Chapter Thirty-Six





It had been two weeks since I’d decided to move away. I couldn't go back on my decision to live with my father. I wasn’t sure if it was the best decision, but I knew that leaving this place and everything behind was the smart move. I hated the packing, I hated all the transferring of info, but what I hated the most was not being able to graduate from high school, at least not right away. Jeri had assured me that he would fast-track me through this year with a diploma so I could start college on time.

Still, moving made sense; this was my thing, I guess. I’d packed all of my things and cleared any trace that I'd been here.

Vivian wasn’t too heartbroken. She had kids coming in and out all the time. She was grateful that I was moving on to stay with family. I knew she was glad I was leaving, especially since her house repairs were almost finished, and she could have her life back to the way it had been before I got there.

I’d miss her cooking the most.

Angela simply withdrew me from Maryhurst High. I didn’t worry about the goodbyes.

The last week at school was hell. It was the week of the Spring Formal, and that night was the game and dance. Seeing reminders to vote for Roman and Hel as Spring King and Queen was driving me crazy. Best thing about leaving: I wouldn’t have to see their faces together, ever again.

I was guilty of thinking about Roman; I couldn’t help myself. I felt wrong leaving without saying goodbye to him. My life had changed from the moment I met him, and through good and bad, I would never be the same person again. He deserved an ounce of gratitude. Whatever was going on with him, I still felt the need to close things officially.

No. For better or worse, things had ended badly. He had chosen his life, he had chosen his love, and I had chosen to leave. Things had to be left as they were.

The phone rang as I zipped up my last bag.



Speak of the handsome devil. Roman’s voice was the last I needed to hear. I wanted to hang up and block his number. But I stayed on the line.

I—it’s Roman.”

Oh.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Hello.”

He was silent for a moment.

Are you busy right now?” he asked.

A little. Why?"

I need you to come to the school. I need to…say something to you before the dance starts.”

Maybe this was the universe’s way of allowing me to say my goodbye to him. But something didn’t feel right. He didn’t sound like himself. There wasn’t the usual confident clarity.

I shouldn't have cared. I wanted a clean break from this place. Leaving things as they were was probably the best idea.

I don’t think so, Roman."

Wh—what do you mean?"

"I don't think it'll be a good idea to see you."

He pleaded with me, but I explained again that I had things to do.

Then he asked, "What’s so important that you can’t come and speak to me?"

I fought the urge not to tell him, but some hope of a reaction was gripping at my heart and it won.

I’m moving again, Roman. I leave tomorrow morning.”

He went silent and I could only imagine what expression he was making at the sound of the news. If he was making one at all.

Oh…I see,” he finally said.

Yeah. Listen, for what it's worth I want to thank you for every—“

Please, Oliver!” His tone was higher, more urgent.

There was something there, something in his voice, something about the way it buzzed in my ear that made my heart cringe. I imagined it was the same feeling Roman used to receive when I was in some kind of danger.

I was at the utmost attention when he went on. “I really need you. It’s important that you meet me in the gym tonight. Please. I’ll be waiting.”

And just like that, with those simple words in that pleading tone, I was at his command.

Suddenly I was in a rush. I could have left on what I was wearing, but considering this was the last time I’d see Roman, I wanted to leave a lasting impression. I wanted him to remember me well, even if things hadn’t ended the best.

I put on my dark grey skinny jeans, black fitted hoodie and my black converse. My hair was pulled back super tight.

Though it took me a while, I speed-walked to the school. I’d already said goodbye to this place with a middle finger earlier, but it felt so good seeing the school at its darkest. To the left was the cafeteria where the dance was being held. From the overhead and side windows I could see bunches of balloons and strobe lights flashing everywhere.

I could feel the energy flowing from the place. It all felt corny and overly celebrated. I kept to my right where the gym was located not too far away.

The gym doors were unlocked and unattended. There were several rooms leading down the hall. All were dark inside, but I still scanned the area in case something popped up.

There was a presence ahead to my right. I crept into the room where a spotlight beamed towards the middle of the floor. As I stepped closer into the room, I saw Roman stepping into sight. I was startled by the sight of him in a perfectly tailored black and white tuxedo with silver accents: it was enough to knock me off of my feet.

