Of note, this list was provided to me by child neurologists, parents, and dietitians and does not necessarily constitute endorsement of the particular ketogenic diet center. This list is continuously updated at www.epilepsy.com/epilepsy/keto_physicians Please ask your neurologist for more information!
Countries in grey shading offer the ketogenic diet.
*For centers in the United States (too many to count!), please go to www.myketocal.com/findcenter.aspx
Drs. Peter and Carol Camfield
Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre
PO Box 9700
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada, B3K 6R8
Phone: 902-470-8479
Fax: 902-470-8486
Dr. Elizabeth J. Donner
Division of Neurology
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dept of Neurology
555 University Ave
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Phone: 416-813-7037
Fax: 416-813-6334
Email: elizabeth.donner@sickkids.ca
Dr. Kevin Farrell
British Columbia Children’s Hospital
4480 Oak Street
Room A303, Neurology
Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone: 604-875-2121
Fax: 604-875-2285
Email: kevin_farrell@telus.net
Drs. Daniel Keene and Sharon Whiting
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
401 Smyth Rd
Ottawa, ON K1H 5L7
Phone: 613-523-5140
Fax: 613-523-2256
Email: dkeene@exchange.cheo.on.ca
Dr. Jeff Kobayashi
The Bloorview Macillan Children’s Centre
25 Buchan Court
Toronto ON M2J 4S9
Phone: 416-425-6220 ext 6276
Fax: 416-753-6046
Email: jkobayashi@bloorview macmillan.on.ca
Dr. Anne Lortie
Hospital St. Justine
3175 Cote-Ste-Catherine
Montreal, PQ H3T 1C5
Phone: 514-345-4931
Fax: 514-345-4787
Email: lortie.a@sympatico.ca
Dr. Richard Tang-Wai
Stollery Children’s Hospital
8440-112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2B7
Phone: 780-407-1083
Email: Richard.Tang-Wai@capitalhealth.ca
Espec. Nutrition
Pediatric Hospital
Havana City
Email: chaiscala@infomed.sld.cu
Dr. Pedro Marrero Martinez
University Hospital Juan Manuel Marquez
Calle E N°517,
Esquina a 23
Apartamento 11-D
Havana City
Phone: 05-2435205
Email: dpduran@infomed.sld.cu
Dr. Roberto Caraballo
Hospital de Pediatría “Prof Dr Juan P Garrahan,”
Combate de los Pozos 1881,
C.P. 1245
Buenos Aires
Phone: 5411 4943 6116
Email: rhcaraballo@arnet.com.ar
Dr. Maria del Rosario
Hospital de Ninos
VJ Vilela
Phone: 54 341 480 8134
Email: mraldao@arnet.com.ar
Dr. Luis R. Panico
Hospital Vera Candiotti
Mendoza 3373
(3000) Santa Fe
Phone/fax: +54 342 4558768
Email: dietasur@hotmail.com
Dr. Beatriz Gamboni
Hospital de Ninos
Humberto Notti
Phone: 54 261 496 1365
Email: bgamboni@nysnet.com.ar
Dr. Semprino Marcos
Clinica San Lucas
Neuquen Argentina
Phone: 54 299 443 4730
Email: marcossemprino@yahoo.com
Dr. Sarisjulis Nicolas
Hospital de Ninos
Sor Maria Ludovica
La Plata
Phone: 54 221 427 5115
Email: saris@lpsat.com
Dr. Maria Joaquina Marques-Dias
Professor of Neurology
University of São Paulo
Av Dr Eneas C Aguiar 647
05403-900 São Paulo, SP
Phone: (11) 3069 8673 Fax:(11) 3069 8503
Email: majomadi@usp.br
Dr. Marcio M Vasconcelos
Av. das Americas, 700 sl 229 bl 6
Universidad Federal Fluminese
22640-100 Rio de Janeiro—RJ
Phone: (55-21) 2132-8080
Email: mmvascon@centroin.com.br
Dr. Ximena Raimann Tampier and Dr. Francesca Solari
Clinicas Las Condes
Lo Fontecilla 441
Santiago Chile
Phone: 56-2-6108000
Email: xraimann@mi.cl
Dr. Andrea Avellanal
Hospital Británico
Benito Nardone 2217
11.300 Montevideo
Phone: 5982-711 91 86
Email: cinacina@adinet.com.uy
Dr. Luis Carlos Núñez López
Pediatric Neurologist
Carrera 29 # 47-108
Edificio Somes. Consultorio 20.
