Careful scrutiny of a number of paintings by Hieronymus Bosch offers strong circumstantial evidence that he may have belonged to a proto-Masonic lodge. In The Marriage at Cana, on display at the Boymans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam, can be found several esoteric allusions, some Kabbalistic in origin, others eerily reminiscent of Masonic symbolism and ritual. Two events seem to be taking place independently. In the background, behind two pillars -- Boaz and Jachin -- is an altar composed of twelve superimposed cubes. A magician, perhaps a master of ceremony, points to the second cube from the top tier. In the foreground, twelve guests are seated at an L-shaped table. Standing, his back turned, a child hails the group. His left hand is extended upward, the space between thumb and forefinger forming a ninety-degree angle, his right clasping a chalice. A knotted sash encircles his left shoulder.
At first glance, the scene is reminiscent of Christian liturgy -- bread, jugs, a statuette of St. Christopher hunched under the weight of the world, the pelican, symbolic of Jesus -- all conspicuously poised on the altar. A plausible interpretation, one supported by a number of scholars, including Montvert, suggests that the banquet celebrates the marriage of the Jew Jacob of Almaengien, then-Master of the Brotherhood of Free Thought. Almaengien, who had sponsored Bosch in the execution of his most hermetic works, is also known to have been an active member of the Brotherhood of Notre Dame, to which Bosch also belonged. It is reasonable to assume that Bosch may in turn have had some contact with the Brotherhood of Free Thought.
A troubling and as yet unsolved enigma centers on the swan which, along with the boar’s head, is being served to the guests. It is known that 14th century mystics considered the swan a symbol of debauchery. An old Flemish proverb -- white outside, black inside -- alludes to hypocrisy, an inference further supported by the presence on the swan’s flank of a crescent moon, then the emblem of heresy (and, to some, a symbol of homosexuality). Yet, the dark meat of the swan was a prized delicacy at the time and a staple dish at the Brotherhood of Notre Dame’s frequent feasts, including the one organized to celebrate Bosch’s own initiation.
Another intriguing detail involves the numerical placement of various objects on the three tiers above the altar: seven on the lowest, five on the middle one and three on the topmost. Three, five and seven are the numbers of steps on a winding stairway that an Apprentice must climb to have revealed to him the secrets and obligations associated with the second degree of Masonry, or Fellowcraft.
The most conjectural clue of all is a mannerism common to all the banquet participants, guests and servers alike. Their open hands, curiously in full view, form a near-perfect right angle -- a square, one of the tools used by operative masons and, symbolically, by speculative Masons, in their labors.
The eternal conflict between good and evil, vice and virtue, damnation and redemption is rarely as forcefully allegorized as in The Temptation of St. Anthony, on exhibit at the Museu Nacional de Arte Antigua in Lisbon. The triptych reeks with malevolence: here a flight of winged monsters, demons, reptiles and witches, there the ordeal of fire, the whole forming a kind of merry-go-round of horrors calculated to bewilder and torment St. Anthony in his quest, after untold trials and self-denials, for spiritual peace.
The left panel, the most relevant in Masonic terms, focuses on a small wooden bridge extending across a frozen pond upon which an exhausted St. Anthony, supported by two Brothers, continues his penitential sojourn. A third helper, a “friend” or guide, long identified as one of several “à la Hitchcock” Bosch auto-portraits, offers, along with his bare left knee, yet another hint of the painter’s initiation into the secret rites. Most striking is the crushing fatigue endured by the group. Despite the assistance given him, St. Anthony seems to have given up. He is overcome with a stifling loneliness, another stage in his perilous journey, made all the more unbearable in that grandest of all voyages -- life -- by despair and faithlessness. Only his guide’s eyes are open. Perhaps only he sees the way while a demon-bird, an escutcheon representing a geometer’s square embroidered on his tunic, taunts a corpulent priest who gets rich dispensing indulgences to incorrigible sinners.