My anxiety was suddenly rising out of my control. I wanted to run to him, but I kept my pace.

I got a better look at him. He didn’t look any different and I hadn’t forgotten about his face, but every time I saw him, he exceeded my expectations.

But something was off. His expression was unchanging and he moved stiffly. He took a step closer into the spotlight and I halted in place.

We waited for a long moment in silence. He glared at me and I glared at him.

I’m here,” I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

Still, he said nothing.

Then, as if timed perfectly, Hel crept out through the shadows. She looked devilishly stunning in a long, beautiful, form-hugging dress that shimmered a satiny light silver. Even I had to admit that she was a vision.

She did, however, look different. I wasn’t sure if it was her perfectly done make-up that matched her dress, or the way her hair was tied up in a perfect, plush bun. Whatever it was, she was not the same person.

Oliver. I’m so glad you could make it,” she said.

If there was one thing I admired about Hel, it was her ability to flawlessly feign sincerity.

Well,” I said as kindly as I could, “if I knew it was you who wanted me here, I would have stayed at home.”

She took a step out past Roman and suddenly the spotlight split and followed her as she walked towards me.

I rolled my eyes at the theatrics; so dramatic. She even had Casey up on the top of the bleachers directing the light. God Hel, ruin your own Spring Formal.

I hear you’re moving.” I nodded, and she went on. “You know, just because you’ve accepted defeat doesn’t mean you can’t show your face here again.”

I smirked. “Whatever, screw you both. I’m out.” I turned and walked away.

Oh, don’t leave so soon,” she said with a taunting tune in her voice.

No, I came here because I genuinely thought something was wrong with Roman. Turns out, this is some twisted game you love to get off on."

I looked to Roman and turned just as his eyes fell to the floor.

Then she said, “I’d hate to think of you leaving without knowing how we ended up.”

I’ll be okay. I have faith that you two will be fine.”

We’re thinking of starting a family.” Her voice echoed unnecessarily throughout the gym.

That definitely stopped me in my tracks. In fact, the news was so forceful I nearly fell forwards. It totally explained memories of their unprotected sex.

She continued. “Roman and I plan to have a child.”

I turned to her. Though I was wearing my feelings on my face, I had to look her in the eye. I had to know she was telling the truth. I stared hard, doing my damnedest to drill down into the depths of her mind, but as usual, I was unable to see anything. She simply grinned. Either I was losing my touch as a telepath, or everyone’s mind was impervious.

She looked so happy. And I understood why Roman was standing in such a way; I couldn’t read his mind, but I felt that he was proud to have such a responsibility.

I was afraid to ask. I made a face to mask my fear. “Are you pregnant?”

Not yet,” she said in such a cutesy and demure way it made me want to vomit. “We want to at least wait until we graduate.”

Well, congrats all the same.” I huffed. I tried my best to keep my eyes dry. “You got what you always wanted.”

She made a face and asked, “What are you saying?”

Don’t think that people don’t know you’re with him because you know he’ll be successful. And moments like this, or whenever you get pregnant, will only prove it.”

You think I want Roman for money?” she asked. “I come from money.”

The prospect of more money. And let’s not forget status. I mean really, what school wouldn’t recruit him, what team wouldn’t draft him? Have a child by him and you know you’re guaranteed a cut and your time in the spotlight."

You’re not a very supportive friend, Oliver.”

I said congrats. And we are not friends,” I clapped back.

She gave me a catty giggle.

I’ll give you that,” she said. “Roman is tall, athletic, and drop dead gorgeous. I mean look at him.” She looked to him proudly. “Such great genes.”

I didn’t give her the satisfaction of agreeing.

She went on. “I knew he was going somewhere amazing in life, figured I’d get my grips on him early and go along with him for the ride.”

How was she able to say that in front of him?

I looked to him and he had the dazed, yet inquisitive, movement to his eyes.

You almost ruined it for me,” she said. “Things were going great with us. Then you came along and suddenly he was somewhere else.”

She grinned, and sashayed her way back to Roman.