Bucaramanga Colombia
Phone: 577 6475723
Fax: 577 6436124 extension 136
Email: lcnl007@intercable.net.co
Dr. Eugenia Espinosa
Hospital Militar Central
Phone: 0057 348 6868
Email: eugeniae@hotmail.com
Dr. Isaac Yepez
Hospital Pediatrico “Dr. Roberto Gilbert E.”
Phone: 005934 2287572
Email: iyepez@intramed.net
Dr. Martha Feucht
Universitatsklinik fur Neuropsychiatrie des Kindesund Jugendalters
Wahringer Gurtel 18-20
1090 Wien
Phone: +43-40400-3012
Fax: +43-40400-2793
Email: martha.feucht@univie.ac.at
University Klinik für Kinder-und Jugendheilkunde Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 30
A-8036 Graz
Phone: +43 316 385 82813
Fax: +43 316 385 2657
Email: barbara.plecko@med uni-graz.at
Prof. Wolfgang Sperl
Department of Pediatrics
Paracelsus Medical University
Salzburger Landeskliniken (SALK)
Müllner Hauptstraße 48
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel.: 0043-662-4482-2600
Fax: 0043-662-4482-2604
Email: w.sperl@salk.at
Dr. Lieven Lagae
Klinische Neurofysiologie
University Hospitals of Gasthuisberg
Herestraat 49
B-3000 Leuven
Phone: +32 16 34 38 45
Fax: +32 16 34 38 42
Email: Lieven.Lagae@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Nina Barisic, MD PhD
Professor of Pediatrics and Child Neurology
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Neurology
Clinical Medical Center Zagreb
Zagreb medical school
Rebro, Kispaticeva 12
Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: 00 385-1-23-88-531
Fax: 00 385 1 24 21 894
Email: nina.barisic@zg.htnet.hr
Dr. Vladimir Komarek
Charles University Prague
2nd Medical School
Vuvalu 84, 150 06 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2 2443 3302
Fax: +420 2 2443 3322
Email: Vladimir.komarek@lfmotol.cuni.cz
Dr. Maria Miranda
Danish Epilepsy Centre, Dianalund
Kolonivej 1
4293 Dianalund
Phone: (+45) 58271062
Email: MariMn@vestamt.dk
University Hospital of Copenhagen
Neuropaed clinic 5004
Phone: +4535455096
Fax: +4535456717
Email: peter.uldall@rh.hosp.dk
Dr. Elina Liukkonen
Helsinki and Vusimaa Hospital
Hospital for Children and Adolescents
PO Box 280
Phone: 011-358-9-4711-4711
Fax: 011-358-9-471-80-413
Email: elina.liukkone@hus.fi
Dr. Anne de Saint-Martin
Service de Pédiatrie 1
CHU de Hautepierre
67098 Strasbourg Cedex
Phone: 33(0)388127734
Fax: 33(0)388128156
Email: anne.desaintmartin@chru-strasbourg.fr
Dr. Olivier Dulac
Hopital Saint Vincent de Paul
and Nadia Bahi-Buisson, MD, PhD
Service de Neuropédiatrie et Maladies Métaboliques
Hopital Necker Enfants Malades
149 Rue di Sevres
Paris 75743
Phone: 33 140 488111
Email: o.dulac@nck.ap-hop-paris.fr
and nadia.bahi-buisson@nck.ap-hop-paris.fr
Dr Stéphane Auvin
Service de Neurologie Pédiatrique et des Maladies Métaboliques
CHU Hôpital Robert Debré
48, boulevard Sérurier
75935 PARIS CEDEX 19
Phone: +33 1 40 03 57 07
Fax: +33 1 40 03 47 74
Email: auvin@invivo.edu
Dr. Laurence Lion Francois
Centre hospitalier Lyon Sud
