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Type of study | Assignation of Exposition | No. of Observations (Measurements) by Individual | Selection Criteria of Population under Study | Temporality of Analysis | Unit of Analysis |
Experimental | Controlled (random) | Two or more | None | Prospective | Individual or group |
Pseudo-experimental | For/by convenience | Two or more | None | Prospective | Individual or group |
Cohort | Out of the control of researcher | Two or more | Exposition | Prospective or retrospective | Individual |
Cases and controls | Out of the control of researcher | One or more | Effect | Prospective or retrospective | Individual |
Crossover | Out of the control of researcher | One | None | Retrospective | Individual |
Ecological | Out of the control of researcher | Two or more | None | Retrospective | Group or population |
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FIGURE 3.1 |
OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk. | |
Option | Characteristics |
Utilization of incident cases with long exposure periods or prolonged latency periods | OR tends to be similar to RR when cases under study are incident and preceded by a long-term exposure. |
Use of prevalent cases with prolonged exposure period | OR is similar to RR if disease does not affect the status of exposure and there is a long-standing exposure period. Prevalent cases could be included, especially when new cases are not available (low prevalent conditions), lethality of disease is low, and exposure does not modify the clinical outcome of the disease (survival). |
Utilization of incident cases and very short exposure periods | OR is similar to RR when the risk period is short and incident cases are used. |
Utilization of prevalent cases | OR comes closer to RR when prevalence of cases is low only if outcome is not related with survival before selection, condition, or exposure and if disease does not affect the exposure status. |
Utilization of death cases | Inclusion of death cases is only justified in exposures that could be quantified through the use of high-quality secondary sources of data, such as medical records and occupational information sources. |
Type of Controls | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Population controls | Same study base: Ensures that the controls are drawn from the same source population as the case series. Exclusions. Definition of the base can encompass the exclusions. Extrapolation to base population: Distribution of exposures in the controls can be readily extrapolated to the base for purposes such as calculations of absolute or attributable risk. | Inappropriate when there is incomplete case ascertainment or when even approximate random sampling of the study base is impossible because of nonresponse or inadequacies of the sampling frame. Inconvenience: Definition of the base can encompass the exclusions. Recall bias: Responses by a previously hospitalized case may reflect modifications in exposure due to the disease, such as drinking less coffee or alcohol after an ulcer, or due to changes in perception of past habits after becoming ill. Less motivation to cooperate. |
Random digit dialing | In some circumstances, could come close to sampling randomly from the source population. | Probability of contacting each eligible control will not necessarily be the same because households vary in the number of people who reside in them and the amount of time someone is at home. Contact with a household may require many calls at various times of day and various days of the week. Challenging to distinguish business from residential telephone numbers. |
Neighborhood controls | Convenient substitute for population-based sampling of controls. Control of environmental or socioeconomic confounding factors. | If a person is injured in a neighborhood, controls who have knowledge of the injury may give misleading information because of denial of personal vulnerability or other psychological factors. Overmatching. Could introduce selection bias because it cannot be assumed that controls represent the base population from which cases were extracted. |
School rosters | Especially useful when population under study is of school age. | Selection bias in contexts of high rates of school desertion. |
Hospital or disease registry controls | Comparable quality of information. Convenience. Factors such as socioeconomic characteristics, race, and religion can be controlled. Normally, they tend to be willing to participate and to provide complete and exact information. | Different catchments: Catchments for different diseases within the same hospital may be different. Berkson’s bias: Caused by selection of subjects into a study differentially on factors related to exposure. Disease of controls could be related to exposure (risk factors). |
Other diseases obtained from a population registry | Comparable quality of information. Willing to participate and to provide complete and exact information. | Berkson’s bias: Caused by selection of subjects into a study differentially on factors related to exposure. Disease of controls could be related to exposure (risk factors). |
Controls from a medical practice | Useful strategy when it is otherwise difficult to find controls who are comparable to cases on access to medical care or referral to specialized clinics. | The study base principle can be jeopardized with medical practice controls because the exposure distribution for controls may not be the same as that in the study base. |
