In all the previous chapters, you have learned basic and advanced techniques to apply to the art of chart interpretation. There are even more clues that will help you understand subtleties in a chart and expand the way you apply your astrological knowledge. You can practice astrology to better understand yourself and those who are close to you, but at times a chart is puzzling, or you may need to make fine and subtle distinctions between charts. Or sometimes you look at a chart for a particular event and cannot find any obvious correspondences in either the transits or progressions. It is interesting to start digging to see if there is a planetary signature in some of the subtler areas of chart interpretation.

The following extras will further refine your knowledge. Please don’t feel that you have to memorize a list of all the fixed stars, decanates, and asteroids. You can use this book (or any of the books I’ve listed at the back of this book) as a reference. It is important, however, to be aware of this facet of astrology.


Each of the triplicities has certain degrees that are considered critical. This means that any planet or house cusp located at these degrees registers strongly throughout a person’s life. When a planet is located in a critical degree, pay attention to this planet. All transits and aspects involving that planet will affect the person more than a planet in noncritical degrees. The concept of critical degrees comes to us from Hindu, or Vedic, astrology and is based on the complete cycle of the Moon as she passes through the 360 degrees of a circle. The cycle is called the Mansions of the Moon. The entire use and meaning of these degrees has been lost, but what is used in Western astrology is noting the following degrees as having particular significance. The critical degrees for the cardinal signs are 0, 13, and 26 degrees. For fixed signs, the critical degrees are 9 and 21 degrees, and for mutable signs, they are 4 and 17 degrees. It is best to memorize these degrees and be on the lookout for them in any chart you are casting.

In Chart 7, Saturn is located at 8image53. Technically, at 8 degrees and 53 minutes, it is almost 9 degrees, but it still falls within the parameters; it is in a fixed sign, which renders the degree critical. Saturn will influence this person’s life strongly. This is positive for this individual because, with the heavy concentration of Scorpio and the potential for self-destructive behavior, Saturn is a calming and sobering influence. In Chart 4, Pluto at 21image is critical. Pluto in a critical degree and conjunct the Moon is a dynamic and dramatic combination. Pluto can be a dark planet, which promotes great transformation; this person will have a battle with impulses between creation and destruction. Pluto in critical degrees reinforces this planetary theme and alerts you to pay attention to all transits that aspect Pluto. In many cases, noting which degrees are critical highlights information that is outlined by other aspects.


In ancient times, a fixed star was so named to distinguish it from a wandering star or planet. The motion of the planets could be traced long before the advent of the telescope, but the fixed stars moved so slowly that they appeared to be stationary. Throughout the history of astrology, various interpretations have gathered around certain fixed stars. They are thought to be either extremely beneficial or malevolent. If you note a planet close to the degrees of a fixed star, the orb must not be more than 1 or 2 degrees. A conjunction with a fixed star highlights this planet, and if you have any planet exactly conjunct a fixed star, it means that planet has a special role to play in a person’s life. Many of the names of the fixed stars, such as Algenib, El Nath, or Caphir, come to us from Arabian astrologers. Not all the fixed stars are considered relevant today, but I want to outline a few of the most prominent, which I have noticed do have interpretative value in people’s charts. The positions of fixed stars have moved forward and are no longer at their original degree placement. However, there is interpretive value in examining any planet located on the original position as well as the progressed position. The following interpretations are for the stars as they were identified by the ancient astrologers.

One fixed star originally located at 19 degrees 19 minutes of Scorpio is called Serpentis. Ancient astrologers called this position the “accursed degree of the accursed sign.” Lest you faint if you have a planet on this degree, rest assured I have known many people with this position who are living and thriving. The ancient description is needlessly dramatic. Serpentis does involve a person’s use of sexual energy; this fixed star encourages people to lead with seduction. Such people are very aware of the innuendos and nuances of sexual energy between individuals and feel strongly about asserting their own sexuality.

Other malevolent fixed stars are Antares at 9 degrees Sagittarius, the Ascelli in 6 Leo, and the Pleiades in 29 Taurus. Older books state with the Pleiades that there will be something to weep about. Caput Algol in 24 Taurus is considered to be the evilest of all fixed stars. If you notice a planet in a chart at 24 Taurus, or Caput Algol’s current position, it is worth taking extra safety precautions in life, because it can mean being more susceptible to accidents. Many of the ancient interpretations of the fixed stars read like a diary of doom. Here is a description of the fixed star Procyon located at 25image41 taken from Nicholas de Vore’s Encyclopedia of Astrology:

This position brings:

Sudden preferment, the result of individual exertion; yet eventually the activity it promotes brings sudden misfortune. Afflictions threaten trouble with and danger through liquids, water, gas, poison, or dog bites. When rising, said to inspire admiration for the canine species.