You know, Oliver—at first, I didn’t understand what was so great about you. I couldn’t understand how his attention was always wandering. I couldn’t understand how he was becoming this new and improved guy, and yet I had nothing to do with it.

But now I do. You and Roman had something more in common that couldn’t be explained. For a long time, I wondered what you had that I didn’t…”

She turned to me. Her face was the most maniacal I’d ever seen. Her energy was at its darkest.

The doors burst open and a group of five guys in tuxedos came walking in. They had the look and energy of drones, like Roman. They walked towards me slowly. The last thing I wanted to do was have my back turned to them, but I did keep my distance.

While still keeping an eye on Hel, I concentrated on the pack; I had to know the intentions of these guys so I could defend myself. Astonishingly, each of their minds was blocked by the same impermeable walls. There were nothing but echoes and impressions of voices.

Now, I don’t have to worry about that anymore,” she went on to say.

Then it made sense; the lemmings, the unbreakable barricades in people’s minds, her sudden renewed control over Roman. I turned to her and asked, “Hel, how long have you been able to control minds?”

She giggled and said, “It’s a new gift.”

She’d always been naturally charismatic, but now she could make people into her thralls? This was dangerous.

I looked to Roman. His confusion, disorientation, the lively eyes. The only thing different with Roman was his battle over the control. I could barely get into his mind unless he wanted me in. How had she been granted entrance so easily?

You must be proud,” I said, ‘knowing you can only get a guy like Roman through mind control.”

So long as he’s mine. Besides, Roman and I together would create the most powerful EnHuman family.”

How did she know what an EnHuman was? Did Roman share this with her?

"It's pretty awesome, I must admit," she said very confidently. "I always had a way with people, the ability to mold them, wrap them around my finger, make them do anything at my whim. Being able to tamper with people's minds just makes sense. And I’m so good at it."

With a direct and commanding look, she influenced the pack to move in from behind. I kept part of my mind on them just in case.

I shifted another part of my focus to Hel and finally got a glimpse into her head. The images I needed to see rapidly came rushing to me. I saw the passionate sex she and Roman engaged in; it wasn't hard to convince him not to use a condom. I saw the frequent meetings with Roman’s father. His name was Ameil and he’d recruited her to keep Roman on track, he’d equipped her with the skills to keep him under her thumb. She was pleased, and didn’t even consider it a challenge.

Though her feelings were wrong and ill-placed, she had the utmost gratitude to Ameil for changing her, the same for Roman for strengthening her body, and for moments with me, for giving her the real power.

I cringed.

Then it occurred to me.

I remember what my father had said to me.

Is that what he meant when he said my mother had changed him? That their interaction made him EnHuman? The natural pull my mother haddid Ameil have that same pull over people? Could enough exposure to him enhance a human?

Was it really that simple?

Without so much as a wink or verbal command from their mistress, the five behind me closed in and grabbed me. They exerted great force to restrain me and push me down to the floor.

She strutted forward and reached for me. “There’s something else I can do,” she said. I could feel her nicely done nails trailing up my neck. I could feel one piercing my chin. “I can see into your head.”

Ah, seems to be a very popular gift,” I said. She strutted back away. "Why my head?"

"There’s something about roaming around in your head that is so exciting. Especially since I can see your fears. That’s the stuff I’d kill to see."

I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead.

Was she in my head now? Did I have the same impenetrable barriers that would keep her out? Was she bluffing?

"Unfortunately, your mind isn't as easily penetrated as others," she said.

Thank god, I thought to myself.

She went on. "But, lucky for me, Roman is the only guy you've ever trusted. Getting him to talk about you is the easiest—and most exhausting—task.”

I stared her down keenly. "What's your deal, Hel? What do you have against me?"

Are you kidding me? I offered you friendship and you paid me back by stealing my boyfriend.”

Even if it wasn’t entirely true, it was still enough to make me feel guilty. I had always complained about not making friends easily; Hel had offered friendship and I’d screwed it up. But no, this was different. Their relationship was collapsing long before I came to town. And it wasn’t entirely my fault that Roman had been drawn to me, nor I to him.

But I could still imagine how shitty she must have felt seeing us together, even if she had said she was alright with it.

