
Un million de merci to Andie Talmud, Georges Maurel, Jeremy Schuster, Suzanne Flenard, and Nadine and Pierre Eid, our French connections who provided us with up-to-the-minute, local French information when we needed it most. Thanks to Tim Martin and Beezie Moore, who were always eager to taste test our creations. Thanks to Elise Moir and her entire family for enduring some of our failed experiments. Thanks to Dana Newman, our intrepid literary agent and mother hen, who once again sold a one-of-a-kind book; and to Róisín Cameron, who bought the book for Countryman Press and was a dream to work with. Thanks also to Diane Durrett for her thoughtful, thorough editing.

Special thanks to gifted author, editor, and cheerleader, Mark Chimsky, for his unwavering support. And a tip of the toque to our brilliant testing volunteers: Amy Butler, Jon Jaeger, JoAnn Cherry, Camille Cherry, Wendy Tuck, Chris Knowles, Molly Perello, Malia Baynham, and Alexandra Chamberlain.