If I noticed this star in a person’s chart, I might ask if the person had any relationships with dogs, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they said they hadn’t. Investigate how these positions appear in charts and you will be able to temper classical interpretations with your own experience.

The most generally benefic stars are listed in the following table. Fortunately, there are more benign fixed stars than malevolent.


7 Gemini – Aldebaran

8 Libra – Vindemiatrix

14 Gemini – Rigel

19 Libra – Deneb

19 Gemini – Bellatrix

14 Capricorn – Vega

12 Cancer – Sirius

1 Aquarius – Altair

22 Libra – Spica

2 Pisces – Fomalhaut

23 Libra – Arcturus

22 Pisces – Markab

These stars are listed in Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson’s text Foundation of the Astrological Chart as beneficial fixed stars. There are many opinions about fixed stars, and the best approach is to consider them as you observe them working in a person’s chart. This knowledge comes from experience and studying well-known people’s charts. The stars’ positions were not updated to their current position because unless an individual is going to concentrate on the fixed stars, it is more important for you to know their heritage rather than their current degrees and minutes.

When some fixed stars appear in a chart of a well-known person, oftentimes that person has a special charisma. Vindemiatrix, for instance, is sometimes interpreted as malefic and called the “widow maker” because it was thought to denote the death of a partner. This is not always the case, and Vindemiatrix can indicate special gifts in all areas of Libra’s domain. For example, both President Jimmy Carter and Mahatma Gandhi have this fixed star in their charts. Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, had the Sun at 8image56 conjunct Vindemiatrix, and Carter, born October 1, 1924, had the Sun at 8image0 conjunct Vindemiatrix. Rosalynn Carter is alive and well at this time of writing; thus, that interpretation of the fixed star does not apply for Carter’s chart. Jimmy Carter has become an active force for diplomacy and peace since he finished his presidency and has arguably better fulfilled his Libra talents as a former president. Gandhi decided for spiritual reasons to abstain from a sexual relationship with his wife, which, in a way, made her a widow of intimacy. He, too, had a special gift for peacemaking. In these two public figures, this particular fixed star exemplifies the positive characteristics of the fixed star’s sign; it is as if Carter and Gandhi personify the best aspects of these signs. The meaning in other charts can be true to the original interpretation. For example, in Chart 5, this person had Mercury and the ascendant within 1 degree of orb to Vindemiatrix. She became a widow at age forty-three when her husband died after a short illness. In some of the other charts at the back of this book, there are a few examples of fixed stars. Can you find them? In Chart 2, the Moon in Capricorn located at 14 degrees corresponds to the star Vega. Although I have discussed some of the aspects in this person’s chart, which indicate difficulties, this individual is a creative person, and with the Moon in the Fifth House of creativity, she has succeeded in a number of artistic areas.

In Chart 4, Jupiter is located on Rigel at 14 degrees Gemini in the house of partnership. This person married the love of his life, and had a fortunate marriage, which helped him succeed in many of his goals. Lastly, the two charts you learned about in Chapter 6 for Jack and Jane both share the fixed star Sirius, a benefic fixed star, at 12 degrees Cancer. Sirius’s position at that time was 13 degrees and therefore conjuncted Jack’s Sun as well as Jane’s Pluto. This is a powerful connection; Jack was very successful in his career, and Jane urged him on. This is also an indication of past-life connections.


During the late Middle Ages, astrology was not well received by either the Church or the court. At this time the most interesting research and uses of astrology occurred in the Arabic world. Abu Ma‘shar and Al-Kindi were two of the most prominent astrologers during these times. Borrowing from Hindu astrology and refining some of their practices, Arabic astrologers used what are now called the Arabic parts. These parts were derived from combining different positions in the chart to yield a point, or part, that furthered interpretation. The most commonly used part, which is calculated on most computer programs, is the part of fortune. The symbol is written like this: image. The part of fortune is a benefic influence and shows where a person derives his or her greatest joy. The house where the part of fortune is located receives a positive influence from this part and will be lucky for a person.