What is Freemasonry? The question is best answered by affirming what it is not. It is not a secret society, a religion, a satanic conclave devoted to the anti-Christ. This, the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organization, the most misunderstood, reviled and feared union of men (and women) who seek enlightenment and dedicate their lives to its dissemination, has no designs or influence on world banking. It is not laboring to bring about a New World Order in which -- depending on one’s leanings or baseless “evidence” -- mankind is either consigned to slavery in the service of capitalism or delivered into the clutches of communism. Freemasonry advocates no sectarian faith or practice. It seeks no converts. It does not solicit members. It raises no money for faith-based institutions, at least not in Europe. It has no dogma or theology. In many lodges it is forbidden to discuss religious (or political) issues. It offers no sacrament and does not claim to bring about spiritual salvation. Despite demented allegations by individuals who have never seen the inside of a lodge, Freemasons do not embrace a new religion, much less an anti-Christian one, any more than they would by joining a political party or a community service organization. There is nothing in Freemasonry that opposes religion except when it meddles in politics. It accepts men and women of all faiths who believe in freedom of conscience, subscribe to democratic values and universal human rights, and embrace the principles of Free-masonry. Candidates must be free of prejudice and dogma, and willing to commit to a lifelong quest for the truth through study, introspection and altruism. Candidates to Freemasonry are not subject to religious rites of passage. They are sometimes asked if they believe in a “supreme being,” but their concept of “deity” need not coincide with the Judeo-Christian model. Freemasonry respects all faiths but it does not engage in theology.
The rudiments of Freemasonry began to meld into a coherent but as yet unstructured concept sometime in the 15th century. It slowly acquired its modern character in the mid-1500s or early 1600s. This was a period of great political turmoil and religious intolerance. Freethinkers, among them agnostics and atheists, and men who wanted to endow God with less paranormal features, were unable to meet and exchange ideas without arousing suspicion, sparking arguments and risking persecution. Masonic lodges soon became temples of rational discourse, inquiry and erudition where men from all walks of life joined to explore new ideas. While the fraternity has maintained its original character and objectives in Western Europe, with Grand Orient Freemasonry being the most secular, free-thinking and radical, it underwent a gradual and significant trans-formation in the U.S. Grand lodges and their constituents steadfastly refused to get involved, to speak out against injustice, corruption and political chicanery. The fraternity turned inwardly, becoming an insular, closed circuit and self-serving institution. It dramatically lowered or abolished heretofore high standards for admission -- among them free thought, tolerance and intellectual refinement. It turned populist, veered sharply toward the political right, made a belief in deity mandatory. It draped itself in the flag instead of embracing a holistic worldview. It became a haven for mediocre men seduced by titles, regalia, medals, certificates, citations, ribbons, plaques and other accolades very rarely bestowed outside of the U.S. except to reward extraordinary service to society.
If there is a link between the waning eminence of American Freemasonry and a decline in membership, it is perhaps because, after having been initiated, new Brothers in America are left suspended in a vacuum. They've paid their dues. They've become small cogs in a large machine busy keeping its own wheels turning, a sort of Rube Goldberg perpetual motion contraption out of sync with its own driving force and, in the long run, utterly without purpose other than self-perpetuation. The intellectual nourishment, spiritual stimulation, social and philosophical dimensions so vital to Freemasonry, are nowhere to be found. American Freemasons are content to bask in the brilliance of a star-studded Masonic constellation: George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Paul Revere, Lafayette, Mozart, Bolivar, Garibaldi, Jonathan Swift, Goethe, the Roosevelts, Truman, etc…. They look up to these men as though their wisdom, creative genius and courage are transferable through some generational osmosis. They are not. If a child should not bear the burden of his ancestors' misdeeds, nor should he revel in his father's fame. He must seek his own paths of glory. The above-named Brothers were men of action, builders, shakers, movers, gadflies, thinkers and creative geniuses long before they knocked at the outer door of a lodge. It is they who enriched Freemasonry -- not the other way around. They all believed in a better tomorrow, a more just, progressive and nobler human society. All were inspired by other thinkers and revolutionaries. American Freemasons believe the revolution is over. It’s not. So long as there is injustice and suffering, ignorance and intolerance the spiritual revolution must go on. It is this and more that Michel Montvert must have tried to convey during his visit to Cosmopolitan Lodge in New York, and for which he was so harshly censured.