I went on to say, “Well, you have him back now and I’m out of the picture. Figured that made us even.”

"Not exactly."

As well as I could manage while pinned to the floor, I turned to see Daniel walking in with a tin of lighter fluid in his hand. My heart began to race; I didn't have to read his mind to know what he was up to.

Three of the guys walked away, leaving only two to hold me down. Daniel circled us, squirting fluid the whole way around. I tried to get up and set myself free but the two kept their arms straight on my shoulders, making it impossible to get on my feet. Then Daniel lit a match. Hel looked quite pleased. She nodded, cuing him to drop the match.

I screamed. The match seemed to fall in slow motion, I tried to move it away from the ring of gas but I was rendered powerless. Before the flame merged with the gas the two guys pushed me to the floor, released me and rushed away. I was quick on my feet but not quick enough. The fire grew so tall it knocked me on my back.

As I feared, I was surrounded. I crawled from edge to edge with no hope of escape. The flame cracked and popped and I was already covered in sweat.

This was it. Hel had successfully discovered my fear. I knew I was a goner.

I sat in the middle and held my knees to my chest. I struggled to breathe amidst the throat-choking smell and burn.

My vision went blurry, and for a moment I wasn't sure where I was. My mind began to drift. I had been here before. I had been in this same horrible place.

I looked up and suddenly the whole place was aflame. There was a woman walking towards me. She stood outside the flame, seemingly unfazed.

I could feel that little boy again. He was screaming, shouting, pleading.

Mommy! Mom-mee!

I could feel the words ripping from my chest.

The woman was cooing something inaudible, trying to soothe the boy, but it wasn't working. It definitely wasn't doing anything for me.

The flames grew closer and closer. They burned my skin and began to singe my clothes.

The boy was screaming again and tears began to stream down my cheeks.

This was impossible. Where was this coming from?

Then I realized—this was my recurring nightmare, which I had never been able to explain. I was the boy, surrounded by fire, screaming out for his mother, begging her not to leave again.

This was something buried deep down inside of me, something I’d tried for years to uncover.

This was definitely Hel's doing. Something told me that this wasn't real, but I was in a sweat, fire was all around me, and this place seemed so familiar. Whatever gift she possessed, she was good at using it.

Though I knew my life was close to ashes I giggled in hysterics, and thought to myself, Gotta do better than that, Hel.

I was able to sense some confusion outside the ring of fire. Someone had let their guard down for a moment—either that or Hel was getting restless playing with people’s minds.

I looked up and the "mother" figure extended her hand out to me just as she had in my dreams. I still couldn't see her face. Her long arm was unaffected by the flame. I hesitated, trapped in my own fear.

Though I was completely sure that this wasn't real, I still reached.

As I was about to accept the hand, the fiery scene disappeared in a blink of an eye. All the flames, the heat, the destruction were no more. And the liberating hand changed trajectory, grasped my throat, and lifted me into the air. Aside from her new mental capabilities, Hel was pretty strong, too. She’d have her exposure to Roman to thank for that.

"Here I was, thinking you’d never met your mother," she said, tightening her grip. "I felt bad for you. She came for you, once. Promised you happiness. But you were too much to handle."

I would have loved to reply but it was hard to breathe.

I wanted to deny this, but Hel was roaming in my head. Roaming in the places I’d lost access to.

"She left you." A sadistic smile stretched up her face as she went on; seeing me hurt and unhappy really gave her the jollies. "Just like everyone else in your life. The bitch had brains."

That was it. Whether I knew my mother or not, no one was allowed to talk badly about her.

I tightened my grip around her wrist. Using her sturdy body to brace myself, I did the unimaginable; I delivered her the hardest crotch-kick I was capable of.

She yanked her hand back to tend to her groin.

I kneed her in her belly, then went on to uppercut her. With what was flowing through her I knew it wouldn't hurt her much, so I hit her with a little extra mental force. She rocketed into the air, but before she flew above my head, I slammed her back down to the ground with my mind.

Her loyal thralls came rushing towards me but I sent them flying to the hardwood bleachers one by one, intentionally head first. I tore the bleachers apart with my mind, sending pieces of debris flying. I figured if I used enough force, it would break her hold over them. They were out like lights, and luckily, Daniel got away while he could.