To calculate the various parts, use the system of representing the signs with numbers that you learned in Chapter 5. The following are the formulas for the most commonly used parts:

For the part of death, any prediction must be accompanied by at least three other indicators in the natal and/or progressed chart. And as I mentioned before, it is rare that an astrologer will make a prediction about death. The part of peril warns of major dangers if the part is conjunct the ascendant and square the malefics at birth; otherwise, it is of minor importance.

If you continue your astrological research, you will find that some authors and practitioners use other parts in their readings.


The decanates are further divisions of the sign’s influences according to the degrees that a planet is located in. As the name suggests, a decanate is a group of 10 degrees. Each sign has three decanates, because each sign totals 30 degrees. The first decanate is always ruled by the planet ruling the sign itself. For example, 0–10 degrees of Aries is ruled by Mars. In the second decanate, 10–20 degrees of Aries, we look at the next fire sign, which is Leo, ruled by the Sun. The last decanate, 20–30 degrees of Aries, is Sagittarius, ruled by the last fire sign, which is ruled by Jupiter. With each of the signs, note the sign’s element and degrees, and locate the sign in the proper decanate. When you consider an interpretation for a planet’s sign, the decanate gives you more specific detail. Everyone born under the sign of Libra does not have the same personality. If you were born in the first decanate, the essence of Libra is emphasized because the ruler is Venus. If you were born with Libra at 17 degrees, which is the second decanate, there would be a Uranian influence because that decanate is ruled by Aquarius’s planet. Lastly, in the third decanate, there is a Mercury influence because of Mercury’s rulership over Gemini. Note that wherever the sign starts, you proceed to the next sign of that element in the natural order.

Usually when the minutes of a sign are more than 30, we round off to the next degree. For example, 24 degrees 32 minutes becomes 25 degrees. In Chart 6, Jupiter is in the second decanate of Libra, because the tenth degree has already been reached. This gives Jupiter an Aquarian as well as a Libran influence. Use the decanates when you are making distinctions between charts that have many similarities. They also can be useful in synastry because they show subtle influences that may help you understand the chemistry or relationship between people. For example, in Chart 7 with all of its Scorpio planets, examining the decanates gives more specific information. The Moon is in the first decanate ruled by Mars or Pluto. Jupiter is placed in the second decanate ruled by Neptune and Venus, and the Sun and Mercury are all in the third decanate ruled by the Moon. When interpreting this chart, we would add a Cancerian influence to this high concentration of Scorpio.


There are many house systems that astrologers use, and each astrologer has his or her favorites. Usually the house systems are named after their inventor. The two most common are the Placidus and Koch house systems. Other systems are called Campanus and Regiomontanus after their creators. When charts were exclusively hand-calculated, an astrologer used the system that was easiest to calculate. With the computer as your tool, notice on your chart input menu that you can push a button and change the house system you use. Experiment with all the house systems and see which gives you the most accurate results for timing events. As I mentioned earlier, if you do not know someone’s birth time, calculate a solar wheel (for noon) on the day, year, and place a person was born. You will not have an accurate ascendant or Moon, but it is a valid chart.


Recently astrologers have paid a great deal of attention to asteroids as an additional interpretative tool to add to their skills. These asteroids are a series of small celestial bodies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Some astrologers have hypothesized that they are remnants of a planet that exploded. Usually the asteroids will not be the major factor in an event, but we all puzzle over noticeable traits in a person for which we can find no discernible correlation in the chart. Sometimes a person has a special attraction to someone and there doesn’t seem to be any connection until you examine the asteroids between them.

Once you have thoroughly understood the basic symbolism of a chart, look at the asteroids and see what their positions mean to you. The following descriptions discuss the most commonly used asteroids.


Ceres’s symbol is image, and she is the largest of the asteroids. (Even though Ceres is now classified as a dwarf planet in astronomy, for astrological purposes, she’s still an asteroid.) Ceres was the goddess of agriculture, harvest, fruits, and abundance. Her Greek name was Demeter, which means “Earth Mother.” She refines some of the characteristics of the Moon and represents unconditional and abundant mothering in the chart. A good image for Ceres is of a nurturing mama comforting us. In addition to her psychological attributes, Ceres can also indicate a talent for cultivating plants and gardens.


Her symbol is image, and she was the premier warrior goddess of ancient Greece. Her city, Athens, flowered during Greece’s golden age, and she was the patron goddess of the magnificent drama, architecture, and sculpture that flourished there. Greek mythology states that Pallas Athena sprang fully formed and armed from Zeus’s head. In addition to being a patron of the arts, she also protected soldiers in battle. In a chart, she represents the creative, intelligent woman who can be objective and just. When Pallas Athena is strong in a chart by conjuncting a personal planet, it indicates a person who has tempered sheer intelligence with justice and mercy. There is a strong talent for structure and organization when Pallas Athena is well placed.