By decree, and following unanimous approval by its constituent lodges, the Grand Lodge of Honduras invites Dr. Manuel Albeniz to Tegucigalpa to confer him with honorary membership for his
“dedication to the promotion of the arts, for his unwavering labors on behalf of Freemasonry and for his unstinting espousal and defense of Truth and Reason.”
The conferral is held at the Francisco Morazán Lodge, named after the martyred Central American statesman and Freemason. A public reception in his honor is later held at the Maya Hotel in the capital’s upscale Colonia Palmira.
In an interview with Diario Tiempo, Albeniz hails the tardy “national reconciliation” that appears to have healed a country long exploited by U.S. economic colonialism and further traumatized by U.S-engineered coups and “dirty wars.” He knows that reconciliation is a euphemism, a pact rammed down the people’s throat that has eviscerated an entire society. He knows that the U.S.-trained military thugs who committed atrocities in the name of “national security” were decorated, par-doned and their victims forgotten. He knows that mass graves were covered with fresh topsoil and generals and colonels were absolved and are now living in serene retirement, some of them in the U.S. He knows that this mock reconciliation whitewashed torture, mass murders and disappearances, that it exonerated the criminals and coerced the victims’ families to “forgive and forget” while denying them any compensation.
Albeniz is less ambassadorial in an off-the record comment on the Honduran Church’s coziness with that nation’s military establishment, a tryst he characterizes as contrary to Christian ethics. Careful not to name names, Albeniz also criticizes high-ranking prelates who, “owing indifference, personal inclination or stratagem,” shield known pedophile priests from imminent prosecution and reassign them to remote parishes in the wilds of Honduras. News of the recent assassination of a Maya tribal counselor, the fiftieth in less than ten years, inspires an icy denunciation by Albeniz of the “state-sponsored cleansing” of ethnic minorities by ranchers and land speculators.
A day later, Albeniz is found dead, face down in a remote corner of the vast municipal garbage dump outside Tegucigalpa, felled execution-style by a bullet to the back of his head. Overhead, vultures glide in wide sweeping circles, surveying life and espying death, smelling it as it wafts from the bottomless chasms and sulfurous pits where the corpses of street children are often dumped. Emboldened by some irresistible effluvia, a few make landfall. Waddling from side to side, wary and cunning, they fight for the foulest scrap of offal in their path.
A police account, endorsed by a press all too eager to bamboozle the public with fabrications rather than risk the authorities’ wrath by reporting the truth, concludes that Albeniz wandered “in an unsafe part of town where he was robbed and killed by ‘delinquents’.” Eyewitness reports that men driving a late-model SUV with dark-tinted windows dumped the lifeless body are ignored.
Spain’s envoy to Honduras calls for an investigation. Back-room diplomacy triumphs when the papal nuncio in Madrid intercedes, first with King Juan Carlos I, then with Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, urging them to discourage Honduras from pursuing the matter “in the spirit of appeasement.” Hondurans need not be coaxed to look the other way. They have a long history of sloth and indifference. A slapdash inquest by a jaded constabulary drowns in a sea of apathy, ineptitude and obscurantist bureaucracy, and the murder, one in a daily cavalcade of homicides, is quickly forgotten.
Insisting that the case be kept from going cold, the Spanish ambassador in Honduras is recalled to Madrid and hastily replaced. Rumors that men working as gofers for right-wing Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez murdered Albeniz are promptly muted when it is learned that the alleged perpetrators are in fact members of an undercover squad headed by Police Chief Ofelia Galeano, commander of Honduras’ Anti-Narcotraffick-ing Detail. Galeano is later charged with soliciting bribes from high-level drug traffickers and conspiring, with the help of a number of U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency operatives, to siphon large sums of money from fines assessed against criminals. Galeano, a devout Catholic, quietly resigns her police post and is promoted to a low-profile but high-power executive position in the Honduran National Congress.