Hel regained her feet and came charging for me. I wound up for the pitch, and with a swing of my arm I sent her flying with double the force I’d used before. The sound of her head colliding with the metal railing sent echoes throughout the gymnasium.

She was down. She was motionless and surely not going anywhere.

I looked to Roman. He looked up and shook the fog from his head. Suddenly his breathing quickened.

I eyed him carefully and stepped forward, hoping that somehow the blow to Hel's head had freed him. The closer I got the more I could feel him. The old him. When he looked at me, I knew for sure that he was back. He charged for me and swooped me into his arms.

I bawled his name into his chest and gripped him tighter than I ever had.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said into my neck. "She had a hold over me. I tried to fight it, but she was—it was too much."

I bundled him in my arms, influencing a wave of calm over him. We were both too shaken for it to take effect right away.

"Oliver, I am so, so sorry. This whole thing with my father and his plans for me got out of hand. I can't believe he involved Hel the way he did—"

"It's okay. It's over."

His beautifully verdant eyes looked into mine, and I didn’t think I could bear for them to ever stop.

"It's just you and me, now?" he asked.


"You're not really moving, are you?" His eyes began to water. "I have you back, now."

"Hell no! Not now."

I'd worry about the abrupt change in plans later.

He'd only kissed me like this once before, like it was his first time and his last time. And we enjoyed every moment of it.

"I love you Oliver," he said with a kiss, "I should have told you sooner. From the beginning..."

He said it again and again and again.

And just like that my heart was restored.

Suddenly there was a whisper in the distance. I couldn't identify the voice. I ignored it and said, "We really need to learn to stay out of trouble." He laughed. "And if you ever meet another telepath, please let me know."

He agreed comically and held me tighter. “We are going to have to keep things really low key when we go to school down south.”

The voice went off again.

No one can have him if I can't...

I can't let him win...

Ameil was very clear…

Roman's body jerked into mine. I looked at him and his face was indescribable. He coughed, and out came a stream of blood.

I mumbled his name. "Roman?" He fell into me, weak and nearly lifeless.

I struggled with his weight. I looked up, and standing over him was Hel with a steel bar in her hands, lodging it into his back. She was even stronger than I’d thought.

She stepped back and began to hyperventilate when she realized what she had done.

I wasn’t really breathing much, myself.

"No... No, no, no," I uttered.

This couldn't get him. He was stronger than this. He could fly, withstand fire, punch a boulder to pebble. A pipe to the back had to be the least of his troubles. But his energy, his life force, was slipping away right before my eyes. My own energy, the part of me that belonged to him, the part that was made for him began to diminish, as well.

I thought I’d lost Roman when he went away. I thought I’d lost him when I went away. I’d thought I lost him when he was back with Hel. But now, the feeling of him slipping was so definite, so concrete. I tried to prop him up; he leaned on me until he was completely lifeless.

And that was it. My only love, my only spark in life, was out and gone from me.

"Oh my god..." Hel uttered.

I looked at her and suddenly the walls began to rattle. When I felt the pain in her heart, I grew angry. She wasn't allowed to feel this sorrow. She wasn't allowed to feel this loss.

I could feel the fire burning in my eyes. At the sight of it, Hel stumbled over herself. I could feel the sudden fear and regret piercing through her.

She felt the desire to run, and I was glad she followed it. But it was a waste; I was going to find her and she was going to pay. The ground began to quake the more I thought about what I could do to her.

I lifted the bar from his back and placed him gently on the floor. Seeing him lifeless made it all too real. I closed his eyes with my fingertips and kissed his lips tenderly. Bittersweet how handsome he still looked in his tux.

Before the light in his brain went out, I said, Thank you for everything, Roman. Your love is greater than any gift that can be possessed. And I kissed him again. This time was definitely my last.

Roman was gone.

I rose to my feet and embraced the destructive pulses around me, from ceiling to wall to floor. Debris fell from the ceiling but the telekinetic field around me served as my protection.

I let my love go. Now to hunt my hate.

It's on, now...