Vesta’s symbol is image. Vesta is the brightest of the asteroids and sometimes can be seen by the naked eye. In Roman mythology, Vesta was the goddess of the hearth and home. Astrologically, she represents the flame that burns away all nonessentials and leaves what is pure and unalloyed. Vesta’s interpretation in a chart shows the ability to concentrate on a specific goal to the exclusion of anything extraneous; in effect, that person is at home with whatever mission he or she is carrying out.


Juno’s symbol is image. She was the queen of the gods and known in Greek mythology as Hera. As Zeus’s, or Jupiter’s, wife she was famous for her forbearance with her husband’s many infidelities. She symbolizes relationships and the need for commitment and marriage. The goddess Juno took great care of her beauty and was the patron of marriage, with the viewpoint that only in a committed relationship can beauty and intimacy flourish. She is also the asteroid that indicates the fascinating woman, the kind of woman who makes heads turn when she walks into a room. She represents beautiful and accomplished women throughout history who have fascinated and urged men on to great deeds.

CHIRON image

Chiron is large for an asteroid and small for a planet. Astrologers had predicted that there was an additional planet between Saturn and Uranus, and Chiron was discovered in 1977. We are still learning what Chiron means in individual charts. Chiron in mythology was a centaur and considered a teacher and healer to many gods. The Centaur in astrology is detached from human foibles and sees the world’s development in terms of slow healing. In a personal chart, Chiron signifies the wounded healer. Chiron’s sign and house position delineates a wound that a person carries within and also suggests the manner of healing for that wound. Stories abound of people having severe problems, and in overcoming such problems, they find their sense of direction and meaning for their lives. This is an appropriate definition for Chiron. When Chiron is in close aspect to any of the personal planets, his effect is magnified.

These are brief descriptions of the asteroids and Chiron. At the end of this book, I have included some books that give more detail on these relative newcomers to astrology. To find out where the asteroids are located in your chart, you can include them in your regular software program’s calculation or look at a specialized ephemeris for asteroids. The asteroids are fascinating, and they will add to your astrological toolbox.


Frequently, when people are born at the end of a sign or the very beginning of a sign, they say, “I was born on the cusp.” Technically, the cusp of any sign is the position at the end of the sign in 28 or 29 degrees, or at the beginning of a sign at 00 or 1 degree. Astrologers differ as to whether to call such a person, for example, at 29 degrees Cancer, a Cancerian, or a cusp Cancer with Leo influences. The best solution is to remind yourself that this person is on the cusp and to recognize that late and early degrees may have an influence from either the sign that they are leaving or the one they are moving toward. Look at the balance of the chart. If you see that the cusp sign has more evidence from the sign it is leaving, then your interpretation should reflect that. If there is more evidence for the sign it is approaching, then that will color your interpretation. In Chart 7, both the Sun and Mercury are located at 28 degrees. Mercury (at 28 degrees 50 minutes) is only 10 minutes away from 29 degrees of Scorpio; however, with all the Scorpio emphasis, there is very little indication that this person would be influenced by Sagittarius, the next sign, at all. In Chart 5, Mars is located at 1image25. Should we interpret it with some Virgo? There is no strong Virgo influence in the chart, so the interpretation should emphasize the clear Libra concentration in the chart.


I want to include some specialized uses for astrology that will help you examine specific questions. Some astrologers specialize in medical, mundane, or feng shui astrology, but as you are studying to be a general practitioner, it is a good idea to become familiar with the following branches of astrology.


As you may remember from when we reviewed the signs and planets at the beginning of the book, each sign is associated with a part of the body. Over the many years that astrology has developed, the correspondence between the signs and the way the body works has yielded a vast wealth of knowledge that can be helpful in healthcare and diagnosis. In ancient times, doctors were frequently astrologers, or they consulted astrologers to help heal their patients. I believe that in the future astrologers and doctors will work together again to help people with their health. There are many books on medical astrology, and it takes good concentration to master the data, but if you find yourself gravitating toward health and healing concerns in your studies, you may want to specialize in this area of astrology.

