Chapter Three





The next day, I was spared during 1st period. But 2nd period U.S. Economics, I wasn’t so lucky.

We have a new student today...” Ms. Caldwell began.

I don't know what made me think I could avoid this. These new student introductions. In other words, an opportunity to show off my out-of-this-world ordinariness.

Ms. Caldwell gestured for me to present myself in front of the class. She was definitely a type: medium height, brunette, a few past 40 with fairly aged skin, ladies’ business attire from Sears, and a trying smile that only showed itself to influence a calm temperament. People like her were easy to read. She hated being a teacher these days, but she loved talking about America, the good and bad.

I could already sense that she and I weren’t going to have a problem.

She went on. "Please, introduce yourself, tell us some interesting facts about you." She was so kind and inviting I couldn’t even think of denying her.

I walked to the front, then stood there, somewhat limp and shifting from side to side. My style hadn’t changed much since yesterday. Same pants, same shoes, same big hair, different shirt—grey button-up, untucked with the sleeves rolled up.

I’m, uh…Thibodeaux, comma, Oliver. I don't really have any nicknames, I like my name because it fits; ask me my name and I say 'Oliver', ask me where I'm from and I'll say 'All-Over'." That one got a few good titters. "I love vampire shows, need chocolate one week out of the month, and I love painting. And I'm a senior."

She nodded, insisting that I go on. But I'd done this so many times and switched schools so often that divulging too much personal information was pointless. I always tried to give them an intro they wouldn't forget.

"Well then, alright," she said, motioning me to find a seat.

Class carried on. Before I could lower myself to my seat, a sweet, edgy voice from behind called, "Hey." It was a fellow classmate motioning to the seat next to her. Her pearly white smile was more than welcoming.

Ms. Caldwell was showing a PowerPoint presentation on the presidential debate and the pros and cons of all candidates. So, while she had her head turned, I gathered my things and took the seat.

I’m Helana.” She giggled to herself. "Maxwell, comma, Helana. You're pretty funny."

This was quite the compliment from a girl as good looking as her…it made me feel off. She had glowing mocha skin, shimmering hazel eyes, bleached honey-blonde hair styled long and wavy down to her back, and oddly enough a body that could only belong to a grown woman. Gay or not, Helana was hypnotizing to look at. She was decked out in dark monochromatic colors, with minimal fabric leaving little to the imagination. She was more than stylish, so I'm sure I wasn't the only one to gawk.

She giggled to herself when I finally thanked her.

"You can call me Hel."

Hell? I thought to myself. But she seems nice enough.

As I settled into my seat I noticed her gawking with a strong grin, her right brow raised high in amusement. I cocked my head, feeling a magical conversation coming.

She said, “You must be that kid who almost got in a fight yesterday.”

My face dropped. I felt the need to look around to see if anyone heard.

Word travels that fast, huh?” I said, heat filling my cheeks.

No. My boyfriend stepped in. Roman? He was the one who took you to the office after you fainted.”

I’m glad she was amused by all of this.

Moments like this made me wish I could freeze time. I needed a moment to process my faint possibly heard around school, the fact that Roman had to take me to the office which added to my embarrassment, and worst, that she was with Roman.

I wanted to die.

I don’t know what made me think that a guy like Roman would be single. And it only made sense that he and Hel were together; I had yet to see them together but I could already tell they were a power couple.

Before I could respond, the teacher shushed us and continued on with the lesson. Thank goodness for her.

Once we were released, I gathered my things and went along with the congestion out the door. Before I could get too far, Hel clung to my side and bombarded me with questions. By then I had calmed myself from the oddly heartbreaking news of Roman and Hel’s coupling. I staged a smile and breathed in new life for myself.

"So where are you from?" she asked.

"All over." We laughed. I named her a few nearby cities, and she agreed, I did come from all over.

"I'm guessing you left a special guy in each town?"

"No, not at all," I said, with my eyes to the floor.

"Do you have a boyfriend here?"

I chuckled. "I just barely got here, what makes you think I have a boyfriend already?"

"Pretty guy like you! Should be beating the boys off with a stick."

I thanked her, but made a face at being called pretty. We stopped in the hallway and immediately her eyes met mine. "I’ll take being gay, but pretty?"

She snapped mockingly, looking me over with that attitudinal brow. “Simply paying a compliment where it’s due.”

I thanked her again.

"No. No boyfriend." Ever. "You and Roman though…”

Her melanin and foundation wouldn’t let me see her blushing cheeks, but I could tell that the thought of him was overwhelming. It was oddly comforting that I wasn’t the only one to have this experience.

Yeah,” she said, “he’s quite the guy.”

I bet…

At the turn of the hallway, we were met by an attractive pair, guy and girl, also decked out in their most stylish and finest. The girl, tall, tan, slightly curvy and blonde, could have been a poster girl for Abercrombie & Fitch. The guy looked like he belonged on a Florida beach or Gucci summer wear advertisement. When the three of them locked eyes they screamed for joy and embraced like they hadn't connected in years. Together their energy was strong and vibrant; yes, these were the best of friends.

Must be nice.

"Casey, Daniel, this is the new kid, Oliver. He's a riot, you'll love him."

They took her word and embraced me kindly. I felt so out of touch shaking their hands.

Casey's face looked like it was made for smiling with its perfect, slim yet cheeky structure. How adorable is he? she thought. Now Hel can have a gay BFF!

Daniel had beautiful eyes. When he noticed my bag he thought, Cute morral. I should get him one next time I'm in Mexico. Daniel was gay. Not that it was obvious, but the tone of his thoughts set off a sort of Gaydar in my head.

I kept my face still at the intrusion of their thoughts while the trio chatted amongst themselves until the bell buzzed.

I said, “It was nice meeting you guys. I should take off.”

What lunch do you have?” Daniel asked. Though his tone was heightened, there was still something monotone and indifferent about it.

When I told them I had second they all slumped in disappointment.

We all have first lunch,” Hel said.

My shoulders dropped as well.

Well, hey. We all gotta hang sometime.” The other two agreed with nods. “What are you doing after school? We usually go out to coffee after cheerleading practice. You should join.”

What an invite. Though I’d probably have to get permission from Vivian and Angela, I didn’t see why I couldn’t.

I told them I had my first day of art club and that I would see how the day panned out. They seemed super enthusiastic about me liking art and requested to see my work sometime.

Hugs went all around and we went our separate ways to class.

I huffed. This was the closest I’d been to making friends in a long while.