Département de Neurologie pédiatrique
165 chemin du grand Revoyet
69 495 Pierre Bénite Cédex
Phone: 04 78 86 14 95
Fax: 04 78 86 57 16
Email: laurence.lion@chu-lyon.fr
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
Children’s Hospital
8 Lagidze Street
Tbilisi 0108
Phone: 995 32 923429
Email: giam@caucasus.net
Dr. Birgit Walther
Teaching Hospital of the Charite
Humboldt University
Herzbergstrasse 79
D-10362 Berlin
Phone: 49 030 54723539
Fax: 49 0 30 54723502
Email: b.walther@keh-berlin.de
Dr. Adelheid Wiemer-Kruel
Ltd. Oberärztin Kinderklinik
Epilepsiezentrum Kork
Landstraβe 1
77694 Kehl-Kork
Tel.: 07851/84-2230
Fax: 07851/84-2553
email: awiemer@epilepsiezen trum.de
Dr. R. Madeleyn
Im Haberschlai 7
D-70794 Filderstadt
Phone: +49-711-7703-0
Fax: +49-711-7703-1380
Email: t.reckert@filderklinik.de
Dr. Joerg Klepper
Aschaffenburg Children’s Hospital
Am Hasenkopf
63739 Aschaffenburg
Phone: ++49/6021/32-3601
Fax: ++49/6021/32-3699
Email: joerg.klepper@klinikumaschaffenburg.de
Dr. Friedrich Ebinger
Dep. Pediatric Neurology
Children´s Hospital
University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 430
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: 49.6221.56-8488
Fax: 49.6221.56 5744
Email: friedrich.ebinger@med.uni-heidelberg.de
Prof. Dr. F.A.M. Baumeister
Leiter Neuropädiatrie
Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Klinikum Rosenheim
Pettenkoferstr. 10
83022 Rosenheim
Tel.: 49-(0)8031-36-3457
Fax: 49-(0)8031-36-4927
Email: friedrich.baumeister@kliro.de
4th Pediatric Clinic of the
Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
Papageorgiou Hospital
Ring Road
TK 56403
Phone: +30-2310-693920
Email: aeevange@auth.gr
Dr. Argirios Dinopoulos
University of Athens
Attico University Hospital
Phone: +30 2105831269
Fax: +30 2105832229
Email: argidino@yahoo.com
Dr. Thanos Covanis
Neurology Department
The Childrens Hospital “Agia Sophia”
Thivon and Levadis
11527, Athens
Phone: +302107751637
Email: graaepil@otenet.gr
Dr. Viktor Farkas
University Children’s Hospital,
Semmelweis Medical School, Budapest
Bókay 53.
H-1083 Budapest
Email: klissz@yahoo.de
Dr. Yr Sigurdardottir
Icelandic diagnostic center
Digranesvegi 5
200 Kopavogur
Phone: (354) 510-8400
Fax: (354) 510-8401
Email: yr@greining.is
Drs. Bryan Lynch and Aisling Myers
The Childrens University Hospital
Temple Street
Dublin 1
Phone: 00-353-86-8197831
Email: aislingmyers@hotmail.com
Dr. Giangennaro Coppola
Clinic of Child Neuropsychiatry
Second University of Naples
Phone: 0039-81-5666695
Fax: 0039-81-5666694
Email: giangennaro.coppola@unina2.it
Dr. Federico Vigevano
Department of Neurology
Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital 00165 Rome
Phone: 0039-06-68592262
Fax: 0039-06-68592463
Email: vigevano@opbg.net
Dipartimento di Clinica Neurologica e Psichiatrica dell’Età Evolutiva
Laboratorio EEG dell’età evolutiva
Fondazione “Istituto Neurologico Casimiro Mondino”
Via Ferrata 6—27100—Pavia
