Ignatow
No. 56Dusty Angel
Michael Blumenthal
No. 57The Tiger Iris
Joan Swift
No. 58White City
Mark Irwin
No. 59Laugh at the End of the World: Collected Comic Poems 1969–1999
Bill Knott
No. 60Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems: 1988–2000
Lucille Clifton
No. 61Tell Me
Kim Addonizio
No. 62Smoke
Dorianne Laux
No. 63Parthenopi: New and Selected Poems
Michael Waters
No. 64Rancho Notorious
Richard Garcia
No. 65Jam
Joe-Anne McLaughlin
No. 66A. Poulin, Jr. Selected Poems
Edited, with an Introduction by Michael Waters
No. 67Small Gods of Grief
Laure-Anne Bosselaar
No. 68Book of My Nights
Li-Young Lee
No. 69Tulip Farms and Leper Colonies
Charles Harper Webb
No. 70Double Going
Richard Foerster
No. 71What He Took
Wendy Mnookin
No. 72The Hawk Temple at Tierra Grande
Ray Gonzalez
No. 73Mules of Love
Ellen Bass
No. 74The Guests at the Gate
Anthony Piccione
No. 75Dumb Luck
Sam Hamill
No. 76Love Song with Motor Vehicles
Alan Michael Parker
No. 77Life Watch
Willis Barnstone
No. 78The Owner of the House: New Collected Poems 1940–2001
Louis Simpson
No. 79Is
Wayne Dodd
No. 80Late
Cecilia Woloch
No. 81Precipitates
Debra Kang Dean
No. 82The Orchard
Brigit Pegeen Kelly
No. 83Bright Hunger
Mark Irwin
No. 84Desire Lines: New and Selected Poems
Lola Haskins
No. 85Curious Conduct
Jeanne Marie Beaumont
No. 86Mercy
Lucille Clifton
No. 87Model Homes
Wayne Koestenbaum
No. 88Farewell to the Starlight in Whiskey
Barton Sutter
No. 89Angels for the Burning
David Mura
No. 90The Rooster’s Wife
Russell Edson
No. 91American Children
Jim Simmerman
No. 92Postcards from the Interior
Wyn Cooper
No. 93You & Yours
Naomi Shihab Nye
No. 94Consideration of the Guitar: New and Selected Poems 1986–2005
Ray Gonzalez
No. 95Off-Season in the Promised Land
Peter Makuck
No. 96The Hoopoe’s Crown
Jacqueline Osherow
No. 97Not for Specialists: New and Selected Poems
W. D. Snodgrass
No. 98Splendor
Steve Kronen
No. 99Woman Crossing a Field
Deena Linett
No. 100The Burning of Troy
Richard Foerster
No. 101Darling Vulgarity
Michael Waters
No. 102The Persistence of Objects
Richard Garcia
No. 103Slope of the Child Everlasting
Laurie Kutchins
No. 104Broken Hallelujahs
Sean Thomas Dougherty
No. 105Peeping Tom’s Cabin: Comic Verse 1928–2008
X. J. Kennedy
No. 106Disclamor
G.C. Waldrep
No. 107Encouragement for a Man Falling to His Death
Christopher Kennedy
No. 108Sleeping with Houdini
Nin Andrews
No. 109Nomina
Karen Volkman
No. 110The Fortieth Day
Kazim Ali
No. 111Elephants & Butterflies
Alan Michael Parker
No. 112Voices
Lucille Clifton
No. 113The Moon Makes Its Own Plea
Wendy Mnookin
No. 114The Heaven-Sent Leaf
Katy Lederer
No. 115Struggling Times
Louis Simpson
No. 116And
Michael Blumenthal
No. 117Carpathia
Cecilia Woloch
No. 118Seasons of Lotus, Seasons of Bone
Matthew Shenoda
No. 119Sharp Stars
Sharon Bryan
No. 120Cool Auditor
Ray Gonzalez
No. 121Long Lens: New and Selected Poems
Peter Makuck
No. 122Chaos Is the New Calm
Wyn Cooper
No. 123Diwata
Barbara Jane Reyes
No. 124Burning of the Three Fires
Jeanne Marie Beaumont
No. 125Sasha Sings the Laundry on the Line
Sean Thomas Dougherty
No. 126Your Father on the Train of Ghosts
G.C. Waldrep and John Gallaher
No. 127Ennui Prophet
Christopher Kennedy
No. 128Transfer
Naomi Shihab Nye
No. 129Gospel Night
Michael Waters
No. 130The Hands of Strangers: Poems from the Nursing Home
Janice N. Harrington
No. 131Kingdom Animalia
Aracelis Girmay