The area of the body that your Sun sign rules will be the weakest part of your system and where you will have to take care of any matters related to that sign. For example, Capricorn must guard against knee injuries. I always recommend that Capricorns take appropriate precautions when doing high-impact sports. Aries must protect his head from injuries. Sometimes this piece of advice falls on deaf ears, but Aries should always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or motorcycle. Taurus must protect the throat and wear a scarf during the cold months. Gemini is particularly sensitive to smoke and air pollution and should practice some kind of healthy breathing exercise. Cancer has a sensitive stomach and cannot usually tolerate very spicy food. Leo can have problems with the spine and heart arrhythmia. Yoga or gentle exercise is often a good idea. Virgo’s area of weakness is the digestive system and assimilation of food. There can be allergies and bouts with colitis. Many Virgos are health conscious in the extreme. Once they understand that their nerves affect the entire body, they monitor their own health very well. Libra’s weak spots are the adrenal glands and the kidneys. It is never advisable for Libra to drink heavily or go for long periods of time without eating. He must keep his blood sugar level to maintain constant energy. Scorpio must take care that the eliminative systems are working well and be mindful of sexual health. Sagittarius loves exercise but must stretch first or there can be a danger of sciatica or pulling the muscles in the thighs and experiencing difficulties with the hips. Aquarius needs to take care that the nervous system gets rested, that circulation keeps moving, and that ankles are protected. Lastly, Pisces needs comfortable shoes, as there can be foot problems. Pisces also needs to watch for sensitivities to toxins, especially drugs and alcohol.

I have given you a quick look at the major health areas relating to each sign. It is also interesting to consider that each sign’s opposite will also give you good diagnostic information. For example, when Taurus has throat problems, a healer versed in astrology would also check the area of the body ruled by Scorpio, the reproductive and eliminative organs, for any imbalances. There is a direct energy connection in the body between each sign and its opposite sign, and a natal astrology chart can be a diagnostic map pointing the way to the trouble spots and also indicating possible therapies and cures.

Consult your chart to help maintain your health. Your chart is a map of the energies that have gone into making you, and disease can be an imbalance or damming up of these energies in one or more areas of the body. If you examine your chart, you can start to see where the blocks have occurred and where they can be healed. This is a rudimentary description of energy medicine. It doesn’t work for broken legs, for example, as in those cases you need a doctor to heal correctly, but for many other ailments there is a component of interaction between the body and mind that is amenable to treatment through information in the chart.


In choosing a doctor, surgeon, or healer, it is worth the snooping around it might require to find out his or her birth chart. You may not be able to get the time of birth, but creating a solar wheel for the date (at noon) and place (with the Sun on the ascendant) is good enough. Most people probably unconsciously respond to doctors who are harmonious with their charts. The primary indications for a compatible doctor-patient relationship are good aspects between the doctor’s signs and the patient’s Seventh House. The Seventh House is indicated because a doctor and patient are in a partnership to promote wellness. Avoid the doctor’s Saturn or Mars in your Seventh House. The other planet to note is Neptune. If there is a close relationship with a healer’s Neptune and your Sun or Moon, you could fall prey to a relationship where you cannot clearly evaluate the doctor’s advice. The energy between a doctor and patient contributes to the healing process. It is wise to do a chart comparison between your chart and the chart of any doctor, dentist, or healer that you consult.


There are three planets that are essential to examine when scheduling surgery. By surgery, I mean any procedure which requires an anesthetic, including a local anesthetic. The planets are Mars, the Moon, and Neptune. Mars rules the knife and the surgeon. Plan elective surgery when Mars is making harmonious aspects to the Moon, the Sun, and the Eighth House cusp. Do not schedule elective surgery during a retrograde Mars.

When selecting a surgeon, consider a person with many fixed signs indicating steady hands and, as noted, good aspects with your house of health.

Another consideration with surgery is to avoid scheduling any medical procedure when the transiting Moon is in the sign that rules the part of the body needing surgery. For example, I do not schedule dental work when the Moon is in Capricorn. Plastic surgery on the face should not be scheduled when the Moon is in Aries. Exploratory surgery on the throat or esophagus is best done when the Moon is far away from Taurus.

It is also best to schedule elective surgery five days before or after the new moon. Fluids are at low ebb, and there is less chance of swelling. Five days before or after a full moon is inauspicious for surgery because fluids are highest at this point and swelling occurs more easily. Lastly, examine the aspects between Neptune and all transiting planets. Neptune rules anesthesia, and you want to find time periods where Neptune receives good aspects from all transiting planets so there are no complications with either the anesthesiologist or the drugs themselves.

