
p. 3, Karbala: A city in Iraq, one of the Muslim holy cities to which pilgrimages are made.

p. 11, Darolfonoun: The name of a school in Tehran

p. 17, Pass Qale: A village north of Tehran

p. 18, Aide Qorban: A day of sacrifice in the Muslim religion.

p. 23, I divorced my wife three times: According to Islamic law a divorce comes into effect when the husband tells the wife, “I divorce you”. At this point the couple can remarry if they wish. However, if the husband tells the wife “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you”, then they cannot remarry unless the wife marries someone else first and is divorced from him. This person is called a legalizer.

p. 26, the Shah Abdolazim cemetery: A cemetery in southern Tehran containing the tomb of Shah Abdolazim, a holy figure.

p. 29, Pah Chenar: A village outside of Tehran

p. 30, thirteenth day of Mehr 1311: The date given refers to the Muslim solar calendar. 1311 A.H. corresponds to 1932 ad.

p. 31, Bandargaz: An Iranian port on the Caspian Sea.

p. 37, Flandon: Hedayat says “E. Flandon and P. Coste were two well-known Iranologists, who ninety years ago did important research about ancient Iran. This section has been taken from Flandon’s notes.” They published Voyage on Perse in 1851.

p. 41, Muharri and Safar: Months of mourning for the deaths of holy figures in the Shi’a branch of the Muslim religion

p. 41, the passion plays: Plays re-enacting the martyrdoms of Muslim religious figures.

p. 69, Imam: A title given to certain religious leaders in the Muslim religion.

p. 76, Mowlavi: Persian poet and philosopher of the thirteenth century.

p. 76, Sar Cheshme: A square in Tehran.

p. 78, dervish: A wandering preacher or holy man.

p. 79, hadith: The body of transmitted actions and sayings of the Prophet Mohammad and his companions.

p. 81, Masnvai: A famous book of poetry by Mowlavi