Phone: +39-0382-380.344
Fax: +39-0382-380.286
Email: pveggiot@unipv.it
Dr. Volpi Lilia
Ausl Bo
Bellaria Hospital—Neurology
Phone: +39-0516225111
Email: lilia.volpi@ausl.bo.it
Dr. Diana Fridrihsone and Dr. Jurgis Strautmanis
Children’s University Hospital
Vienibas gatva 45
Riga LV 1004
Phone: +371 29832436
Email: diana.fridrihsone@inbox.lv
Email: jurgis.strautmanis@eeg.lv
Dr. Jurgita Grikiniene
Vilnius University Children’s Hospital
Santariskiu st. 4
Vilnius, LT-08406
Phone: +370 68411405
Fax: +370 52720283
Email: jurgita.grikiniene@mf.vu.lt
Dr. Paul Augustijn
Observatie Kliniek voor Kinderen “Primula”
Postbus 540
2130 AM Heemstede
The Netherlands
Phone: 31(0)23-558800
Fax: 31(0) 23-558229
Email: paugustijn@sein.nl
Elles van der Louw (dietitian)
Erasmus MC- Sophia
UMC Utrecht Wilhelmina’s Childrens Hospital
PO Box 2060
Room sp2434
3000 CB Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: 003110-4636290
Dr. Björn Bjurulf
Ullevål University hospital
0407 Oslo
Phone: 47-22118080
Fax: 47-22118663
Email: bjorn.bjurulf@ulleval.no
National Centre of Epilepsy
Pb. 53, 1306 Basum post-terminal
Phone: 47-67501000
Email: anna.bremer@epilepsy.no
Kathrine Haavardsholm RD
Dr. Maria Zubiel
Dept. of Child Neurology
Institute of Polish Mother Memory Hospital
93-338 Lodz, Rzgowska 281/289
Phone: 004842 2712080
Fax: 004842 2711412
Email: mzubiel@op.pl
Dr. Sergiusz Jozwiak
Professor and Head, Pediatric Neurology
The Children’s Memorial Health Institute
Al.DZieci Polskich 20
04-736 Warszawa
Phone: 4822-8153417
Fax: 4822- 8157402
Email: jozwiak@czd.waw.pl
Dr. Magdalena Dudzinska
Chorzowskie Centrum Pediatrii i Onkologii
Ul. Truchana 7
41-005 CHORZOW
Phone: 032-34-90-005
Email: duzinska@chcpio.pl or mdudzinskapl@yahoo.com
Ana Faria RD and Conceição Robalo MD
Hospital Pediátrico de Coimbra
Avenida Bissaya Barreto
3000 Coimbra
Phone: 351 239 480 606
Fax: 351 239 480 315
Email: anafaria@chc.min-saude.pt
Dr. Sergey Aivazyan
Head of Child Neurology
The Child Moscow Research Hospital
Aviatorov Street, 38
Phone: (095) 4521022, +79166204051
Email: abc1231961@mail.ru
Dr. Lesley Nairn
Consultant Paediatrician
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Phone: 0141 580 4460
Email: Lesley.Nairn@rah.scot.nhs.uk
Nis Medical University School
Bul. Zorana Dindica 48
18000 Nis
Phone: +381 18 238 706
Email: bosajj@yahoo.com
Dr. Nebojsa J. Jovic
Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Youth
Dr Subotica 6a Street
11 000 Belgrade Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2658 355
Fax: +381 11 64 50 64
Email: njjovic@eunet.yu
Dr. David Neubauer
Department of Child, Adolescent & Developmental Neurology
University Childrens’ Hospital
Vrazov trg 1
1525 Ljubljana
Phone: +386.1.5229.273
Fax: +386.1.5229.357
Email: david.neubauer@mf.uni-lj.si
Dr. J. Campistol
Cap Servei de Neurologia
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2
08950-Esplugues (Barcelona).