Even with all these rules in mind, I do suggest that if you need surgery that you consult a professional astrologer; it is difficult to do a comprehensive analysis for yourself when you are facing what is usually a nerve-racking event. Of course, in an emergency situation, don’t worry about the astrological aspects. There is always enough time after you have recovered to examine the day’s astrological influences.


Both the Sixth and Twelfth houses hold important clues for health. The Sixth House is known as the house of health, but the Twelfth House rules hospitals and places of confinement. The Twelfth House can give you very good information about a person’s mental health and the likelihood of whether the person will need hospitalization. In addition to noting all the parts of the body ruled by the prominent signs of the chart, look at the planets ruling the Sixth and Twelfth houses. This will give you additional information about a person’s fortitude and recuperative powers as well as whether or not they generally have good health. When there are malefic planets in the house of health, a person may have psychosomatic illnesses. This means that instead of feeling emotions and creatively dealing with them, someone may experience their feelings manifesting as physical symptoms. I do not mean that a person is necessarily responsible for getting sick; people handle their problems differently. But if a problem does manifest physically, then it is a person’s job to do whatever is necessary to heal. The body-mind connection is a sensitive receiving and transmitting system, and whenever something disturbs a person, the body or mind reacts and records the effects. We are all trying to maintain a balance of health in the entire system, and the chart helps to point the way.

For example, in Chart 5, Pisces is in the Sixth House of health. You immediately know that this person is extremely sensitive to toxins, drugs, and alcohol. You also note that Uranus indicates the nervous system and is very close to the Sixth House of health. This person is high-strung, and her nervous system is easily affected by what she eats and drinks. Because of the Neptunian influence (Neptune is Pisces’s ruler), there is a strong desire to escape through alcohol or drugs. This person was a heavy drinker and frequently took tranquilizers to calm her nerves. So far, I have not mentioned disease because there is nothing in the chart that directly announces this person would have a disease, but the chart clearly indicates that this client should not drink or take any kind of habit-forming drugs (including smoking).

In Chart 5, this person developed esophageal cancer and died. Heavy smoking and drinking are major risk factors for esophageal cancer. If she had known astrology or had been more aware of her health, she might have stopped these habits long before they inclined her to disease. This example illustrates how a chart can describe a tendency toward an illness, as well as offer information on how to ameliorate a person’s destructive tendencies. This person did not, of course, consciously choose illness or begin smoking or drinking to shorten her life. These habits are common, and it takes a lot of self-discipline to give them up. A person also must cope with all the feelings that may have been numbed with nicotine and alcohol. As you saw in Chapter 6, Jane was a very emotional person but could not easily express her feelings. Her nerves were extremely sensitive, and she took a common and seemingly convenient route to deal with life through a haze. If she had channeled her feelings into more self-expression, learned how to communicate better, or used her considerable organizational skills to take care of herself, she may have found a better balance for the stresses in her chart.

In addition to the inclinations outlined, the Twelfth House of Chart 5 shows Mercury in the Twelfth House. Mercury is the natural ruler of Virgo, the sign that rules the digestive system. Jane’s Mercury is in Libra, ruler of the kidneys and adrenal glands. There are also many Libran planets in the chart, which indicate a sweet tooth. One piece of advice that an astrologer could give this person is to avoid sweets and sugar because they will take a toll on her kidneys. Alcohol is, of course, a concentrated sugar.

Do you see how you can begin to examine a chart to maximize your health? If a person takes care of the weaker areas of their body and heeds the suggestions for health that the chart suggests, then that person can strengthen their system. For medical astrology, “forewarned is forearmed.”


When any of the malefic planets, particularly Saturn, transit the Sixth House, you should be alert to taking care of health matters. Saturn transiting through your Sixth House does not necessarily mean disease, but it does mean that you have to take realistic precautions about your health. Go to the dentist, and attend to any chronic health conditions. Saturn transiting the Twelfth House is also a time to be aware of your body’s needs. When any of the outer planets are in the Sixth House, you would be well advised to look at your health habits and readjust any that are not serving you well. When Uranus is in the Sixth House, a person’s nervous system is frayed and needs to be replenished. Since Uranus indicates new technologies and healing modalities, this is a very good time to investigate acupuncture or body therapies that can help keep the nerves calm. What do you imagine you should look to when Neptune transits the Sixth House? You should investigate revising the diet, using pure drinking water, and getting second opinions on medical matters, as well as eliminating toxins such as drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. Remember, these planets stay in a house for a long time, so it isn’t a matter of going on a diet for one day.


