1. When Peter and Emma first meet, each one comes with an expectation of the other based on their lives up until that encounter. Do you think either one was unreasonable? Were they reasonable? Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation, and how did you respond?
2. Have you ever met a “Colley,” someone who was absolutely anything but the person you believed you saw? What impact did your Colley make on you once their true nature was revealed?
3. What spiritual lessons was Emma learning early in the story?
4. What do you think of the father-son dynamic between Peter and Robby? Have you ever found yourself unable to relate to someone you love? How did you overcome the situation?
5. Has there ever been a time when you’ve let emotions blind you to reason? Emma’s experience had calamitous results. How did your experience affect you?
6. Given the various characters who had reasons to commit the murder, who did you suspect? Why?
7. Was there anything in Emma’s character at the opening of the book that might have led you to expect the woman she’d become by the end?
8. What part did Robby play in the spiritual growth of the adults around him?
9. What have you learned about yourself in view of Psalm 31?
10. What did Peter and Emma learn about themselves? About each other?