Friend controls | More convenient and inexpensive source of controls. Controls can be selected from a list of friends or associates obtained from the case at little extra effort while the case is being interviewed. Friends may be likely to use the medical system in similar ways. Moreover, biases due to social class are reduced because usually the case and friend control will be of a similar socioeconomic background. Despite serious shortcomings, friend controls may be useful in some exceptional circumstances, such as in a study of exposures unrelated to friendship characteristics, as is likely in a study of a genetically determined metabolic disorder. | The credibility of representativeness of exposure is low for factors related to sociability, such as gregariousness or, possibly, smoking, diet, or alcohol consumption, because sociable people are more likely to be selected as controls than are loners. “Friendly control” bias: Sociable people are more likely to be selected as controls than are loners. Loners, although not on anyone’s list, can become a case. A less serious problem is that the use of friend controls can lead to overmatching because friends tend to be similar with regard to lifestyle and occupational exposures of interest. Some cases may not be willing to provide names of friends, increasing nonresponse. |
Relative controls | Useful when genetic factors confound the effect of exposure, blood relatives of the case have been used as a source of controls in an attempt to match on genetic background. Spouses might be a suitable control group if matching on adult environmental risk factors is sought. | Cases and controls may be overmatched on a variety of genetic and environmental factors that are not risk factors but are related to the exposure under study. |
The case series as the source of controls | Only patients need to be studied, and recurrences can be handled easily. | For studies of chronic diseases in which the main focus is on more stable time-dependent covariates, the use of a study series of cases only, as might be found in a disease registry, requires a complete and accurate exposure history and the strong assumption that the exposure of interest is unrelated to overall mortality. This study design may also have lower power than more conventional studies. |
Proxy respondents and deceased controls | Useful when subjects are deceased or too sick to answer questions or for persons with perceptual or cognitive disorders. Provide accurate responses for broad categories of exposure information, and sometimes even better information than the index subjects. | Because proxy respondents will tend to be used more often for cases than for healthy controls, violation of the comparable accuracy principle is likely. More detailed information is usually less reliable. Could violate the comparable accuracy principle. |
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FIGURE 3.2 |
Subtype | Characteristics |
Case–cohort studies | Studies in which the source population is a cohort and every person in the cohort has an equal chance of being included in the study as a control, regardless of how much time that individual has contributed to the person-time experience of the cohort. This is a logical way to conduct a case–control study when the effect measure of interest is the ratio of incidence proportions rather than a rate ratio. Paralleling the earlier development, the average risk (or proportion) of falling ill during a specified risk period may be written. An advantage of the case–cohort design is that it allows one to conduct a set of case–controls studies from a single cohort, all of which use the same control group. Just as one can measure the incidence rate of a variety of diseases within a single cohort, one can conduct a set of simultaneous case–cohort studies using a single control group. |
Nested case–control studies | Studies that use a risk groups sampling approach to identify cases of a disease that occur in a defined cohort and, for each, a specified number of matched controls is selected from among those in the cohort who have not developed the disease by the time of disease occurrence in the case. Sampling could be assumed as nested inside a dynamic cohort, where study subjects remain in the cohort for variable time and where exposure could take different values over time. |
Cumulative (“epidemic”) case–control studies | Studies that are aimed at addressing a risk that ends before subject selection begins (i.e., some epidemic diseases). In such a situation, an investigator might select controls from that portion of the population that remains after eliminating the accumulated cases; that is, one selects controls from among noncases (those who remain free of disease at the end of the epidemic). |
Case-only studies | Studies in which cases are the only subjects used to estimate or test hypotheses about effects. For example, it is sometimes possible to employ theoretical considerations to construct a prior distribution of exposure in the source population and to use this distribution in place of an observed control series. Such situations naturally arise in genetic studies, in which basic laws of inheritance may be combined with certain assumptions to derive a population- or parental-specific distribution of genotypes. It is also possible to study certain aspects of joint effects (interactions) of genetic and environmental factors without using control subjects. |