Another very interesting branch of astrology is looking at the charts for different nations. An excellent book called The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion includes the natal charts of most countries in the world. He has done extensive research concerning when each country was born, meaning when it drafted a constitution or when there was a change in government. In addition to examining world events in terms of astrology, you can study these charts to determine how a country’s vibrations harmonize with your chart. This can be useful if you are relocating.

Mundane astrology is also a profound way to follow national events. If you watch the transits to any country’s chart, you can tell whether the country is going through a positive or negative phase. Astrologers often make predictions for elections, war, cease-fires, and peace based on these charts.

The key factor in mundane astrology is an accurate chart for a nation or an event. If you time an event yourself or if the time of the event is published in the newspaper, you can erect an accurate chart and see what the event portends. Accurate birth charts for nations are trickier. Although considerable research has been done in this area, nations go through many changes, and determining when a nation began is often not easy. For example, the beginning of the US could be the founding of the Jamestown colony in Virginia, but a more logical date to mark the birth of the US is the approval of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This is, in fact, the date most astrologers use. Every once in a while, an astrologer determines that another chart is more accurate, but most major events for the US are reflected in what is known as the Sibly chart. Ebenezer Sibly, an astrologer and Freemason, published his chart for the US in 1787. If you would like to calculate the Sibly chart, the birth information is as follows: July 4, 1776; 5:10 p.m. in Philadelphia. This chart gives a Cancer Sun, an Aquarius Moon, and a Sagittarius ascendant. This is an interesting combination. The most common Sun signs for a US president has been Aquarius.

If mundane astrology interests you, you can try your prowess with predicting who will win the next election. You can study the US’s chart and compare each of the candidates’ charts with it. A nation’s leader will usually have major connections with his or her nation’s chart. If there are no correspondences between a leader and their country, then that nation is in for a difficult time.


I use this term to combine the Chinese art of feng shui with Western astrology. Feng shui means “water and wind” in Chinese and describes the flow of energy in a physical space. It is a complex and sophisticated art, which is woven into traditional Chinese culture and beliefs. I recommend that students of astrology take a feng shui course, as it will add an interesting dimension to your occult studies. Feng shui astrology means taking the meanings and associations of the astrological signs and applying them to the kinds of colors, designs, spaces, gems, herbs, sounds, tastes, smells, and other factors that each sign enjoys or would find beneficial. If you surround yourself with an atmosphere where you feel comfortable, then life is apt to flow more positively.

To create an astrologically friendly environment, apply what you have learned about all the signs and translate that into how a person will probably feel in his or her physical world. For example, would Sagittarius prefer a small, cozy, dark apartment or a large, bright one? As you know, Sagittarius is ruled by expansive Jupiter, and loves freedom of movement. Sagittarian people are most unhappy when confined to a small space, and you can easily conclude that they would prefer a large, well-lit apartment. If you follow through with each of the signs, you can glean very good information about creating a supportive world for each sign. In addition to the Sun sign, look at the Moon and Venus. The Moon will tell you what atmosphere is comfortable emotionally, and Venus will tell you what kinds of luxuries and aesthetics a person likes to have around them.

Using astrology in this manner may not solve psychological or financial problems, but it can increase delight and joy in life, and that can go a long way to smoothing difficulties. The following is a brief description of each sign and their preferred environment. For more detail, take a look at my first book, The Hidden Power of Everyday Things. You also might want to look at my book Instant Wall Art: Astrological Designs. This book features three prints of different views of your sign and suggestions on how to decorate with the artwork.


Aries loves red, other bright colors, and vibrant atmospheres. Noise doesn’t bother him; in fact, he prefers any kind of music, traffic noises, or background sounds to silence. Fireplaces or outdoor barbecues are especially pleasing to this first fire sign. Spicy food or charbroiled meats appeal to Aries. Fashion accessories usually include caps or hats. Gems of importance to Aries are diamonds and malachite.


Taurus likes quiet sensuality in the home. Classical design with lots of soft fabrics and plush furniture give the Bull the right feeling. There is a pack rat tendency, as Taurus loves possessions. The kitchen is an area of focus, and many Taureans are very good cooks. The color palette is usually pale with an emphasis on turquoise or pink. Bronze sculptures may hold special appeal. Taurus enjoys sweets, rich foods, and anything with sauces. A scarf around the neck is a good accessory and prudent, as Taurus should always keep her throat protected.Taurus’s gem is a clear green emerald.