Phone: 93 2532153
Fax: 93 2033959
Email: campistol@hsjdbcn.org
Dr. Antonio Gil-Nagel
Servicio de Neurología
Programa de Epilepsia
Hospital Ruber Internacional
La Masó 38, Mirasierra
28034 Madrid
Phone: 0034-913875250
Fax: 0034-913875333
Email: agnagel@ya.com
Dr. Per Amark and Dr. Maria Dahlin
Astrid Lindgrens Childrens Hospital
Karolinska Hospital
S-171 76 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 5177 7026
Fax: +46 8 5177 7608
Email: per.amark@ks.se
Dr. Tove Hallbook
University Hospital
Se-221 85 Lund
Phone: 46-46-17-1000
Fax: 46-46-14-5459
Email: tove.hallbook@telia.com
Dr. Isa Lundstrom
Department of Pediatrics
Nordland University Hospital
SE-901 85 Umeå
Email: isa.lundstrom@bredband.net
Ostschweizer Kinderspital
Claudiusstrasse 6
CH-9006 St. Gallen
Phone: +41 (0) 71 243 -7 -363 bzw. -111
Email: oswald.hasselmann@gdkispi.sg.ch
Dr. Gabriela Wohlrab
University Children’s Hospital,
Neurophysiological Department, Steinwiesstrasse 24,
CH-8032 Zürich
Phone: 0041 1 266 77 01
Email: Gabriele.Wohlrab@kispi.unizh.ch
Dr. Meral Topcu
Prof. of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurologist
Hacettepe Children’s Hospital
Dept. of Child Neurology
06100 Ankara
Phone: 90-312-3051165
Fax: 90-312-4266764
Email: mtopcu@hacettepe.edu.tr
Dr. Helen Cross
Reader and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Neurology
Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street
Hospital for Children NHS Trust
The Wolfson Centre
Mecklenburgh Square
London WC1N 2AP
Phone: 44-207-813-8488
Fax: 44-207-829-8627
Email: h.cross@ich.ucl.ac.uk
Dr. Colin Ferrie
Department of Paediatric Neurology
Clarendon Wing
Leeds General Infirmary
Leeds LS2 9NS
Phone: 0113 392 2188
Fax: 0113 392 5731
Email: Collin.Ferrie@leedsth.nhs.uk
Dr. Frances Gibbon
Department of Child Health
University Hospital of Wales
Phone: 44 29 2074 3542
Email: Frances.Gibbon@cardif fandvale.wales.nhs.uk
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
University Hospitals of Leicester
CDC/Windsor LRI
Leicester LE1 5WW
Phone: 011441162585564
Fax: 011442587637
Email: Jay2world@aol.com
Dr. Sunny George Philip
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
Birmingham Childrens Hospital
B4 6NH
Phone: 011441213338149
Fax: 011441213338151
Email: SUNNY.PHILIP@bch.nhs.uk
Dr. Timothy Martland
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
The David Lewis Centre
Mill House, Warford
Near Alderley Edge
Cheshire SK9 7UD UK
Phone: +44 161 727 2346
Email: Timothy.Martland@CMMC.nhs.uk
Dr Ruth E Williams
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
Evelina Childrens Hospital
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Lambeth Palace Road
London SE1 7EH
Phone: +44-207 188 3998
Fax: +44-207 188 0851
Email: Ruth.Williams@gstt.nhs.uk
Dr. Ruby Schwartz
Central Middlesex Hospital
Acton Lane
London NW10 7NS
Phone: 020 8453 2121
Fax: 020 8453 2096
Email: Ruby.Schwartz@nwlh.nhs.uk
Dr. Neil H. Thomas
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
Southampton General Hospital
Mailpoint 021
Tremona Road
Southampton SO16 6YD
Phone: +44 23 8079 4457
Fax: +44 23 8079 4962
Email: neil.thomas@suht.swest.nhs.uk
Hameeda Hamad Al-Shammari RD
Kuwait Hospital for Children
Email: h.dietitian98@hotmail.com
Dr. Mohammad Ghofrani
Professor of Paediatric Neurology
Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services:
Mofid Hospital
Shariati St.
