June 3

Here's what happened at my mom's job: One of the other artists had a baby which my mom says is good for the lady and good for us because my mom will make overtime, which means extra work for extra money. “How do you feel about that?” my mom asked me.

“Excellent-O, because I am a fan of money,” I said. “How about we use your overtime to buy a DVD player?”

“How about we fix up the living room instead?” she said.

Which I have to say is a good plan because it needs it.

That idea made us go straight to Frager's Hardware store to get paint sample cards, which you're allowed to take home because they are free. We taped them to the living room wall which right now is a color I call tan and my mom calls depressing. My color cards are Sunset which is orange, Caribbean which looks like toothpaste, and Lemon Meringue that is so yellow my mom says it's electric which I say is a big compliment. I also got Raspberry which is jazzy pink, and Conch Shell which is light pink. My mom's colors are 2 greens called Sage and Celery, Periwinkle which is blue, Cream and Ivory which are dull, and Banana Frappe which is actually the color of butter. “We are going to look at them every day until we know which one is the winner,” I said.

Then my mom had to go to work so we walked to Constitution Avenue and she kissed me and kept walking to Union Station to get the subway which she says is the greatest thing about city living. I hopped the whole way to Madam and Pop's because I am one person who believes in exercise.

For dinner we had minestrone soup and cheese sandwiches on bread that's called whole grain and takes a lot of chewing but Madam says is good on account of it has fiber.