When Padre Antonio Quetglas, vicar of Tegucigalpa’s Archdiocese, blamed the investigation of parish priest Enrique Vásquez Vargas, a self-confessed child molester, on a “worldwide Jewish conspiracy to deflect attention from Israeli atrocities against Palestinians,” was he speaking his mind or echoing the voice of his master, Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodríguez? Or were the unceasingly fanned embers of anti-Semitism being stirred yet again by the Church to deflect from another sex scandal? The cardinal, a fast-rising star in the Roman Catholic hierarchy who was scolded by the Anti-Defamation League for voicing anti-Jewish sentiments -- and summarily forgiven -- put Reverend Vásquez to work in two remote Honduran parishes. He also shielded Vásquez, who had spent time at two “clergy treatment centers” and has since become an international fugitive, from prosecution. Claiming he’d rather “go to jail than harm one of my priests,” Cardinal Rodríguez steadfastly kept the police at bay. The 44-year-old Vásquez, who fled his native Costa Rica in 1998, served in at least two U.S. dioceses before absconding to Honduras where he was arrested in 2007.
Cardinal Rodríguez, once short-listed for the papacy, first drew fire in the U.S. in 2003 when he characterized the media covering the scandal as “protagonists of a persecution against the Church.” Speaking on condition of anonymity -- “I don’t wish to be ‘accidentally’ hit by a bus or have my Coke laced with strychnine… -- an eminent Honduran journalist offered this laconic perspective:
“Cardinal Rodriguez is ambitious and arrogant. He hobnobs with the rich and famous. He disdains the poor. His sermons are more political than pastoral and his private conversations are peppered with an-Semitic remarks.”
The rich and famous include the political elite, members of Opus Dei and high-ranking military officers, many of whom committed atrocities during the “dirty war” of the 80s. While three incorruptible archbishops were murdered, two in Guatemala, the third in El Salvador, for blowing the whistle on human rights violators, Rodríguez maintained a cozy association with caudillos and generals. He continues to coddle the plutocrats and the military and still hopes to occupy the papal throne in the not too-distant future.
Manuel Albeniz’s remains are flown to Barcelona. Officers of the Grand Lodge of Spain conduct a Masonic funeral in his honor and memory. The Museo del Prado in Madrid flies the flag at half-mast. He is cremated and his ashes are scattered over the ruins of an old Jewish cemetery. Jewish graves in Spain, some going as far back as the 12th century, are slowly being emptied and the bones reburied in unmarked plots. A more sinister form of inquisition now endeavors to erase all memory of a once thriving and influential Jewish presence in Spain. Long gone is the Iberia of the “learned” King Alfonso X of Castile (1221-1284) who surrounded himself with Jews, notably in his great scientific, cultural and commercial enterprises.
On January 21, 2009 Pope Benedict XVI, reaching out to the extreme right-wing of the Catholic Church, invalidates the excommunication of four schismatic bishops, including one whose denial of the Holocaust provokes outrage. The revocation is seen as a clear sign that Benedict’s four-year-old papacy is increasingly supporting traditionalists hostile to the sweeping reforms of the Second Vatican Council, which sought to create a more modern and open Church. Among the men reinstated is Richard Williamson, a British-born cleric who, a week earlier, had said in an interview:
“I believe that the historical evidence is hugely against six million having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler … I believe there were no gas chambers.”
Williamson was elaborating on a speech he had made 20 years earlier at Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes church in Sherbrooke, Québec:
“There was not one Jew killed in the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies. The Jews created the Holocaust so we would prostrate ourselves on our knees before them and approve of their new State of Israel … Jews made up the Holocaust, Protestants get their orders from the devil, and the Vatican has sold its soul to liberalism.”