Phone: 98 21 22200041
Dr. Bruria Ben’Zeev
Safra Children’s Hospital
Sheba Medical Center
Ramat Gan
Israel 52621
Phone: 97235302577
Email: benzeev4@netvision.net.il
Dr. Eli Heyman
Asaf Harofe Medical Center,
Tel Aviv University
Zerifin 70300
Email: eheyman@post.tau.ac.il
Dr. Tally Lerman-Sagie
Director of Pediatric Neurology Unit
Wolfson Medical Center
Phone: 97235028458
Fax: 97235028141
Email: asagie@post.tau.ac.il
Dr. Generoso G. Gascon
Dept. of Neuroscience, MBC J-76
King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center
P.O. Box 40047 Jeddah 21499
Saudi Arabia
Phone: +(966-2) 667-7777, Ext. 5813
Fax: +(966-2) 667-7777, Ext. 5819
Email: generoso_gascon@hotmail.com
Mouaz Al-Sbei, MD
Head of Neurology Section
International Medical Center
P.O. Box 2172 Jeddah 21451
Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 2 650 9000 ext: 4712
Fax: +966 2 650 9001
Email: msbei@imc.med.sa
Dr. Adel A. H. Mahmoud
Consultant Pediatric Neurologist
Pediatric Neurology Department, Neuroscience Center
King Fahad Medical City
Saudi Arabia
POB 365814, Post Code 11393
Email: amahmoud@kfmc.med.sa
Dr. Mohammed Al-Malik and Ms. Unita Botes (dietitian)
Johns Hopkins—Tawam Hospital
PO Box 15258
Al Ain
United Arab Emirates
Phone: 971-3-767-7444
Email: mmalik@tawam-hosp.gov.ae
Dr. Tuschka du Toit
Registered Dietician
PO Box 4404
South Africa 0174
Phone and Fax: +27 12 345 1392
Email: tuschka@absamail.co.za
Dr. Simon Strachan
Bedford gardens Hospital
Paediatric Centre
Bradford Road
Bedford gardens
South Africa
Phone: (011) 493 2613/(011) 622 2771
Email: sstracha@mweb.co.za
Email: megawlk@absamail.co.za
Dr. Jo M Wilmshurst
Head of Paed Neurology
5th Floor ICH
Department of Paediatrics
Red Cross Children’s Hospital
Cape Town 7700
South Africa
Fax: 027 21 689 2187
Email: wilmshur@ich.uct.ac.za
Liao Jian Xiang, MD, PhD
Shenzhen Children’s Hospital
China Medical University
7019 Yi Tian Road
Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
P R China 518026
Email: epilepsycenter@medmail.com.cn
Lai-Wah Eva Fung MRCP
Department of Pediatrics
30-32 Ngan Shing Street
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Phone: 852-2632-2981
Fax: 852-2636-0020
Email: eva_fung@cuhk.edu.hk
818 Health Professionals
Suite 818, Central Building
1 Pedder Street
Hong Kong
Phone: 852-2526-6332
Email: winsyleung@children818.com
Dr. Chak Wai Kwong
Tuen Mun Hospital
Tsing Chung Koon Road
Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong
Phone: 852-2468-5111
Fax: 852-2456-9111
Email: chakwk@gmail.com
Dr. Ada Yung
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescence Medicine
University of Hong Kong
Queen Mary Hospital
Hong Kong SAR
Phone: (852)-2855-4485
Fax: (852)-2855-1523
Email: vcnwong@hkucc.hku.hk
Email: ayung@hkucc.hku.hk
Deng Yu Hong
Guangzhou Medical College
Chang-Gang-Dong Road 250
Guangzhou, Guangdong
PR China 510260
Dr. Janak Nathan
Shushrusha Hospital
Ranade Road, Dadar W
Mumbai 400028
Phone: 091-22-24446615
Email: jsvpnat@hotmail.com
Dr. Anaita Hegde
106 Doctor House
Opp. Jaslok Hospital
Peddar Road
Wadia Children’s Hospital
Mumbai 400 026
Phone: +91 22 23517883
Fax: +91 22 23512922
Email: anaitahegde@hotmail.com
Ritu Sudhakar
Chief Dietitian
Dayanand Medical College & Hospital
Tagore Nagar, Ludhiana 141001
Email: sudhakar_ritu@rediffmail.com
Dr. Suvasini Sharma
Child Neurology Division
Department of Pediatrics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi 110029
Phone: +91-11-26593209
Fax: +91-11-26588641
Email: suvasinisharma@rediffmail.com
Email: sheffaligulati@gmail.com
Dr. Elisabeth Herini
Gadjah Mada University
Dr. Sardjito Hospital
J1. Kesehatan 1 Yogyakarta 55284
Phone: 62-274-561616
Fax: 62-274-583745
Email: herini_es@yahoo.com
Dr. Yukio Fukuyama
Child Neurology Institute