Case–crossover studies | Studies that use one or more (predisease) time periods as matched “control periods” for the case. The exposure status of the case at the time of the disease onset is compared with the distribution of exposure status for the same individual in the earlier periods. Such a comparison depends on the assumption that neither exposure nor confounders are changing over time in a systematic way. Only a limited set of research topics are amenable to the case–crossover design. The exposure must vary over time within individuals rather than stay constant. Like the crossover study, the exposure must also have a short induction time and a transient effect; otherwise, exposures in the distant past could be the cause of a recent disease onset (the “carryover” effect). |
Two-stage sampling | Studies in which the control series comprises a relatively large number of individuals (possible everyone in the source population), from whom exposure information or perhaps some limited amount of information on other relevant variables is obtained. Then, for a subsample of the controls (or cases), more detailed information is obtained on some variables. It is useful when it is relatively inexpensive to obtain the exposure information but the covariate information is more expensive to obtain; when exposure information has already been collected on the entire population, but covariate information is needed; and in cohort studies when more information is required than was gathered at baseline. |
Proportional mortality studies | Studies in which cases are deaths occurring within the source population. Controls are not selected directly from the source population. This control series is acceptable if the exposure distribution within this group is similar to that of the source population. Consequently, the control series should be restricted to categories of death that are not related to the exposure. |
Selection bias |
Nonresponse |
Information bias |
Measurement error |
Bias by the interviewer (observer bias) |
Interviewee bias |
Memory bias (recall bias) |
Exposure bias |
Confusion bias |
Advantage | Disadvantage |
For diseases that are sufficiently rare, case–control studies are an efficient and useful alternative (Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001 and Rothman and Greenland, 1998). This is also the case for diseases with prolonged latency periods (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a, Hernández-Ávila and López-Moreno, 2007 and Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001). | For exposures that are extremely rare, case–control studies are not efficient (Rothman & Greenland, 1998) unless exposition is responsible for a large proportion of cases (high population attributable fraction) (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a). |
Relatively easy to perform (Rothman & Greenland, 1998). | Sometimes it is difficult to define the base population from which cases are drawn (Hernández-Ávila & López-Moreno, 2007). |
Not extremely expensive nor time-consuming, especially compared to cohort studies (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a, Hernández-Ávila and López-Moreno, 2007 and Rothman and Greenland, 1998). | Given that exposure is measured, quantified, or reconstructed retrospectively in most of the cases, information bias is common (Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001). This is sometimes due to problems in precise measurement of exposition levels (exposure bias) (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a and Hernández-Ávila and López-Moreno, 2007). |
Require fewer subjects under study than other epidemiological study designs. For example, prospective cohort studies would require the inclusion of a larger number of individuals and a longer follow-up period to ensure the inclusion of a sufficient number of cases (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a). | Selection bias is common (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a, Hernández-Ávila and López-Moreno, 2007 and Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001). There are a variety of reasons for this, including the following: • Difficulty of finding an adequate control group • If exposure of interest determines selection of cases and controls in a different manner (diagnostic bias) |
Several expositions or risk factors of the disease or health condition under study can be analyzed at the same time (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a, Hernández-Ávila and López-Moreno, 2007 and Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001). | It is not possible to directly estimate incidence or prevalence for both exposed and nonexposed (Hernández-Ávila & López-Moreno, 2007). |
Allows the estimation of true relative risk if and when representativeness, simultaneity, and homogeneity assumptions are met (Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001). | Temporality between exposure and disease could be difficult to establish (reverse causality) (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a and Hernández-Ávila and López-Moreno, 2007). |
Lack of representativeness (except when the study is population based) (dos Santos-Silva, 1999a). | |
Not useful when disease under study is measured continuously (Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001). | |
If condition of interest is highly prevalent (more than 5%), the odds ratio is not a confident estimation of risk ratio (Lazcano-Ponce et al., 2001). |