Like Williamson, the other four reinstated men were members of the Society of St. Pius X, founded by French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970 to protest the modernizing reforms of Vatican II. Archbishop Lefebvre made the men bishops in unsanctioned consecrations in Switzerland in 1988, prompting the immediate excommunication of all five by Pope John Paul II.
In a letter sent to followers, Bishop Bernard Fellay, director of the Society of St. Pius said,
“Thanks to this gesture, Catholics attached to tradition throughout the world will no longer be unjustly stigmatized and condemned for having kept the faith of their fathers.”
Somehow, a tradition that inhibits religious freedom and promotes anti-Semitism does not seem to enhance Church unity or improve its reputation. But in recent years, Benedict has made other concessions to Lefebvre’s followers. He allowed a broader recitation of the Tridentine rite, a service that was made optional in the 1960s and which includes a prayer calling for the mass conversion of Jews.
Pope Benedict arrives in Israel on May 11, 2009. Ill at ease and diffident, the pontiff speaks like a historian, like someone observing a not-so-distant past from the secure sidelines of officialdom. It is clear that the horrors to which he alludes with professorial aloofness have little more than academic significance. He fails to mention the Nazis by name, to characterize their actions as cold-blooded murder. He glosses over his own past so he doesn’t have to explain it.
A Papal spokesman defends Benedict:
“He can’t mention everything every time he speaks.”
It is this abject spin doctoring that prompts demands for a few extra words by the Pope about the details that haunt his Papacy, about the fact that of all the people on earth it was a man with his background who was chosen to be Pope.
Hanoch Daum writes in his column.
“You were not asked to do something unprecedented or heroic. All that was required from you was a brief, authoritative and compassionate sentence. All you had to do was to express regret. That’s all we wanted to hear.”
Another editorial called the visit “a missed opportunity.”
“[His] statements condemning anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial lost their potency because of his lukewarm remarks at Yad Vashem [Holocaust Memorial]. The Pope’s visit shows that there is no real dialogue between Israel and the Vatican.”
While the Pope’s past as a member of the Hitler Youth and the German Army was widely acknowledged, it is understandably very difficult for some people to get beyond it. What revolts Michel Montvert, who lost nearly nine-tenths of his family to Hitler’s gas chambers, is that cardinals of the Catholic Church, meeting in secret conclave in the Sistine Chapel, knowing these facts and aware of the Church’s dubious history during the Second World War, chose among all the candidates in their midst to select the man who would later call himself Benedict. This was blindness or arrogance or worse. Certainly, they knew their choice would unsettle at least one group of people sharing a long and difficult history with the Church. Certainly, they might have foreseen a moment when the new Pope would stand before a Holocaust memorial and be seen both as a representative of his Church and of his past. Yet, they went ahead, as if by design, and appointed as the head of an empire with the Vatican’s discreditable history someone with a blemished history like that of former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. He could have, Montvert observed, easily addressed these issues in the state whose creation was in part a by-product of that abomination. The Vatican’s argument that he had addressed them before was unconvincing because by choosing not to do so in the one place where such a statement of acknowledgement and regret would have made the most difference, he raised questions not about a choice but about the motives behind it.
It is impossible to assess Pope Benedict XVI's ostensible love of Jews based on a homily he delivered fifteen years or so ago, or on his assertion that Catholic-Jewish relations remain his “top priority.” A preoccupation with interfaith harmony suggests the existence of an underlying conflict. For the Catholic Church, the 20th century opened with a strong conservative reaction against a modernism that infused life into the moribund institution. The chief instigator of this reaction was the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which tells Catholics what they may and may not read and defends against any form of heterodoxy.
As John Paul II lay dying, Catholics prayed for a Third World pope. But the old, diehard, Eurocentric Vatican insiders picked a German so the Church could retain its stranglehold on power instead of dealing with real-world issues like poverty, overpopulation, AIDS and priestly buggerism.
