HARMONIA STOOD LISTENING to the waves of the Kisaka pool. She had just returned from a visitation with Essnem in the Nysasia. It was a wonderful time in the other realm for Harmonia as she became more confident in her powers. Essnem even commented that she had surpassed the powers she had when she was Und-vor. Yet, the visit was not all social. Essnem had summoned Harmonia to the spirit realm because she felt something was coming. She could not pin point what it was, but something was going to happen that would start a chain of events that would likely start a major conflict.
Harmonia paced back and forth trying to get a vision, but her mind was still cloudy from the trip through the pool. Just as she was about to go up to her study she heard a bubbling noise. It was as if someone was coming up through the pool from another dimension. She thought that it might be a rogue spirit trying to enter the land of the living. She readied herself for battle.
A few seconds later Isri popped out of the pool gasping for air. In her hands she held Shultash. She drug herself up to the edge of the pool where she was greeted by a spear being pointed at her face. Harmonia stood over her with a question in her eyes. All Isri could do was gasp for air and mutter the word help before she collapsed.
Quite sure that the girl in the water was a girl and not a spirit, Harmonia summoned help for Isri and took her upstairs to a temple room where she waited patiently for the strange and wet girl to awaken.
Isri opened her eyes and glanced at Harmonia while looking around. “Oh, no. I have failed. I’ve managed to die and pass on. Now what?”
“Beg your pardon young lady, but you have not passed on. You merely are sick from traveling in the Kisaka pool. May I ask why you have shown up here and how you managed to travel through the pool?” Harmonia asked Isri.
Half delusional and half distressed Isri laughed and said, “I am here to try to find the N’Loron at the temple Arocia.” Then she passed out.