Remember Me When
“In this engrossing second installment of her Women of Hope historical series, Aiken delivers a beautiful, inspirational slice of life set in 1880s Oregon.… Rich with detail, the events unfold very naturally.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Aiken’s second Women of Hope novel connects nicely to the first.… The 1880 Oregon setting is accurately illustrated and the heroine’s journey to renewed faith in God is nicely depicted.”
—RT Book Reviews
For Such a Time as This
“An engaging tale of duty, romance, family, and love.… I’ll be eager to see what character Ms. Aiken chooses next to feature in this exciting new series.”
—Serena Chase,
“FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS offers readers all of the elements they love in one beautifully-written Esther-themed tale. Highly recommended!”
—Janice Hanna Thompson, author of Love Finds You in Daisy, Oklahoma
“Courageous and level-headed, Olivia is a heroine readers will love, and Aiken does a masterful job of evoking life in a small Oregon town in the 1870s. Readers won’t want to miss this first book in Aiken’s Women of Hope series.”
“The suspense writer in me loved the thread of mystery she skillfully wove into the plot. This book should come with a warning: Before you start to read, make sure you don’t have anything else to do for the next several hours because you WON’T want to put this book down. Eagerly awaiting the sequel!”
—Lynette Eason, best-selling, award-winning author of the Women of Justice Series
“Aiken in FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS has created a well-crafted story with humor and characters you will care about.”
—Margaret Daley, author of Saving Hope in the Men of the Texas Rangers Series