Gemini loves windows, lots of space, and ceiling fans. Gemini needs to have a constant flow of air in the environment. Good colors for Gemini are pale blue and yellow. There are usually too many things going on in Gemini’s life for him to worry about cooking, but if he had to choose, he would prefer milder-tasting foods. Clothes that are flowing and unrestrictive usually appeal to Gemini. Gemini’s gemstones are blue zircon and aquamarine.


Home, home, and more home is the focal point for Cancer. The style could vary, but it is the consistency of having a dependable home that Cancer finds essential. Usually Cancer prefers cozy spaces. She may feel most comfortable at night. Black, white, gray, and silver are soothing colors. A view of the water, an aquarium, or an indoor fountain keeps Moon children balanced. Salty foods and cheeses usually are appealing to Cancer. Cancer’s gems are pearls and moonstone.


Leo wants a regal atmosphere at home with lots of sunlight. A large special chair is almost always featured. Oranges, yellows, and bright pinks contribute to a happy atmosphere for Leo. You will notice that most Leos spend a good deal of time grooming their hair; hair products are an essential part of Leo’s environment. Leo usually likes spicy food and may have a special fondness for walnuts. Leo gems include ruby, cat’s-eye, and amber.


Understated and classical is Virgo’s style. No bright colors, but everything is usually expensive and well tailored. At home, there is usually a sense of quiet organization. When Virgo is messy, she still knows where to find whatever she needs. Due to a sensitive digestive system, Virgo needs basic and slightly bland food. Chili peppers are not her friends. Gemstones for Virgo are pearls and jasper.


Whatever environment Libra creates must be beautiful and symmetrical. Libra prefers pastel colors and nothing jarring in the environment. For clothing, Libras of both sexes love silk. Their favorite colors are pastel greens and lilac. Many Libras may have copper trays or decorative objects in their homes. No matter what tastes Libra enjoys, the important aspect of food is in its presentation. Even when pizza is for dinner, Libra will enjoy setting the table with china and linen napkins. Libra’s gem is opal.


Scorpio needs emblems of whatever she creates around her in her space. Her home is usually kept private and filled with possessions. Clear crystal and keepsake boxes may be objects that she particularly treasures. Scorpio’s colors are black, maroon, chocolate brown, and white. Tastes range from very spicy international food to well-cured meats. A Scorpio cook is usually very accomplished. Scorpios don’t usually follow fashion, although they may very well create their own distinct style. However Scorpios put themselves together, they will keep that style, refine it, and then when they feel they have had enough of it, change it. Scorpio gems are onyx and garnet.


Sagittarius needs a large uncluttered space with lots of light. Rich colors like blue, purple, and green suit Sagittarius, and he may have a particular fondness for velvet. Furniture or decorative objects tend to be large in the Sagittarian home. Preferred tastes are all the warm spices of winter such as cinnamon and nutmeg. Sagittarius may be too busy to cook, but if he slows down and focuses, the results are quite good and generous; a Sagittarian host will never be stingy with hospitality. Sagittarian stones are topaz and sapphire.


The Capricorn style is usually conservative and slightly formal. Capricorn favors ivory colors and earth tones with perhaps a few splashes of vibrancy. Capricorns tend to surround themselves with photographs of family members and even ancestors. Capricorn rules all rocks and stones. Marble or granite in the kitchen or a special rock garden would be very positive for Capricorn. Her gemstones are turquoise and amethyst.


The outrageous and unusual is common for a true Aquarian. Aquarians who are influenced by Saturn will tend to be more conservative, but the Uranus-influenced Aquarius will always have his unique style. Electric blue and multicolored garments suit this sign. He may also have a preference for large hats. In décor, Aquarius might have a very cluttered apartment or home and then throw everything out and have one camp chair. Tastes in food and fashion are eclectic. Aquarius gemstones are aquamarine and lapis lazuli.


Dreamy, cozy, and private qualities typify Pisces’s favorite environment. The home must offer a place to retreat. Colors for Pisces are sea green and purple. There is a tendency for Pisces to wear black-and-white combinations. A good music and home entertainment center is a focal point for Pisces, as music and films are a prime way to relax. Pisces really enjoys seafood and fish. Her gemstones are amethyst and sapphire.

I hope in this chapter that you have learned some creative and interesting ideas on how to use astrology in different ways. Next, we will thoroughly analyze a specific chart. This will give you an idea of how to apply what you have learned.