In effect, the Inquisition was reinforced under Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The doctrinaire prelate was summoned to Rome to cover and redress the perceived theological failings of John Paul II. Ratzinger was promptly appointed Prefect of the Congregation and immediately launched a conservative rear-guard assault against the progressive faction of the Church, especially in Latin America, and with the assistance of Opus Dei, the Vatican's most radical right-wing (and anti-Semitic) crusaders.
Ratzinger was quick to enunciate the theoretical basis of the Mass which, in his view, was being diluted by “Liberation Theology,” the oxygen-rich ministry that redefined and enlivened Catholicism south of the Rio Grande. Under Ratzinger's guidance, the political, anti-Socialist aspect of the Inquisition was beefed up. Two of his acolytes, Cardinals Sebastian Biaggio and Bernardin Gatin (both members of Opus Dei) led a silent campaign that resulted in the “defrocking” of scores of bishops and parish priests whose greatest sins were to teach poor children how to read and write, and encourage workers to unionize.
Short on political clout but long on memory, the poor in Latin America have not forgotten that Pope John Paul II paid a courtesy call on then-president of El Salvador, Armando Calderón Sol -- a man widely suspected of engineering the assassination of Archbishop Romero and, with Ronald Reagan’s backing, of masterminding the massacre of 900 men, women and children at El Mozote by U.S.-trained death squads. Surely the Pope must have known that in El Salvador, like elsewhere in Central America, the rich and powerful have systematically defrauded the poor and denied most of the people any voice in the affairs of their country.
The election of Benedict XVI has reopened old wounds. Though in decline in Latin America, the Church maintains a deeply symbiotic rapport with the plutocracy and keeps tapping into the reactionary power base to maintain both doctrinal monopoly and political custody over the masses. This has in large part contributed to the success of a shrill and militant form of evangelical Protestantism marketed in theater-like arenas by skillful actor-preachers who drive their congregations to fits of trancelike religious fervor dangerously reminiscent of hysteria.
Eleven days after the Pope’s visit to Israel, the incoming and retiring Archbishops of Westminster launch a joint offensive against atheists and secular society. At the installation of the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols at Westminster Cathedral, his predecessor, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor describes a lack of faith as “the greatest of evils.” Surrendering to hyperbole, he blames atheism for war and destruction, implying that it is an even greater evil than sin itself. While the hostility that atheists occasionally voice toward religion is limited to words, -- no war has ever been waged in the name of atheism -- Murphy-O’Connor speaks of the “battles that will be won and lost in the effort to sustain a Christian presence in secular society
“The things that [result from secularism] are an affront to human dignity, destruction of trust between peoples, the rule of egoism and the loss of peace. One can never have true justice, true peace, if God becomes meaningless to the people.”
Archbishop Nichols, glitteringly vested in newly minted gold miter and chasuble, and sounding more like a warrior than a man of God, declares open season against what he calls the “secular agenda.”
But angry reaction to flippant comments Nichols makes about child molestation casts a shadow over the installation. Referring without a hint of apology to a report that exposes decades of abuse by Catholic priests and nuns in Ireland, he warns that the scandal threatens to overshadow the “good done by the religious orders.”
Michèle Elliott, chief executive of the charity Kidscape, is indignant.
“This is ludicrous. He should have issued a straightforward mea culpa. This is all about the children; the rest of them be damned.”
Patrick Walsh, a spokesman for the group Irish Survivors of Child Abuse, also condemns Nichols’ remarks.
“Rubbish is too kind a word for what the Archbishop has said. He ought to take a long hard look at the character of the people he is talking about and ask himself if they are capable of being good.”
Tom Williams, of Oxford, sums up the proceedings with beguiling irreverence and wit. He suggests that the words of Murphy-O’Connor and Nichols would not be out of place in a Monty Python farce.
“Have two supposedly intelligent men ever spouted such nonsense? God bless the atheists -- oh, how we need them to protect us from these nitwits.”