6-12-17-201 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku
Tokyo 140-0004
Phone: 81-3-5781-7680
Fax: 81-3-3740-0874
Email: yfukuyam@sc4.so-net.ne.jp
Dr. Katsumi Imai
National Epilepsy Center, Japan
886 Urushiyama, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City
Shizuoka, 420-8688
Phone: +81-54-245-5446
Fax +81-54-246-9781
Email: imaik@szec.hosp.go.jp
Dr. Tomohiro Kumada
Shiga Medical Center for Children
5-7-30 Moriyama
Moriyama City, Shiga, 524-0022
Phone: +81-77-582-6200
Dr. Hirokazu Oguni
Dept of Pediatrics
Tokyo Women’s Medical University
8-1 Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 162-8666
Phone: +81 3 3353 8111
Fax: +81 3 5269 7338
Email: hoguni@ped.twmu.ac.jp
Dr. Benilda Sanchez
Head of the Epilepsy Monitoring Program of St. Luke’s
Phone: (632)723-0301 ext.5452
Fax: (632)727-5452
Email: beni779@hotmail.com
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
100 Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 229899
Phone: 065-6293-4044
Fax: 065-6394-1973
Email: Derrick.Chan.WS@kkh.com.sg
Dr. Hian-Tat Ong
Consultant, Paediatric Neurology and
Developmental Paediatrics
Children’s Medical Institute
National University Hospital
Phone: 065-67724391
Fax: 065-67797486
Email: OngHT@nuh.com.sg
Dr. Yong Seung Hwang
Professor, Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology
Seoul National University Children’s Hospital
28 Yon Gun Dong, Jong Ro Gu
Seoul, 110-744
South Korea
Phone: 82-2-760-3629
Fax: 82-2-743-3455
Email: childnr@plaza.snu.ac.kr
Dr. Heung Dong Kim
Associate Professor
Dept. of Pediatrics, Director in Child Neurology
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Severance Hospital
134, Shinchondong, Seodaemun-gu,
Seoul, 120-752
South Korea
Phone: 82-2-361-5511
Fax: 82-2-393-9118
Email: hdkimmd@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
Dr. Huei-Shyong Wang
Division of Pediatric Neurology
Chang Gung Children’s Hospital
Chang Gung University Taiwan
Phone: 886 (0)968 110264
Fax: 886 3 3277295
Email: wanghs444@cgmh.org.tw
Dr. Pipop Jirapinyo
Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Nutritionist
Nutrition Unit
Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Mahidol University
2 Prannok Road
Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700
Phone: (662) 411-2535
Email: sipjr@mahidol.ac.th
Director, Clinical Neurophysiology Lab
Pediatric Neurology, CHB-314
The Children’s Hospital of Alabama
1600 7th Ave S.
Birmingham, AL 35233-1711
(information regarding Thailand experience)
Phone: 205-996-7850
Fax: 205-996-7867
Email: PKankirawatana@peds.uab.edu
Dr. Deepak Gill
Paediatric Neurologist
Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Cnr Hawkesbury Rd & Hainsworth St
Sydney NSW 2145
Phone: 02 9845 2694
Fax: 02 9845 3905
Email: DeepakG@chw.edu.au
Dr. John Lawson
Child Neurologist
Sydney Children’s Hospital
Phone: 61 2 93821658
Fax: 61 2 93821580
Email: Lawson@sesahs.nsw.gov.au
Dr. Sophie Calvert
Staff Specialist in Paediatric Neurology
Neurosciences Department
Royal Children’s Hospital
Phone: 07 3636 7487
Fax: 07 3636 5104
Email: Sophie_Calvert@health.qld.gov.au
Dr. Mark T. Mackay
Consultant Neurologist
Judy Nation (dietitian)
Department of Neurology
Royal Children’s Hospital
Flemington Road, Parkville
Victoria 3052
Phone: +613-9345-5641
Fax: +613-9345-5977
Email: mark.mackay@rch.org.au
Email: judy.nation@rch.org.au
Dr. Lakshmi Nagarajan
Princess Margaret Hospital for Children
GPO Box D184
Perth WA 6840
Phone: (08) 9340 8364
Fax: (08) 9340 7063
Email: Lakshmi.Nagarajan@health.wa.gov.au
Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics
Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Otago
PO Box 7343 Wellington South
New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 3855 999
Fax: +64 4 3855 898
Email: paedtvs@wnmeds.ac.nz